September 19, 2008
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
Executive Summary
The University of Louisville has defined its strategic priorities in the document “Strategic
Planning 2020.” The strategic themes in that plan address the university’s mission, not
only as an institution of postsecondary education and research, but also as a member of a
wider community.
Information Technology has a critical role to play in the development of a great urban
university. Technology has become an integral part of teaching, learning and research
activities, and provides an infrastructure for interaction, investigation and collaboration.
In a leadership role, Information Technology has the potential to drive change across the
university, and help the university reach its goals to become a regional and national
The university presents five strategic themes in its plan. Information Technology has
identified strategic priorities that support each of the university themes and embody a
vision of Information Technology as a support unit with a wide-ranging university role.
This document lays out an evolving vision that will help guide Information Technology
investments over the next decade.
Under the theme of Educational Excellence, IT will focus on the needs of faculty and
students. While progress has been made on integrating technology into the classroom
and instruction, a renewed vision of academic support is needed. This plan proposes
improvements to make technology an effective and worthwhile contributor to the
educational environment for faculty and students both in the classroom and online.
Today, students make extensive use of technology outside of the classroom. In this plan,
IT proposes to reinvent student services by creating student technology facilities that
welcome students into a collaborative environment where a wide range of technology
services are readily available. Student safety, online communities, and social
environments will be enhanced through this plan.
Research computing infrastructure is an area that must be expanded to meet the goal of
becoming a preeminent metropolitan research university. The IT plan calls for expansion
of “cyberinfrastructure”—the computation, storage, network, programming and support
resources required for research activities in the 21st Century. With UofL as a connector
on the Internet2 research and education network, UofL researchers will benefit greatly
from high-speed connectivity and exciting new network capabilities.
The university is expanding its engagement in the community, and IT looks forward to
continuing its involvement in local, regional, national and global partnerships that
develop new services, promote economic growth, and energize the local community.
IT has participated fully in university diversity, opportunity and social justice initiatives,
and plans to continue its efforts to maintain a supportive social environment and to
provide opportunities for a diverse workforce.
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
Technology infrastructure is a critical element in the productivity of faculty, staff and
students. The university is fortunate to have state-of-the-art networks, servers, and
applications. It is a strategic priority for Information Technology to ensure that this
infrastructure is robust and secure. IT will expand communication with faculty, staff and
students, and will seek to help the university community be aware of technology trends
and the impact on teaching, learning and research.
Enterprise application systems are critical to university operations. Required updates and
enhancements to these must be included in this plan. IT will also be working to create a
sustainable technology services model (reducing the reliance on revenue and charge
backs as much as possible), and restructuring quotas and resource allocations to better
meet faculty, staff and student needs. As always, IT seeks to improve its service delivery
through simplified access, improved communication, and partnerships.
At the center of this strategic plan is the vision of a vigorous Information Technology
unit that collaborates with the university community creatively and flexibly, provides
empowering applications and tools, and is a valuable partner in instruction and research.
The Information Technology strategic priorities and goals in the following sections are
based on this vision, and respond to the strategic themes of the university’s plan.
Information Technology looks forward to serving the university community in these
endeavors over the coming years.
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
Summary of IT Priorities and Goals
Priority: Enhance the Learning Environment
Goal I: Improve the use of Instructional Technology
a. Expand the use of technology in classroom instruction
b. Expand support for creation and delivery of “on demand” learning materials
c. Improve support for teaching and learning
d. Participate in strategic initiatives that support increased graduation rates
e. Pursue grants in support of instructional technology and infrastructure
f. Facilitate the teaching of “visual literacy.”
g. Support UofL’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)
Priority: Reinvent Student Services
Goal II: Improve student technology services and support
a. Create a new approach to serving students
b. Upgrade wireless networking to meet student requirements
c. Develop student cellular programs to support mobility applications
d. Develop technology support for “at-risk” students
e. Enlist students to help other students with technology
f. Partner with REACH and others to create enhanced services for students
Goal III: Enhance student safety and information access
a. Develop and enhance emergency notification systems
b. Develop a mobile life safety program for students
c. Develop a flexible suite of mobile applications
Goal IV: Provide support for student communities and social environment
a. Develop applications that support the student community
b. Utilize technology platforms that support enhanced collaboration tools
c. Partner with parents of prospective, new and current students
Priority: Develop Research Computing Infrastructure
Goal V: Develop high performance computing infrastructure
a. Develop research computing, storage, and networking infrastructure
b. Develop technology infrastructure and support for the Clinical and Translational
Sciences Institute (CTSI)
c. Develop a program to support departmental research resources
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
Goal VI: Expand utilization of research networking
a. Expand UofL’s participation as a member of Internet2
b. Develop a Kentucky RON (Regional Optical Network)
c. Deploy high-speed networking to support researchers
Goal VII: Expand research support services
a. Expand visual media services for researchers
b. Assist researchers with grant development
c. Provide research consulting and support
d. Expand efforts to engage UofL faculty in the use of Internet2
e. Develop scientific visualization capabilities for researchers
Priority: Engage in Collaborative Projects
Goal VIII: Develop educational and outreach programs
a. Maintain and expand community partnership programs
b. Participate online in national and global outreach and exchange projects
Priority: Maintain a Supportive Social Environment
Goal IX: Support principles of diversity and social justice
a. Create an environment that supports diversity and social justice
b. Participate in university initiatives, such as the Cardinal Covenant
Priority: Maintain a Robust and Secure Technology Infrastructure
Goal X: Enhance datacenter and network infrastructure
a. Implement datacenter redundancy
b. Develop next generation networking strategy including wireless
Goal XI: Enhance security infrastructure
a. Implement security enhancements for the campus network and datacenter
b. Maintain and expand security initiatives in the residence halls
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
Priority: Enhance Enterprise Administrative Systems
Goal XII: Implement and maintain applications systems
a. Maintain enterprise systems at the most current version of the software
b. newer-engineer enterprise portal (ULink) for the university
c. Enhance reporting & data warehousing capabilities
d. Develop web application services
e. Assist with university business process redesign (BPR)
f. Develop applications that support unit business managers
g. Encourage use of document imaging and document management systems
h. Provide analytic and business intelligence (BI) tools
i. Provide support for alumni and donor outreach
j. Develop support for grants administration
k. Provide support for other applications as required
Priority: Create a Sustainable Technology Service Model
Goal XIII: Realign IT funding and improve allocation of technology resources
a. Resolve structural imbalances in the IT budget
b. Restructure IT budget to reduce reliance on revenue and charge-backs
c. Restructure resource quotas and allocations to better meet user needs
d. Explore funding by donors for renovations of public centers
e. Lease EBS (Educational Broadband Service) spectrum
Priority: Improve Technology Service Delivery
Goal XIV: Improve customer support
a. Develop and expand IT communication and marketing efforts
b. Continue to implement a “single point of entry” for access to IT services
c. Support a university-wide Tier I certification program
d. Implement a “face-to-face” consulting area in IT
e. Reinvent training and enhance online documentation
f. Stay ahead of new technology trends through effective research and development
g. Implement a customer service training program for IT
Goal XV: Improve efficiency and effectiveness of IT as an organization
a. Improve internal IT processes to support improved service delivery
b. Restructure IT organization to align with service requirements
c. Enhance professional development and training opportunities for the staff
Goal XVI: Develop new services through collaborative partnerships
a. Enhance collaboration with other units both internally and externally such as
HSC, UofL Hospital, Delphi Center, REACH, Library, Planetarium, etc.
