Writing “Under the Influence” Part Three: Original Piece 30 Points

Writing “Under the Influence”
Part Three: Original Piece
30 Points
Explanation: Now that you have completed biographical information on your
writer and an analysis of your writer’s writing, you are to compose an original
piece that is influenced by your favorite writer. For this part of the assignment,
you are really free to get inspiration from your writer in a number of ways. The
writing piece must be 700 words. If you’re doing poetry or song lyrics you must
write 4-6 poems or songs of at least twenty lines or more. Consider the following
as you consider what influence your writer will have on your own writing piece:
--subject (content)
--sentence structure and writing style
--diction (word choice)
--imagery and description
--trends or patterns in use of literary devices or poetic devices
--plot patterns
--character types
--tone or mood
You must have at least 700 words of writing, whether it is a fiction story,
play, memoir, blog, film script, etc. Also, make sure you proofread and
demonstrate time spent on the writing.