Math Superstars

Math Superstars
Dear Parents,
Math Superstars is a program designed to enhance your child’s journey in mathematics. This program
provides an extra opportunity for students to practice mathematical skills appropriate for their grade
level. This program is not meant to replace any aspect of the school curriculum and is not associated
with their grades. Participation in this program is voluntary.
Math Superstar worksheets will be posted on the Horizon Elementary school website. Each week you
can print out a worksheet, completed worksheets are due each Friday. Your role is to encourage and
facilitate problem solving. You may need to read and/or explain the problem, suggest a strategy or
listen as your child shares his/her own thinking. Please do not give the answers. It is normal for a child
not to be able to complete each and every problem on a worksheet. Remind your child that he/she isn’t
expected to solve all problems, but to try and do their best. Their consistent participation will be
periodically rewarded.
Your signature below gives permission for your child to begin this program. The first Math Superstar
worksheet will be available on Monday, October 5th. Please return the bottom portion of this
information sheet to your child’s teacher by Friday, September 18h to be included in the first round.
You can, however, sign your child up to participate at any time during the school year.
We are also looking for parents who would like to be graders for this program. We need a parent
grader for each teacher’s class. Please sign below if you are interested. We will be having an
important orientation meeting for parent graders on Monday, September 28th from 7:00 to 8:00 pm at
the Cascades Library (meeting room A). An overview of the program will be presented, graders will be
assigned to classrooms and grading folders will be distributed.
Please contact me if you have any questions about the Math Superstars program.
Thank you,
Cara Alfaro (
Please sign and return bottom half to your child’s teacher
 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Participation in Math Superstars Program
Child’s Name: __________________________________________________
Grade: ____________________ Teacher: ___________________________
Parent’s signature: _______________________________________________
Parent’s email address: ___________________________________________
I am interested in volunteering as a Math Superstar grader: Yes 
No 