b. Participate in joint technology projects with other units internally and externally
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
Investments in information technology are fundamental to UofL’s quest to become a
preeminent metropolitan research university. During the past ten years, the university has
invested in its technology infrastructure by:
o advancing communication and collaboration
o enhancing business productivity
o supporting best practices
o providing online access to services for the university community
o providing a competitive advantage in research grants
o supporting economic development
o providing an online learning infrastructure to support learning communities,
enhance retention, and improve access to education
Just as information technology has contributed to the success of UofL’s Challenge for
Excellence, information technology will be essential to supporting and empowering
UofL’s efforts to meet its ambitious goals for 2020. As UofL grows in number of
students and research initiatives, technology infrastructure must grow to support and
sustain those initiatives. With this plan, IT will broaden its focus on student services and
research support to better meet these needs.
As an organization, Information Technology must operate as a strategic partner and
collaborator that can contribute to the success of university initiatives. IT can help units
apply best practices and to understand the technology issues that face them. The IT
strategic plan must support the university’s strategic initiatives, ensure that needed
services and support are provided, and lead the university’s response to technology
UofL Information Technology is recognized nationally as a leader among its peers. UofL
has a highly prominent implementation of the PeopleSoft system, and the implementation
of directory services and single sign-on are well known. IT has been a leader in statewide networking since the 1970s, and was recently featured in press articles for bringing
an Internet2 connecting point to Kentucky. UofL’s recently completed Voice over IP
phone conversion is not only one of the largest in an American university but features an
innovative Enhanced 911 system that can pinpoint the location of a phone call to a
specific building and room location.
Over the years, IT has developed its campus technology services including a robust
network infrastructure, a secure data center, a comprehensive array of applications and
services, and 24 x 7 support through the IT Helpdesk. In addition, IT provides highquality printing and digital imaging offerings that provide convenience and value for the
students, faculty, and staff.
The pace of technology change continues to accelerate. External trends such as network
convergence, virtualization, online communities and mobility are forcing universities to
reconsider how services are delivered. Other factors, such as funding of technology
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
investments and allocation of resources, must be addressed to ensure the long-term
viability of the university’s technology environment.
Strategic priorities outlined in this plan include:
o Enhance the learning environment
o Reinvent student services
o Develop research computing infrastructure
o Engage in collaborative projects
o Maintain a supportive social environment
o Maintain a robust and secure technology infrastructure
o Enhance enterprise administrative applications
o Create a sustainable technology service model
o Improve technology service delivery
Strategic Goals and Priorities
The following sections describe Information Technology’s goals and priorities, and how
they relate to the university’s strategic themes.
In its vision for educational excellence, the UofL strategic plan describes the university as
a “first choice for students who wish to excel in the classroom and in life. … Students
will be engaged in a vibrant campus life with a variety of activities – curricular, cocurricular, social and cultural with students engaged in the full range of university life.
The curricular activities offered will be responsive to the needs of both traditional and
non-traditional students.”
The goals for Educational Excellence in the university Strategic Planning 2020 include:
o Develop classroom and research space, instructional technology and
physical facilities to provide campuses that are safe, inviting, and
functional and that inspire pride in the university community.
o Use distance learning strategically, providing selected programs for
demonstrated opportunity or demand.
UofL anticipates almost doubling both undergraduate and doctoral student
enrollments by 2020. Delivering educational excellence is one of the keys to
increased enrollment, retention and graduation.
Instructional technology permeates the interactions with students both in the
classroom and online. The goals for Information Technology under the theme of
Educational Excellence will focus on initiatives that use instructional technology
to improve the learning environment and provide services that support student
safety and community.
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
Strategic Priority: Enhance the Learning Environment
Classroom and online learning environments rely on instructional technology to support
the production of instructional resources and the delivery of instruction. Instructional
technology includes:
o Audio and video presentation equipment
o Presentation control systems including central monitoring
o Interactive video conferencing systems
o Recording facilities (for use in creation of pod casts and streaming video)
o Virtual learning environments and community software
Investments in instructional technology infrastructure are necessary to help students
develop the technical skills needed to succeed in their chosen disciplines and
professions. Given workforce expectations, services need to be provided to prepare
students to be information savvy knowledge workers. Information technology has a role
in retention efforts by enhancing the classroom experience to meet various learning
styles as well as providing opportunities to review lectures and materials outside of the
In the future, the role of technology in instruction and learning will continue to grow.
