Revolutionary War Diorama

Revolutionary War Diorama
Your task is to create a diorama that portrays an important event from
the Revolutionary War. You will create a background, and represent
the people who are part of your scene. Your diorama should be detailed
and accurately represent an event that played an important role
during the Revolutionary War. You may create an idea on your own,
or use one of the following:
 Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty, or give me death!” speech
 George Washington and the Continental Army
 Thomas Jefferson drafting the Declaration of Independence
 The Boston Tea Party
 The ride of Jack Jouett
 The Battle of Great Bridge
 Victory at Yorktown
After you create your diorama, you will need to write a small
paragraph explaining your event, and why it is significant to the
Revolutionary War. This must be completed on an index card, and it
can be typed or hand written. Please plan your paragraph accordingly
so it does not exceed one index card. Glue your index card on the top of
your diorama. You will then present it to the class.
Please take your time and put your best effort into this project! Be
creative and show what you have learned!
All projects are due on Thursday, January 17th