Middle Ages: Nation-States- Level 3 medieval period.

Middle Ages: Nation-States- Level 3
Background: European monarchies consolidated power and began forming nation-states in the late
medieval period.
What is a nation-state?
England as a nation-state
Who was William the Conqueror?
What battle was he successful in?
What is Henry II known for establishing in England?
King John singed what important document? What year?
Why was the Magna Carta important?
Why was the 100 Years War significant for England?
France as a nation-state
Who established the French throne?
Where was it?
Why was the 100 Years war significant for France?
Who was Joan of Arc?
Why was she a significant figure in France?
Spain as a nation-state
What two rulers helped unify Spain?
What is the Reconquista?
What group of people were they removing?
Who led the Spaniards into the western Hemishpere?
Russia as a nation-state
Who was the dominate ruler in Russia?
What were some accomplishments of Ivan the Great?
What was the role of the tsar?
What was the other dominant influence in Russia?