Expansion of online learning will be central to the new economy in which people change
careers at an increasing pace. Many of the top ten careers in 2010 will not have existed
in 2004. Over the next decade, learning technology will continue to develop:
o recording and production of multi-media materials will become more common in
the classroom
o use of wireless for interaction (such as clickers) will expand
o use of laptops and handheld devices s in the classroom will be more common
o use of online resources, especially multi-media, will continue to grow
o online communities using “virtual reality” will develop in creative ways (such as
Second Life)
These activities will require additional resources and IT services, especially disk storage
and wireless network bandwidth. Quotas and resource allocations will need to grow to
meet these demands.
 IT Goal I: Improve the use of instructional technology
a. Expand the use of technology in classroom instruction. Classroom technology
must be uniformly available across all campuses, and must incorporate stateof-the-art equipment based on university standards. All classrooms should
have multimedia equipment, and ongoing funding is required to keep
equipment current.
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
o Information Technology should be involved in the design and provision of
technology for classrooms in new construction and renovation projects,
such as in Museum Plaza and the Haymarket development.
o IT should work closely with Purchasing and the Delphi Center to develop
standards to design, acquire, install, configure, maintain and repair
classroom technology to insure best performance, economy, and ease of
o IT should partner with the unit responsible for classroom scheduling to
unify the scheduling and support processes and insure appropriate
instructional technology assets are always available, in good working
order and ready for use by the faculty.
o IT should partner with the Delphi Center to create a model classroom or
repository of technology assets for the exploration of new presentation
technologies and prototyping of new teaching techniques.
o IT should add classroom repair and installation services to increase speed
and reduce costs associated with the installation, maintenance and repair
of classroom technology.
b. Expand support for creation and delivery of “on demand” learning materials.
Pod casts, video casts, news feeds and other information can be a valuable
supplement to courses. The university should facilitate production and
distribution of these materials, and should provide support to make it feasible
and economical for faculty and students to use.
o Classrooms should be equipped with audio and video capture technology
to enable creation of these materials.
o IT should provide support for content management systems such as iTunes
U that support media storage and distribution.
o IT should make equipment available to faculty and students for production
of learning materials.
c. Improve support for teaching and learning. The Delphi Center is the key
support group to provide resources and training for faculty. Information
Technology should partner with the Delphi Center to provide the appropriate
infrastructure to support the teaching and learning activities of both faculty
and students.
d. Participate in strategic initiatives that support increased graduation rates. IT
should provide support for strategic university initiatives such as STEM that
seek to increase graduates in areas of science, technology, engineering, and
e. Pursue grants in support of instructional technology and infrastructure. IT
should partner with academic and support units to apply for grants to expand
technology infrastructure and services.
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
f. Facilitate the teaching of “visual literacy.” Information Technology should
work with REACH, the Delphi Center, and the Libraries to promote visual,
computer and information literacy. To further this aim, IT should provide
sufficient technology and human resources to assist students and faculty in the
acquisition, manipulation, transformation and distribution of images and
sounds for the purposes of teaching, learning and sharing of information.
g. Support UofL’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). The university’s “Ideas to
Action” plan focuses on developing critical thinking skills in the student
population. Information Technology should provide academic technology and
assistance whenever possible to support this key SACS initiative. As IT
refocuses on research and the student experience, Information Technology can
provide an on-campus venue for students to pursue learning experiences
requiring critical thinking within a work environment of critical thinkers and
daily problem solvers. Tapping the technical proficiency and enthusiasm of
students, IT would provide third and fourth year “culminating experiences”
for student interns by partnering with academic departments, libraries, the
Delphi Center, and REACH. IT would provide a service environment and
professional staff expertise to co-op experiential learning requiring critical
Strategic Priority: Reinvent Student Services
Technology has become an integral part of our student’s daily lives, from the use of text
messaging on cell phones to listening to music on iPods. Students depend on mobile
technology, using cellular and WiFi networks for communication and entertainment, and
using laptops in class. Today, student’s learning styles are blending with their lifestyles.
IT proposes to use technology to enhance the quality of student life, provide new
channels for communication, and increase student safety on campus.
In the past, student computing centers have been collections of workstations for access to
software. IT would like to develop a new concept for student computing centers by
transforming computing centers into destinations that support student’s technology lives.
Computing centers will become a place where students can obtain a wide variety of
technology services in a comfortable environment that encourages interaction and
collaboration. Centers should be a place where students can go for help with technology,
find equipment to create podcasts and video casts, find help creating presentations, take
equipment for repair and support, and obtain specialized training.
 IT Goal II: Improve student technology services and support
a. Create a new approach to serving students. IT will create a “welcoming” and
collaborative environment for students, transforming the lower level of MITC
into a “gathering place” to include a renovated South computing center, the
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
new iTech Xpress store, and vendor kiosks. This new environment will
position IT to seamlessly deliver technology and related services to students
based on a concept of “no walls, no waiting, and no wires.” Services offered
in this collaborative environment should include, but are not limited to:
o Hardware, software, and other technology products
o Copy services
o Rentals (mobile broadband cards, video equipment, laptops, etc.)
o Demo center for laptop and tablet computers
o Computer service and repair
o HelpDesk/consulting support
o Wireless service
o 24 X 7 access
o Occasional community building events such as concerts or gaming
Given adequate space and funding, IT desires to provide comparable services
for the HSC undergraduate, graduate and professional students.
b. Upgrade wireless networking to meet student requirements. Students are
mobile, and there is strong demand for universal coverage in campus areas
where students gather, such as classrooms, open areas, food service areas, and
residence halls. Wireless services on campus should be secure, but be easy to
c. Develop student cellular programs to support mobility applications. Mobility
applications can deliver student news and information, support new
applications, and enhance life safety. IT should partner with Student Affairs
to develop a comprehensive student mobility program to support and deliver
these applications. It is essential that the university make it cost-effective for
students to acquire the mobile devices that work with these applications.
d. Develop technology support for “at-risk” students. Many students cannot
afford to provide their own technology. IT should partner with Student
Affairs and Financial Aid to develop strategies that assist these students and
enable them to get the most out of their experience at UofL.
e. Enlist students to help other students with technology. Students know more
about how students use technology than can any technology organization. To
increase student involvement, and to allow students to support students, IT
should create a student-staffed helpdesk that will enhance student technology
support and provide real world internships for students.
f. Partner with REACH and others to create enhanced services for students. IT
should adopt the REACH student employee certification program, which not
only teaches students how to tutor other students, but truly emphasizes a
service philosophy of teaching students how to help themselves. IT should
pursue other partners, both within and outside the university, to identify
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
opportunities for enhancing student services through collaboration, grants, or
other initiatives.
