2ND GRADE Week of 1-25 to 1-29 Room 111 NEWS Ms. Bacco’s 2nd Grade Newsletter What We Are Learning! Important Information: ELA (English/Language Arts) Module 3 (6 weeks): Determine the explicit meaning from informational text and literature to demonstrate understanding. Demonstrate the ability to recount the text in detail. Make connection using textual evidence. Identify the main idea and key details of a multi-paragraph text. Determine the moral or central message of a story. Use sequencing to understand and retell the text. Support an opinion with reasons that include details. Make a connection between events, concepts or steps in a procedure while using textual evidence. Focus Story: “Annie’s Gifts” Math: Module 4 (7 weeks): Represent and solve addition and subtraction problems, including word problems, within 1000. Use place value and properties of operations to find sums and differences. Improve fluency with addition and subtraction within 100.. Mentally add and subtract within 20. Homework If you would like to send in a healthy snack with your child, you can do so daily. We eat our snack around 10:30 am daily. Some examples of healthy snacks include pretzels, crackers, cheese sticks, fruits, raw vegetables, and so forth. We are a peanut free classroom. Ms. Bacco’s last day is January 29th. Mrs. Then will be coming back on January 28th. She will take over on Feb. 1. 2nd Nine week Grading period ends January 27th. Report Cards go home on Feb. 3 Check out my webpage for updates and activities! Book It forms due January 29th You will find a homework packet attached to this week’s newsletter. Please assist your child with his/her homework daily. Homework packets are due on Friday. Wish List If you would like to donate extra snacks, tissues, and/or Clorox wipes for our classroom that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much! , Please have your child read at home for 20 minutes a day Please have your child study his/her basic and double digit addition and subtraction facts. Please have your child orally skip count by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s starting at any number from 1-200. Spelling and ELA test is on Friday. Please have your child study. Email is always the fastest way to reach me. baccja@whsd.net