Art club to do list

Art club to do list
Club Sponsors are Mrs. Engelbrecht and Mrs. Shoemaker
Art club fee is $12.00
Art club members may want to become National Art Honor Society Members.
You must keep track of your hours and have a teacher signature for each activity.
Concession stand sign up: Oct. 12th or Sept. 15th . Work at least one or you may
do both
RHS Art Spot theme for month of Sept. is…………
You can draw, sculpt, paint, or whatever masks for an art display in Oct. Turn in
your finished project Sept. 30. Want to come in and work on it in the art room?
Check your art teacher’s door for open studio times.
Art Display workers needed. Please sign up if you would like to help set up art
displays both here at school and in our community. Our first display will be
Monday August 31st.
RHS Art Club banner for homecoming. Please sign up if you want to participate.
One artist will be selected to create the design. Put a star by your name if you
would like to be considered. Work dates will be set up and posted outside the art
teachers doors in September.
RHS Art Club t-shirts will be student made this year. The date will be posted
outside the art teacher’s doors in September.
RHS Art field trip will be at the end of September. You must be a paid member
of art club to attend or with permission from a sponsor write a paragraph about
how you will benefit from attending this field trip. We will only take one bus so
there is a limit to the number of students who may attend.