 IT Goal III: Enhance student safety and information access
a. Develop and enhance emergency notification systems to provide timely and
widespread notice to the university community. Emergency notification is
critical to life safety. This effort should utilize multiple channels of
communication, including text messaging, email, and voice broadcast to
communicate to all members of the university community. All students,
faculty and staff should be strongly encouraged to participate.
b. Develop a mobile life safety program for students using GPS-equipped cell
phones. Student safety on campus is a serious concern, and applications such
as Rave Guardian can be used to address this need. IT should partner with
Public Safety and Student Affairs to develop and promote a phone-based life
safety program.
c. Develop a flexible suite of mobile applications that integrate with university
systems. Cell phones and wireless PDAs have become the devices of choice
for students to receive news and information. The university should integrate
its applications (such as PeopleSoft and Blackboard) to provide students with
access to announcements, personal information, and course information.
Additional student information applications, such as a service to track shuttle
buses, should be developed.
 IT Goal IV: Provide support for student communities and social
a. Develop applications that support the student community. Students have
requested enhancements to the university portal that will support
communication, interaction and information. There is a wide variety of
community software available for students, including modules of Blackboard,
and external web sites such as Second Life. Available tools should include
wikis, blogs, and social networking systems.
b. Utilize technology platforms that support enhanced collaboration tools for
students. Groupware systems that supply email and calendaring for students
should integrate with collaboration tools, classroom technologies and learning
management systems.
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
c. Partner with parents of prospective, new and current students. Recognizing
parents as a key stakeholder, Information Technology will develop
partnerships to identify expectations, solicit ideas for new services, and
provide information and awareness by:
o Enhancing participation in new parent orientation
o Marketing services to parents through the IT website, mailings, etc.
o Creating a parent technology “hot line”
o Conducting annual surveys and discussion forums
In its vision for research and scholarship, the UofL strategic plan proposed that “UofL
will be recognized among the nation’s foremost public metropolitan research universities
with a faculty of distinction who have outstanding national and international reputations
in areas of research and other scholarly activities. … Interdisciplinary and collaborative
research will draw on and support the scholarship of many disciplines, including the arts,
humanities, social sciences and others without traditional access to extensive research
funding. … UofL will have a national reputation for translational and applied research
that both stimulates the educational experience and provides rapid delivery of the benefits
of discovery and creativity to the public.”
The goals for Research & Scholarship in the university Strategic Planning 2020 include:
o Increase research computing capacity to achieve strategic goals
o Develop infrastructure required for significant growth of the research
o Provide shared (core) facilities required by the research community
The goals for Information technology under research will focus on providing
resources and infrastructure for research computing, expanding research support
services, and making better use of the research resources already in place.
Strategic Priority: Develop Research Computing Infrastructure
Research infrastructure encompasses specialized resources that are required to support
high-performance computing, large data sets, simulation and visualization required by
researchers. Research infrastructure includes a variety of technologies and services,
o Supercomputers, computer clusters, and grid computing
o Data storage
o Networking
o Specialized software
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
Information Technology provides a robust datacenter for support and management of the
university’s servers, data storage, and communications equipment. However, this
infrastructure must be expanded to meet the university’s goal of becoming a preeminent
metropolitan research university. The Medical Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology initiative alone will require a significant investment in new infrastructure to
provide data storage for the massive databases and sufficient computing power to drive
the mathematical modeling and data mining that are essential to the research effort.
It is essential that research computing be in alignment with the vision of key funding
agencies such as the National Science Foundation. NSF’s “Cyberinfrastructure Vision
for 21st Century Discovery” states, “At the heart of the cyberinfrastructure vision is the
development of a cultural community that supports peer-to-peer collaboration and new
modes of education based upon broad and open access to leadership computing; data and
information resources; online instruments and observatories; and visualization and
collaboration services.“
To attain this vision, the newest and most powerful computing resources and data storage
technologies will be needed. In the future, it is expected that:
o virtualization and more mature grid technology will be used to make research
resources more widely available
o hosted (outsourced) solutions for applications will continue to grow
o use of national network grids for computation and data base services will be
o better search engines and data mining technology will become available
o better simulation and visualization technology will be used
More resources and specialized expertise will be needed to support this growing area. In
this plan, Information Technology goals must address the following needs:
o Make adequate information technology infrastructure available to support
increased research output
o Develop research resources and capabilities with no barriers to participation to
better serve faculty without grant funding
o Provide appropriate computational resources (clusters, supercomputers, grid
computing) to match the computational needs of the discipline
o Develop technical expertise to support advanced computing systems
o Provide stable, secure, and cost effective long-term data storage for research data
o Make resources of national research networks and computational centers available
to UofL researchers
o Provide research technology support, including consulting and software
o Develop the level of cyber-infrastructure required to support National Science
Foundation grant activity
o Expand capabilities for simulation, data modeling, visualization, data mining and
analysis for research
o Develop infrastructure to support the health and biomedical informatics initiatives
of the Health Sciences
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
o Develop a win/win strategy for resource sharing that allows researchers to put
computational resources on a grid for shared use in exchange for ongoing
resources and support
o Explore grant opportunities to support or expand research computing resources at
the university
 IT Goal V: Develop high performance computing infrastructure
a. In cooperation with the research community, develop centralized computing,
storage, and networking infrastructure for researchers. Computing resources
are frequently available to only those researchers who receive grant funding.
