APUSH: Chapter 23 Key Terms

APUSH: Chapter 23 Key Terms
Key Concept 7.2: Innovations in communications and technology contributed to the growth of mass culture, while
significant changes occurred in internal and international migration patterns.
Popular culture grew in influence in U.S. society, even as debates increased over the effects of culture on
public values, morals, and American national identity.
A. New forms of mass media, such as radio and cinema, contributed to the spread of national culture as well as
greater awareness of regional cultures.
B. Migration gave rise to new forms of art and literature that expressed ethnic and regional identities, such the
Harlem Renaissance movement.
C. Official restrictions on freedom of speech grew during World War I, as increased anxiety about radicalism led
to a Red Scare and attacks on labor activism and immigrant culture. (Ch 22)
D. In the 1920s, Technological change, modernization, and changing demographics led to increased political and
cultural conflict on several fronts: tradition versus innovation, urban versus rural, fundamentalist Christianity
versus scientific modernism, management versus labor, native-born versus new immigrants, white versus
black, and idealism versus disillusionment.
Economic pressures, global events, and political developments caused sharp variations in the numbers,
sources, and experiences of both international and internal migrants.
A. Immigration from Europe reached its peak in the years before World War I. During and after World War I,
nativist campaigns against some ethnic groups led to the passage of quotas that restricted immigration,
particularly from southern and eastern Europe, and increased barriers to Asian immigration.
B. The increased demand for war production and labor during World War I and World War II and the economic
difficulties of the 1930s led many Americans to migrate to urban centers in search of economic opportunities.
C. In a Great Migration during and after World War I, African Americans escaping segregation, racial violence,
and limited economic opportunity in the South moved to the North and West, where they found new
opportunities but still encountered discrimination.
Below is a more complete list of terms and concepts for Chapter 23. Make sure these are in your outlines.
automobile/Henry Ford/Model T/General Motors
assembly-line production/Fordism/corporate
advertising/credit/installment buying
wage discrimination/ “women’s professions”
Warren G. Harding/Teapot Dome/Calvin
Coolidge/Andrew Mellon
Washington Naval Arms Conference/KelloggBriand Pact/Dawes Plan
League of Women Voters/National Woman’s Party
Vacuum cleaners/refrigerators/washing
machines/tractors/automobile suburbs
Radio/National Broadcasting Company
(NBC)/Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
Movies/Cecil B. DeMille/The Jazz Singer/Walt
Babe Ruth/Ty Cobb/Jack Dempsey/Charles
Lindbergh/The Spirit of St. Louis
Sexual revolution/flappers/Jazz Age/F. Scott
Fitzgerald/The Great Gatsby
Sinclair Lewis/Main Street/Babbitt/H.L.
Mencken/Ernest Hemingway/Willa Cather
Harlem Renaissance/Langston Hughes/The Cotton
Club/Louis Armstrong
Georgia O’Keefe/Aaron Copland/George
Gershwin/Robert Goddard
National Origins Act/Sacco-Vanzetti case/nativism
Protestant fundamentalism/Scopes monkey
trial/Billy Sunday/Aimee Semple McPherson
Ku Klux Klan/Marcus Garvey/Universal Negro
Improvement Association
Prohibition/Volstead Act/speakeasies/Al Capone
Election of 1928/Al Smith/Herbert
Hoover/American Individualism
Be prepared to write a thesis and essay outline for each of these topics.
1. What economic developments helped to bring about the boom years of the “Roaring Twenties?” To what
extent did women and labor unions benefit from this growth?
2. How and why did a “mass culture” emerge in America in the 1920s? Offer three specific examples of
cultural developments in the decade of the “Roaring Twenties”.
3. How did nativism, racism, and fundamentalism create social tensions in America in the 1920s?
4. What factors brought on the Great Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression which followed it? How
would you assess President Hoover’s response to the crisis?