Name: _______________________________ USVA History Chapter 20.1 – Americans Struggle with Postwar issues

Name: _______________________________
USVA History
Chapter 20.1 – Americans Struggle with Postwar issues
Main Idea – A desire for ___________________________ after the war and fear of
__________________________ and “____________________________” led to postwar
Postwar Tends
o Returning soldiers lost their jobs to women and minorities
o Factory production suffered as ________________________ orders diminished
o _________________________________- (prejudice against foreign-born people),
and ___________________________________- policy of pulling away from
involvement in world affairs) was the general response of the American people to
postwar social issues
Fear of Communism
o The ___________________ Scare. The Russian revolution in 1919 led to the the rise of the
_____________________________ party.
 This movement called for an end to capitalism.
 Threatened U.S. way of life
 A communist party was formed in the ___________
o ________________________________________________ encouraged communism
 Violence erupted over a massive 1919 steel strike, with workers demanding the right
to unionize. Steel makers labeled the workers as Communists, and the strike was
broken in 1920.
o _________________________________ formed a new agency in the Justice Department
to find and punish radicals. His agents arrested __________________________,
_________________________, and __________________________, who opposed any
government at all.
The agents often disregarded the rights of the people they arrested. Hundreds of
radicals were sent out of the country without a trial. But Palmer never found
evidence of a conspiracy to overthrow the government, and the fear passed.
Does this sound familiar?
o A celebrated case involved two Italian immigrants, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo
The pair—both admitted radicals—were arrested for a double murder during a
robbery in Massachusetts. Although the case was not strong, they were convicted
and executed. Protests poured in from around the world.
o The Quota System
The ____________________________________________________________
set up a quota system, which establish the maximum number of people that could
enter the U.S. from each country