IT should work with the office of the VP of Research, deans and researchers
to make high-performance computing, grid computing, centralized research
data storage, and high-speed networking widely available for collaboration,
building on the robust datacenter infrastructure that exists on the Belknap and
HSC campuses.
b. Develop technology infrastructure and support for the Clinical and
Translational Science Institute (CTSI). Implementation of the CTSI is a key
component of the university’s research strategy, and technology support will
be essential to its success. IT should take a leadership role to ensure that
proper technology is planned and implemented to support biomedical and
health informatics.
c. Develop a program to support departmental research resources. Many
researchers struggle with the requirements of supporting their research
computing equipment, including providing power, cooling, systems
administration, and technical support. The university has robust datacenter
facilities that can be used to support researcher’s equipment. IT should
develop an agreement (SLA) that makes it attractive for researchers to locate
research computing equipment in the data center by providing needed support
services at no cost. Some universities encourage the location of research
computing equipment in the data center by providing free support services in
exchange for putting the research equipment on a grid. This allows the
university grid computing resource to be improved whenever new equipment
is added in the datacenter.
 IT Goal VI: Expand utilization of research networking
a. Expand UofL’s participation as a member of Internet2. UofL gained national
visibility as a connector on the new Internet2 network. Although that role has
transitioned to the Kentucky RON, UofL should continue as an active
participant in regional and national Internet2 collaboration, programs and
development efforts.
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
b. Develop a Kentucky RON (Regional Optical Network). Kentucky is creating
a “next generation” optical network as part of the Internet2 strategy to use
regional optical networks to provide regional access. This network is critical
for education and research in the state. UofL will partner with the state
Council on Postsecondary Education and the University of Kentucky to
establish the Kentucky RON.
c. Deploy high-speed networking to support researchers. High-speed
networking to the desktop is an essential service for researchers. Those areas
of the university that still lack this service must have their building wiring
upgraded to accommodate higher-speed connections. Wireless networking
should be expanded to cover research labs.
 IT Goal VII: Expand research support services
a. Expand visual media services for researchers. IT offers media services such
as biomedical photography, illustration, print and video services. These
services can be used to document research progress and outcomes in the
clinical or laboratory environment, for use in the classroom, and for
professional presentation and academic publication in the national and
international research communities. IT needs to expand awareness of these
services in the university community.
b. Assist researchers with grant development. Technology can be an important
element in grant requests by researchers. With the increased requirements for
computing technology in grants, especially from National Science Foundation
and National Institutes of Health, IT should collaborate with researchers in the
grant writing process to ensure that IT provides the appropriate technology.
c. Provide research technology consulting and support. As centralized research
computing resources expand, faculty will rely on IT to provide a base level of
technology consulting on how to use the resources, how to adapt software to
work in the UofL research computing environment, and how to find optimize
the available resources.
d. Expand efforts to engage UofL faculty in use of high-speed research
networks. Many computing and information resources are available over
Internet2 and other high-speed research networks. IT should create programs
that promote education and awareness of available research networks, and
should provide consulting support for users of these networks.
e. Develop scientific visualization capabilities for researchers. Scientific
visualization is one the areas that can greatly aid researchers in the analysis of
their data. IT should develop visualization capabilities as part of the research
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
computing initiative, and explore visualization opportunities with other units
such as the Planetarium.
The university vision for community engagement states, “Through strategic alliances and
partnerships with public and private groups, UofL will share its expertise, interest and
scholarship as an involved citizen. … Through its Signature Partnership UofL will
transform areas of West Louisville, decreasing disparities in educational, economic,
social and health care opportunities. … UofL innovations will be quickly transferred to
practice, and will attract talented people to form new companies, employment, products
and services.”
Goals for Community Engagement in the UofL Strategic Planning 2020 document
o Implement and sustain the Louisville Signature Partnership Initiative focus
on the elimination or reduction of disparities in the educational, health,
economic and social condition of community residents.
For IT, the goals under community engagement will focus on partnerships in
which technology can add value.
Strategic Priority: Engage in Collaborative Projects
UofL IT participates in many initiatives with community partners. Recent activities
o Project Women – UofL IT is providing technology in support of a project near
Belknap campus to help unemployed and underemployed single parents pursue an
o “No Child Left Offline” - UofL was the first institution of higher education in
Kentucky to contribute computers to this program that recycles and refurbishes
surplus state computers and distributes them to eighth graders without computers
at home.
o “Stamp out SPAM” program – An IT charity event that collected food and money
for local charities based on a “stamp out SPAM” theme.
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
 IT Goal VIII: Develop educational and outreach programs
a. Maintain and expand community partnership programs. Efforts, such as the UofL
Signature Partnership, provide needed support and services, and enhance the
university’s image in the community. IT should look for new opportunities to
partner with community organizations on educational and outreach programs,
o Donating or redeploying usable equipment
o Mentoring and encouraging staff to volunteer
b. Participate online in national and global outreach and exchange projects. IT can
assist UofL to partner with universities globally and nationally to develop
educational opportunities based on discussion forums and video interaction.
The university vision for diversity, opportunity, and social justice states, “UofL will be
known as a center of learning and scholarship that actively welcomes people. … UofL
will be known for its diverse population, including international students and scholars,
people with mobility and communication challenges, and people of all ages, genders,
races, sexual orientations, and religions. … Diversity and social justice will be made
manifest not only in university administrative practice and policy, but will be a part of the
core enterprises of the university; teaching, research and service. … In matters of civic
engagement, faculty staff and students will blend these enterprise goals with attention to
just and equitable opportunities for all people in society, and sustainable and just social
and economic development.”
