Do now discussion: Was it wise for Washington to... Cabinet members that did not personally get along?

Do now discussion: Was it wise for Washington to pick
Cabinet members that did not personally get along?
Today, explain how Americans became divided over the
French Revolution, our policy of neutrality, and Washington’s
Farewell Address.
Make sure you are caught up on all assignment, progress
reports go out next Monday.
Turn in 9.1 (10 pts hw grade)
There will be a quiz on Thursday (9.1/9.2).
Sit somewhere and by people that will make you successful.
I reserve the right to move you at any point (no questions)
Monday 16 Feb. OFF
Tuesday 17 Feb. S. Truth and review of 9.1
(collection of 9.1), homework pending behavior
Wednesday 18 Feb: Discussion of 9.2 (due at the
end of the period for a grade).
Thursday 19 Feb: Quiz 9.1/9.2: Homework 9.3
Friday 20 Feb: Review 9.3 (Activity)
The U.S. owes a lot of money to: Private individuals (bonds)
and foreign nations; also, states owe money to the federal
Hamilton’s plan
Buy back bonds and issue new ones
Pay off all state debt
Protective tariffs to protect young American industries
Charter a Bank of the United States
Opposition: Jefferson and Madison
Plan rewards speculators
Not fair to Southern states that paid off debt
Not fair to Southern states that relied on purchasing cheap goods
from Europe
 Too much power to the federal government (Constitution doesn’t say
a National bank can be created).
Similar ideals to our revolution. The vast
majority of the people wanted freed from
whom they considered to be oppressive
leadership: “No taxation without
representation.” The bottom 10 percent of
wager earners paid 90 +% of the taxes.
They helped us… should we support Lafayette
or the King Louis XVI that financed a lot of our
The Revolution starts in 1789; Louis is deposed
in 1792.
The Revolution becomes radicalized in 1793;
the King and Queen are beheaded and the
“Reign of Terror” starts. Over 50,000 enemies
of the revolution will be executed in a 10
month period.
Support for the revolution in the U.S. dwindles.
He seeks a policy of neutrality
Jefferson wants a closer relationship with France
(they’re our revolutionary buddies)
Hamilton wants a closer relationship with Great
Britain (they talk like us…)
Neutrality Proclamation was viewed as a political
defeat for Jefferson, he resigns from his position.
(and begins a voodoo doll collection of political
enemies, Hamilton is the first…not really)
We wanted to make money, so the plan was to trade
with both sides, instead Britain began seizing our
ships in the West Indies
Mericans wanted war
Jay’s Treaty, don’t send a judge
discuss political matters
mind to
Britain pays us for damaged ships
and are suppose to give up
forts in the Ohio Valley
 Americans had to pay off Revolutionary debt to British
merchants.(remember that delicious tea?)
 The treaty did nothing to protect our ships
Farewell Address