November First Grade News

First Grade News
It’s hard to believe the first quarter has come to an end. November will be a busy
month, including American Education week, where we will have a great activity
planned for you and your child. We hope that you will be able to join us. Please be
on the lookout for further information from your child’s teacher.
Next week you will receive information regarding our field trip. Please note that
permission slips and fees will be due on November 13th.
In math this month, we will
be working on fractions. As
you complete activities at
home, like cooking or
cutting certain foods
(apples, pizza), take the time
to discuss how each piece
makes up the whole item.
This month we will be
working on map skills. This
is a great time to talk about
our community, points of
interest, and where
they are located. This
can be done while
on a walk or driving
in your car.
School will be closed on the following dates:
November 2nd and 3rd – teacher work days
November 19th – American Education week activity
November 25th, 26th, and 27th – Thanksgiving break
November Birthdays
Sierra Sharn (Nov 9)
Andrew Barry (Nov 14)
Danya Hassan (Nov 21)
Zach Robertson (Nov 28)