Goals for Diversity, Opportunity & Social Justice in the University Strategic Planning
2020 include:
o Revitalize the University Diversity Plan of 2003
o Implement programs to assist minorities and women to become academic
and university leaders
o Participate in mission-centered social justice and economic justice
IT goals under this theme will focus on creating a supportive social environment and
participating in related university initiatives.
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
Strategic Priority: Maintain a Supportive Social Environment
Through its unit diversity initiatives, Information Technology supports the university's
commitment to "foster and sustain an environment of inclusiveness." Diversity initiatives
have included:
o Partnering with the Jefferson County Public Schools to create a program that
targets minority students and increases interest in technology careers at an early
o Developing leadership training and mentoring programs for IT staff, targeting
female and minority employees.
o Providing diversity training for staff in supervisory positions.
o Conducting an assessment of the racial climate among IT employees.
o Assessing client satisfaction of faculty, staff and student constituent groups.
IT Goal IX: Support principles of diversity and social justice
a. Create an environment that supports diversity and social justice. IT has been
active in this area, and will look for new opportunities to expand its efforts to
address this need, including identifying resources in the IT staff, such as those
who are multilingual. Interactions between the university and the community
could use IT support, such as the translation of university web pages into
multiple languages, to ensure university services and information are widely
Participate in university initiatives, such as the Cardinal Covenant, to provide
needed resources. IT should develop programs that will assist students from
low income families to have access to the technology they need to complete
their education.
The university vision for creative and responsible stewardship of resources states, “UofL
will be an institution of uncommon ambition, dedicated to accomplishing its mission by
wise use of its resources. … In management of its physical resources, the university will
be efficient and effective, responsive to the needs of those it serves and creative in
achieving its mission centered strategic goals. The university and its people will operate
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
using the principles of responsible self governance, transparency in operation and
accountability to those it serves.”
Goals for Stewardship, Accountability and Support in the university Strategic Planning
2020 document include:
o Position information technologies as a strategic university asset
- Perform comprehensive review of technology needs of academic and
administrative units to determine future needs
- Implement technology budgeting process that is transparent and uses a
strategic asset model
o Develop business and budgetary planning for achieving strategic goals
o Develop policies for information management and related risk mitigation
IT goals under stewardship, accountability and support are diverse. IT is
responsible for providing the core technology infrastructure and administrative
infrastructure that serves all faculty, staff and students. The core infrastructure is
the foundation for most technology services and applications. It is critical that
infrastructure be maintained at a high level of security, performance and
reliability while considering energy use, costs and environmental impacts.
Enterprise applications serve units across the entire university. Availability, data
integrity, and responsiveness are essential in these applications and systems.
To ensure good stewardship of university resources, a sustainable IT funding
model must be developed, addressing issues of revenues, charge backs, quotas,
and allocations. IT will also develop improvements in service delivery to make
services simpler, easier and more efficient to access. Looking inward, the
efficiency and effectiveness of IT as an organization will be examined to ensure
that IT is organized properly to deliver the services envisioned in this plan.
Strategic Priority: Maintain a Robust and Secure Technology
Basic technology infrastructure is essential to the delivery of quality services. Basic
infrastructure includes the common technologies that support general usage by faculty,
staff and students across the university, including:
o Campus and intercampus networks
o Wireless networks
o E-mail services (servers and spam filtering)
o Printing and data storage services
o Security infrastructure (firewalls, monitoring, safeguards and remedies)
o Internet and Intenet2 networks
o Television and video infrastructure
o Web servers and services
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
o Datacenter and enterprise operations, including public computing centers
The proposed substantial enrollment increase at UofL will cause growth in infrastructure
needs that will require additional resources; however enrollment will not be the only
reason for a rise in basic infrastructure requirements. The technologies used to provide
today’s services will change over the next decade and for UofL to remain competitive in
student and faculty recruitment, UofL must stay current in its technology infrastructure.
For example, UofL is becoming a regional connection point for Internet2 which provides
a competitive advantage in terms of high speed, large bandwidth, and dedicated network
resources that will enhance UofL researchers’ ability to collaborate regionally, nationally
and globally.
The university must maintain a robust infrastructure, and stay ahead of the demand for
new infrastructure services so that basic infrastructure is never an issue or an obstacle to
faculty or student needs. In the future:
o The IT datacenter must incorporate fully redundant systems in two locations so
that maintenance and equipment outages will not impact service availability.
o IT will complete the FCC mandated digital television conversion by February 17,
o IT will handle the ongoing migration of operating systems as new versions are
o Use of wireless networks will continue to grow, requiring greater capacity and
coverage. An initiative may be needed to improve in-building coverage and
capacity for cellular networks.
o Over time, today’s wireless networks will be supplemented by next generation
wireless networks such as WiMax which provides wireless access over long
o Handheld devices and cell phones will benefit from faster broadband cellular
o Consumer and ad hoc technologies (iPods, peer-to-peer networking, etc.) will be a
driver of technology change.
o With multi-media files, storage requirements for individual faculty and staff will
continue to increase.
Security continues to be a substantial issue, especially for the data network and server
infrastructure. Information Technology must:
o Provide secure access for wired, wireless and remote users
o Implement monitoring and detection to identify security breaches
o Implement safeguards and remedies to lessen the possibility of security exploits in
applications and systems, especially for the residence halls
o Provide encryption for mobile data
o Continue with the implementation of automated (personalized role-based) security
that allows individual users to access only those systems or functions that they are
permitted to use
o Continue training and communications efforts
o Offer a standardized, secure desktop management platform
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
These efforts are important to protect university information from unauthorized access,
and to ensure that the campus network and systems are not corrupted by computer viruses
or external attacks.
