Rick Parker April 27, 2011 Chap. 16 Questions Psy 201

Rick Parker
April 27, 2011
Chap. 16 Questions
Psy 201
1. Would your rating of me as a teacher be different if I gave you an instructor rating sheet with
in the first two weeks of school and also a rating today? If the ratings would differ, why?
2. Tell me why a student should always put their best foot forward when meeting someone?
3. Why is dressing appropriate important for any person once they get out of college?
4. What is first impressions that people get of other people called?
5. Give me an example of a fundamental attribution error in sports, say, concerning Miss
College’s football coach?
6. Why do so many attractive men/women get more attention than others?
What is the halo effect?
7. Why are some teens not likely to drink at a conservative Christian school than at a secular
public school?
8. What is an example of social norms at Mississippi College?
9. Why should managers consider all employees views before stating their own views on an
10. Give me an example of a low ball technique of conformity in this class?
11. Give me an example of a foot in the door technique of conformity?
12. Give me an example of the door in the face technique of conformity?
13. How does social loafing occur in group projects that students conduct together?
14. Why does one’s attitude toward exercise often either encourage or discourage them from
Exercising? Attitudes have to be strongly held, readily accessible in memory, and affect the
holders’ interest?
15. Why do you think that not exercising causes Rick Parker cognitive dissonance regarding
diabetes management?
16. Why does personal space lead to aggression? Crowding?
17. What is the number one reason fear associating with other people who are different in sex,
race, ethnicity? Prejudice is decreasing, but racial stereotyping is still evident.