India: From Indo-European Invasions to the Mauryan and Gupta Empires

India: From Indo-European Invasions to the Mauryan and Gupta Empires
What areas of India did the Aryans spread into? How do we know about this spread of the Aryans?
Who was the leader that helped the Mauryan Empire take power around 320 BCE? What did he do that
no one else had ever done in India before?
How did the Mauryan Empire rule over such a large area?
Define bureaucracy –
Why is Ashoka (Asoka) considered to be the greatest ruler of the Mauryan Empire? What ideas did he
embrace that made him very different from previous Mauryan emperors? According to legend, what
caused him to change his views?
What other achievements did Ashoka create during his rule?
Who founded the Gupta Empire in India? How did he differ from Ashoka in his beliefs?
Define patriarchal –
How was it that India was able to prosper? What is advantageous about India’s geographical location?
Many great achievements were made during the Gupta Empire which is also known as the Golden Age of
India. Name some of these achievements:
Math –
***Why is this so important?
Medicine –
Astronomy ***Why is this so important?
Literature – Who was Khalidasa?
What products were traded along the Indian Ocean and through the Silk Routes?