As good stewards, practices that consider energy use and environmental issues should be
implemented, including:
o Monitor and manage ongoing energy use
o Ensure equipment is turned off when not in use
o Look for opportunities to save energy and recycle
o Minimize unnecessary printing
o Identify management practices that reduce power consumption
o When purchasing new IT equipment, consider energy-saving devices
o Dispose of old hardware responsibly and send old PC’s to be reconditioned and
 IT Goal X: Enhance datacenter and network infrastructure
a. Implement datacenter redundancy. IT is in the process of establishing a second
datacenter at the MedCenter Three building downtown. This data center will
provide system and data redundancy to support high availability and disaster
recovery needs.
b. Develop a next generation networking strategy including wireless. The highspeed campus backbone network may require increased capacity in the next few
years, and the wireless network may be migrating to new technologies, such as
WiMax, that provide increased speed and capabilities. Optical technology will
be used to make better use of fiber links in the metropolitan area network.
Networks and associated equipment must be upgraded to be compatible with the
FCC mandated digital television conversion by February 17, 2009.
 IT Goal XI: Enhance security infrastructure
a. Implement security enhancements for the campus network and datacenter. An
effective security infrastructure is essential to the daily operations of the
university systems and servers. IT must implement the security
recommendations highlighted in audit reports and required for compliance.
These security enhancements will include:
o Provide enhancements to the wireless network to simplify authentication
especially for guest access
o Develop a secure remote access process for users who require direct
access to enterprise infrastructure
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
o Implement methods to identify possible security breaches in real time to
improve monitoring of activities and network attacks
o Provide encryption for mobile devices to ensure that data cannot be
accessed if lost or stolen
o Encourage centralization of university computing resources to ensure
security of critical data and compliance with current regulations
o Improve access assignments to allow automation of access to particular
systems and functions
o Continue communications and training efforts to improve security
awareness and expertise
o Offer a standardized, secure, centrally managed desktop management
solution for university faculty and staff
b. Maintain and expand security initiatives for the residence halls. The residence
network is frequently the source of much of the virus and intrusion activity.
The university has implemented safeguards in the residence halls to ensure that
desktops attaching to the network are protected with anti-virus software, and all
operating systems updates have been installed.
Strategic Priority: Enhance Enterprise Administrative Systems
Enterprise systems support the business, record-keeping, database and reporting functions
of the university. At UofL these systems are implemented primarily through
Oracle/PeopleSoft modules, and support diverse areas such as:
o human resources
o student administration
o financial aid
o financials
o grants management
o data warehousing
o analytics and reporting
o enterprise portals
These applications require regular updating to keep them current, and receive periodic
upgrades from the applications vendors. This area also includes web-based technologies,
one of the fastest growing application development areas of the university. The costs to
provide enterprise systems are expected to grow as the institution grows, but more
importantly, these costs will grow as new technology solutions become available to
replace manual business processes. For example, Enrollment Management has identified
the increased use of technology as necessary to their effort to improve student services.
Research support applications, such as compliance software, must be deployed to
support the research efforts.
In the future:
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
o Applications developers will be re-tooled to support new technologies and
application architectures
o Improved portal technologies will be implemented
o Single signon will be extended to include external sites (such as benefits
 IT Goal XII: Implement and maintain applications systems
a. Maintain enterprise systems at the most current version of the software. It is
important to keep enterprise software current to take advantage of the latest
improvements from the vendors. IT is currently in the process of
implementing upgrades to the PeopleSoft Financials and HR/SA systems.
These PeopleSoft applications are the core of the enterprise applications in use
at the university.
b. Re-engineer the enterprise portal (ULink) for the university. A portal
provides a gateway to information and services for the university community
and to the public. A comprehensive user-friendly portal strategy should be
developed and implemented with input from university faculty, staff, students
and administrators.
c. Enhance reporting & data warehousing capabilities. Much of the value of
having a large enterprise application is to make use of the extensive data it
provides. Improved reporting and data warehousing will make it easier to find
and present the data required by university decision-makers.
d. Develop web application services. Web services are one of the fastest growing
application areas in the university. New tools and services are being
implemented to enable application development for the web.
e. Assist with university Business Process Redesign (BPR). IT has experience
with business process redesign through many applications development
projects. IT can partner with units to facilitate business process redesign as
units implement best practices in their systems.
f. Develop applications that support unit business managers. Unit business
managers (UBMs) have to deal with systems for travel, leave, and financial
accounting. The PeopleSoft systems do not provide a complete solution for
all departmental accounting. As a result, many departments run “shadow”
systems to track unit-specific data. Specialized systems to provide support for
UBMs, including departmental accounting and record-keeping systems that
interface to PeopleSoft and reduce the need for separate departmental systems
should be developed. IT should partner with the vice presidential units to
create these systems.
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
g. Encourage use of document imaging and document management systems to
improve departmental processes. Document imaging systems can be used to
store documents electronically, and to implement workflow processes. Best
practices in document management can be implemented to make departments
more productive and reduce the storage of documents in paper form.
h. Provide analytic and business intelligence (BI) tools. Departments can use
analytic tools to better understand their departmental operations and produce
data for decision-making.
i. Provide support for alumni and donor outreach. It is a priority of the
university to maintain close ties with alumni. Systems should be developed
that enable better outreach with alumni and donors, including:
o Implement a strategy for access and workflow of information with other
enterprise systems such as, Student Information Systems
o Populate the university's data warehouse with alumni and donor/gift
information for business intelligence and data mining capabilities
o Expand the use of self-service applications for alumni and donors and
utilize social networking to engage alumni (for example, through the
Cardinal Circle program).
j. Develop support for grants administration. The university needs a robust
system to support grant activities, including effort reporting, performance
tracking, and business intelligence and data mining capabilities. This effort is
essential to support existing grants and the anticipated growth in activity over
the next decade.
k. Provide support for other applications as required. Other activities may
include assessment and support for software such as BRAAN.
Strategic Priority: Create a Sustainable Technology Service Model
Information Technology has a university-wide role to provide technology infrastructure
and to support use of technology in instruction, research, and administration. Over time,
the number of IT staff has actually fallen although the number and scope of projects and
activities has grown significantly.
