Motor Development Skill Cue Assessment Floor Hockey Passing & Stickhandling 20 points

Motor Development Skill Cue Assessment
Floor Hockey
Passing & Stickhandling
20 points
Strand: Motor Development
6.1a Combine and apply mature locomotor and manipulative skills into specialized sequences, to include
overhand and underhand throwing and catching, execution to a target, hand and/or foot dribbling,
volleying/striking and/or batting ball; and apply sequences, to include change of direction, speed,
patterns, pathways, and spatial relationships in partner and small-group modified game-play that includes
dynamic and unpredictable situations.
Learning Targets:
I can combine and demonstrate locomotor and manipulative skills accurately in unpredictable game play
Summative Assessment
10 pts
9 pts
8 pts
7 pts
Passing 10
Passes and receives with
hockey stick in combination with
locomotor patterns of running and
change of direction & speed with
Puts stick in dominant
Steps with Opposite foot
and follow through toward opposite
Demonstrates all cues correctly
Stickhandling 10
Demonstrates most of the above skill
cues correctly
Demonstrates some or most of the above
kill cues correctly but is inconsistent
Needs further assistance with most of
the skill cues
Demonstrates most of the above skill cues
Demonstrates some or most of the above kill
cues correctly but is inconsistent
Needs further assistance with most of the skill
Grip: Hands are near the end of stick
and middle of stick
Stance: Knees slightly bent, feet
shoulder width apart
Swing with arms extended and stick
Turn toward target
Demonstrates all cues correctly