Do Now: Write 2-4 lines, what do you know

Do Now: Write 2-4 lines, what do you know
about Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Today, I will be able to analyze MLK, Jr’s
“Mountaintop Speech” for historical content and
critique it’s overall effectiveness.
***Grading period ends Wednesday 21 January***
You were assigned to complete questions 1-7 pgs.
Writing our laws and rights down
Mayflower Compact, Constitutions, Bill of Rights
Federalism: Division of power between states and the federal government
(prevents tyranny)
Limited Government: Restricts the power of the government.
Representative Government: Republic style of government
Virginia House of Burgesses
Separation of Powers: 3 branches of government, each has their own
specific role
Checks and Balances: Each branch of government has authority over
another branch in order to make sure one doesn’t become too powerful
European philosophers
Magna Carta (Grand Charter 1215), restricts the
authority of the British monarch, stated that
nobles had specific rights.
English Bill of Rights: 1689, part of the
Glorious Revolution
Trial by jury (6th)
Protection for Cruel and Unusual Punishment (8th)
Right to bear arms (2nd)
Hobbes known discussing the state of nature
(what’s life like without government? “Short,
Nasty, and Brutish…”)
Locke: Social Contract, government is to
protect natural rights of the citizens
Separation of Powers: Divide government into
3 branches, drastically reduces the chances of
Reserved: Powers that belong to the federal
Delegated: Powers that belong to the state
Concurrent: Shared powers
Each branch keeps the other in “check”, by holding
authority over the others
Congress can pass bills, but the President can veto
Congress can override a veto
H.O.R. can impeach the President or federal judges
Judicial appoints made by the President must be approved
by the Senate
The Courts will have the authority to deem laws and actions
“unconstitutional” after the Marbury vs. Madison ruling.