The IT organization must be on a sound financial footing if it is to continue to provide
these services and to meet the challenges of the future. Likewise, costs for services must
be structured so that departments and units can take full advantage of the services. A
subcommittee of STEC is developing recommendations to improve IT funding—these
recommendations will be included as part of this plan when they are finalized.
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
 IT Goal XIII: Realign IT funding and improve allocation of
technology resources
a. Resolve structural imbalances in the IT budget. Funding for IT is not aligned
properly to address the university’s long-term needs. The structural imbalance,
caused by use of one-time funding for continuing requirements of enterprise
applications, must be addressed so that focus can be turned to new initiatives.
b. Restructure IT budget to reduce reliance on revenue and charge-backs. The IT
budget is supported almost 60% through revenue and charge-back mechanisms,
which is a cause of great dissatisfaction across the university. Jointly with the VP
of Finance, a strategy needs to be implemented to move IT to a model with more
centralized funding for core services, possibly based on a “utility” concept.
c. Restructure resource quotas and allocations to better meet user needs.
Departments, staff, and students operate under resource allocation limits and
quotas that are sometimes inconsistent and do not meet expectations. A new
strategy needs to be developed to support appropriate allocation of resources
while maintaining accountability and the principles of good stewardship.
d. Explore funding by donors for renovations of public centers. Information
Technology is seeking to provide a better student learning environment in the
public centers. Because of the increasingly visible and innovative nature of these
centers, it may be possible to secure donor funding for renovations and updates to
the public facilities.
e. Lease EBS (Educational Broadband Service) spectrum. The EBS spectrum will
be leased to carriers for use in delivery of WiMax services. The university needs
to structure this lease so that resources from this lease can support ongoing
communications needs, and to allow the university to meet the FCC requirements
for ongoing university use.
Strategic Priority: Improve Technology Service Delivery
Information Technology has a university-wide role to communicate technology trends
and changes, and to help the university make the best use of technology. Proper
communication helps the university community understand and better utilize IT services.
 IT Goal XIV: Improve customer support
a. Develop and expand IT communication and awareness efforts. Internal and
external communication is an important activity for any technology organization.
Good communication not only ensures that the university community has the
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
information it needs in a timely manner, but also improves the collaboration
between IT and other university units.
o IT needs to ensure that the full range of IT services is known and understood
by the university.
o IT should promote the use of variable data technology in printed materials to
personalize communication between students, parents, faculty, university
organizations and groups, and the administration.
b. Continue to implement a “single point of entry” for access to IT services. IT
should continue to consolidate services and utilize a combined iTech Xpress store
and Helpdesk to provide a single point of entry for IT services.
c. Support a university-wide Tier I certification program. The Tier I program
provides essential technology support across the university and has been very
successful in many units. However, to enhance the skills of the departmental Tier
I staff, and to insure a uniform level of support, a Tier I certification program has
been proposed. This standardized certification would consist of Microsoft
certifications (A+ certification and MCDST certification), and Tier 1 “boot camp”
d. Implement a “face-to-face” consulting area in IT. As an expansion of phone
consulting support currently provided by the IT HelpDesk, IT should create an
area where faculty, staff and departments feel comfortable, regardless of technical
competence, in approaching IT for consulting support on a variety of services and
e. Reinvent training and enhance online documentation. As with students, faculty
and staff have changed the way they learn. IT should offer a multi-faceted
approach to training, one that meets the needs of the traditional learner as well as
the needs of those who want to learn on demand via podcasts, video tutorials, etc.
f. Stay ahead of new technology trends through effective research and development.
In order to ensure the university is adequately prepared for the implementation of
new technologies, IT should implement a process for continuously assessing
university needs and then scanning the environment for appropriate technology
g. Implement a customer service training program for IT staff. To ensure that
customer service is provided in a positive, proactive, and timely manner, IT
should implement a customer service training program.
 IT Goal XV: Improve efficiency and effectiveness of IT as an organization
a. Improve internal IT processes to support improved service delivery. IT must
address internal business processes and procedures to improve service delivery.
Areas for focus include:
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
Project and change management
Re-engineering of internal IT business processes
Information lifecycle management
Capacity planning
b. Restructure IT organization to align with service requirements. IT has typically
been structured according the infrastructure support needs rather than around
services. IT needs to reduce the complexity of its organization, group related
activities together, and eliminate redundancies to achieve a unified IT
c. Enhance professional development and training opportunities for staff. IT needs
to ensure its staff are kept current in their knowledge and technical skills through
professional development and training.
 IT Goal XVI: Develop new services through collaborative partnerships
a. Enhance collaboration with other units both internally and externally, such as
HSC, UofL Hospital, Delphi Center, REACH, Library, Planetarium, etc. IT has
the role to manage technology across the university and assist units with their
infrastructure and technology planning. There are many opportunities to
develop new relationships between IT and university units, especially in the
Health Sciences area. The university now manages the UofL Hospital, and
there is an opportunity to bring together the networks of the two organizations
so that required services could be available seamlessly across both the Hospital
and the campus. This would be a great advantage to faculty who are required to
live in both environments today.
b. Participate in joint technology projects with other units internally and
externally. It is in the interest of the university and other units, such as the
UofL Hospital to engage in joint technology. Building on the LMCnet, IT is
positioned well to support joint technology projects among area hospitals, for
example medical records systems.
Information Technology
Strategic Plan for 2020
The strategic priorities in this plan directly address the themes of the university Strategic
Planning 2020 and will enable UofL’s vision of being a premier metropolitan research
university. Over the next decade IT will place a particular focus on reinventing student
services and developing a robust research infrastructure. IT will continue to provide
strong support for core technology infrastructure and enterprise systems, while seeking to
improve service delivery and access. In the short term, a sustainable funding model will
be developed that reduces reliance on revenue and charge backs while restructuring
resource quotas and allocations.
The vision of this plan is to revitalize Information Technology and allow IT to become a
valued partner in the university community by providing empowering applications, tools
and services for the faculty, staff and students. Information Technology looks forward to
serving the university community and accomplishing these initiatives in the coming