Document 17564886

Enterprise Systems Committee (ESC)
October 7, 2002
Present: Bill Post, Arno Rethans, Phyllis Weddington, Len Fisk, Wendi Beane, Brooke Banks,
Brenda Aden, Don Graham, Bob Hannigan, Charlie Crabb, Ed Masterson, Kim Williams (staff).
Portal Project Update
A handout on the portal was dispensed to members. The portal was brought online this
semester. So far everything seems to be working. As of September 16th, 2,200 students
have been authenticated on the portal. Students are now able to add and drop classes via the
portal, but there are still advantages to the TRACs/scheduler process for registration.
Starting in Spring 2003, we go to real-time registration for fall 2003 which will result in a
significant increase in portal traffic. All WebCT classes will be accessed through the portal.
Currently about 10,000 students are enrolled in WebCT classes so this will rapidly bring
most of the students into the portal environment. A test of the full SIS+/WebCT/Pipeline
connected learning solutions is being conducted this fall by Randy Miller from Chemistry
and the accuracy of all the transactions is being closely watched. Some patches have been
installed as a result. Beginning in January there will be a template for every class in WebCT.
Whether faculty choose to use this resource or not will be an individual or department
2. TII Project
TII has started trenching down First Street on campus. Planners have tried hard not to affect
the mature trees on campus with all the trenching necessary. This committee will have more
issues to discuss as this project unfolds and begins to affect individual buildings and
departments. In addition, the actual cutover process from the old system to the new system
will impact users and more discussion will follow in subsequent meetings.
3. CMS Budget
A copy of the “Enterprise Systems Budget Plan” for fiscal year 2002/2003 was presented to
members. Two points are important when looking at this budget plan: One, this budget
reflects an upgrade of the Finance Module for next fiscal year because we won’t consider
Finance “implemented” until it goes to a web version. Two, the Student Module costs are at
this point “best guesses” because we don't have second-wave Student experience. We might
do better than first-wave on cost or we might have to include more add-ons or peripherals
than a first-wave, which would cost more. When we hit the peak of Student implementation
in 2004-2005, the current funding level may not cover all costs and we may have to borrow
against the following year(s) when costs will fall below the funding level. Hopefully we will
come under budget as we have to date.
4. Server Upgrade
A “CSUC Server Upgrade Update” document was dispersed to members. We bought
hardware and software to upgrade our servers. The mail server hardware is up and running
now. We need to make sure it's working well before we switch everyone over at the end of
October. There is a pilot group currently operating on the new server. We need to upgrade
the file share server as well. In approximately one month, committee will be presented a plan
as to how this will proceed. We will be going to a more flexible storage system that will
allow expansion without server replacement.
5. Imaging
Enrollment Management, Budget Office, and Financial Aid have all partnered to purchase
imaging software from ImageNow. The Purchase Order has been signed. All three units
have their own servers on which they will operate the new software.
6. Wireless
Members will have an opportunity to provide feedback on various wireless plans proposed
for the campus. The first open area test will be to provide wireless access in the library this
fall for a test group of students. We know that wireless works but the challenge is to provide
a secure service. There are two technologies PPPoE and virtual private networks. The
campus is looking at a combination of these services on and off the network. If we do go to a
wireless service that provides access to services based on an individual’s role (e.g. student,
faculty, visitor, etc.) a number of decisions will need to be made. Do we want just anyone
from the public to come in and use it? What would we want them to be able to do? Do we
limit it to our students? What about the dual admission community college students? There
are resources that we may have contracts to provide or to provide only to a specific group
(i.e. just to the math department).
7. CMS Facilities Planning Software
There will always be add-ons to CMS. Gray areas include what will be funded by CMS and
what will not. The imaging project was paid for by the various units wanting the product. It
is unknown at this point whether Resource 25/Scheduler 25 facilities planning software will
be part of the CMS project or not. PeopleSoft says they don’t plan on offering a classroom
scheduling product so it will have to be an add-on. No one can guess how many add-ons the
campus will need. Each product will have to be discussed at this level. Thought will be
given to who needs the product and how many units are affected, etc.
8. Adjournment
All other discussions were deferred to a future meeting.