Thursday, April 21st, 2016 AP English Language and Composition Mastery Objectives:

Thursday, April 21st, 2016
AP English Language and Composition
Mastery Objectives:
SWBAT reflect upon creative elements and forms and
respond in a critical manner, and 2) identify specific textual
evidence from primary sources to support a personal
response to a text.
1. (3rd) In groups, read opening chapter of In Cold
Blood. Analyze chapter for use of language, setting and
2. (1st/5th) Begin The Things They Carried by reading
first chapter together. Why are the things they carried
so important? Why is there a need for so many
different classifications?
(3rd)Read all of In Cold Blood by Wednesday, May 4.
First written response (see webpage) is due BY THE
BEGINNING OF CLASS, this Monday, April 25.
(1st/5th)Read through pg. 117 (“Church”) from The
Things They Carried by Wednesday, April 27, and the
remainder of the book by Wednesday, May 4.