Tulane University Staff Advisory Council Minutes of Thursday November 11, 2010

Tulane University
Staff Advisory Council
Minutes of Thursday November 11, 2010
Gwen Chavez, Chair
Laurie Orgeron, Vice Chair
Rob Platner, Election Coordinator
Linda Cantero, Recording Secretary
Miriam Espinosa,
Kathy Bourgeois
Sheri Bouyelas
Mike Griffith
Michael Harrison
Alysia Loshbaugh
Suzanne Lossi
Aaron Martin, Member At Large
Tanya Ambrose
Susan Barrera, Immediate Past
Louise Murphy
Lisa O’Dwyer
Excused Patrick Randolph
Linzi Conners
Amber Douet
Michael Heisser
Tami Jenniskens
Christopher Lane
Merisa Pasternak
Allan Slatkin
Shirley Tubre
Kay Legar
Whitney Richards
Celena Trahan
Kimberly Vega
Judy Vitrano
Ronald Cram (proxy)
Simon Dorfman (proxy)
Joseph Halm (proxy)
Ryan Henne (proxy)
Jane Johnston (proxy)
Excused Kady Weingart (proxy)
Carol Ardeneaux (proxy)
Anita Kiveil
Patsy Stewart
Scott Goings
Corrie West
Desiree Waguespack
Ruth Wilson
* Via teleconference
All Officers are serving the Staff Advisory Council term 2010 – 2011
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Call to Order:
Gwen Chavez, SAC Chair, called the November 11, 2010 meeting
of the Staff Advisory Council to order at 3:30 p.m. and was held at the Lavin Bernick Center,
210 McKeever Conference Room.
Review and Approval of the Minutes
Report was left out of minutes that were sent out prior to meeting, so updated minutes are being
passed out and will be voted on after everyone has a chance to read.
Report of the Chair
No Report.
If you have questions for Workforce Management, please email them to Gwen Chavez for
forwarding on to Ann Banos
III. WFMO Liaison
Originally scheduled for November was Ann Banos, she rescheduled for the December
Scott cannot come in December but rescheduled for April.
Appearing for the November meeting was Ruth Wilson:
1-EAP seminars held over the last 2 weeks and well received by a packed house. Brochures
handed out for the EAP. Brochure includes number, website and overview
2-Performance Management-Pilot program launching 2nd phase
Design committee has met.
Survey and took feedback of people, tweaked forms that concerns were expressed.
-communication about to launch.
-new groups invited to receive communications to participate, November 30
memo going out. If you are using previously tried form, it will be the same procedure. Due
February 28, 2011
On or about December 15, the pilot program launching automated system. Manager will
go into the system, type and print their review. After reviewing with employee, review will then
be sent electronically to employee for comments and then to Workforce Management. Manager
will have access but cannot change.
Forms appearance is a little different.
1- Goal oriented focus.
2- Difference is in the Values, employee values and managerial values, such as
development of staff and moving to a paperless system.
3- New for this year (Growth). How much they grew as an employee, what have you
contributed to the University.
4- Groups can also review individuals with WFMO if there they have trouble with
electronic version.
5- Not yet tied to compensation, ideally there would be incentives, but we are not there
6- New evaluation process affects 2/3 of the university, next year the whole university.
VIDEO explaining new system narrated by President Cowen.
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Second topic: After much review, the same gender domestic policy approved and ready to be
added to the Staff Handbook. New policy adds such things and sick leave, bereavement, tuition
waiver (federal tax requirements will still be applicable). The affidavit is still going to be there
but revised changing language. Proof will still be required such as joint ownership of a vehicle,
paying rent together, living together, etc. One of the things not adopted was the requirement of
providing proof of living arrangements.
IV. Officer Reports
A. University Senate
No meeting. Next meeting scheduled for later in month of November.
B. Board of Administrators
December Meeting cancelled.
V. University Senate Committee Reports
1. Benefits
No Meeting.
Budget Review
Scheduled for later this month.
3. Information Technology
No Meeting
4. Equal Opportunity
Scheduled for December 17.
Lindsay Connor resigned and Gwen Chavez requests emails of suggestions for her
5. Physical Facilities
Linda Cantero as SAC representative attended.
MEETING: Senate Committee on Physical Facilities and Campus Development:
The Projects were broken down into three categories: Completed, In Progress and Confirmed
(beginning process)
Dinwiddie Hall Renovation, Façade and Parapet, Circulation Cores and Corridors, Spaces and
Light; It is anticipated that it will be a LEED SILVER/GOLD CERITIFCATION. The LEED
Exemplary Project Characteristics; 51% of original building elements reused. Construction
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Waste Management: The current tracking indicates 77% of project construction debris diverted
from landfills.
Richardson Building: Roof replacement; patch and paint, floors and apportioning spaces;
Occupants include Academic Advising, Center for Bioenvironmental Research, Environmental Studies Program,
Center for Engaged Learning (CELT), four new general pool classrooms.
Associated Moves include Audubon Houses; Newcomb Alumnae Office and Communication and Development,
Network Services, Marching Bands; Freret Street House: Teacher Certification, Digital Media and Linguistics;
Alcee Fortier: Center for Public Service. Newcomb Hall: Gender Studies
Residential College Update
Basketball/Volleyball Practice Facility (entrance on Ben Weiner Drive)
Alumni House
Victory Bell
Bike Racks
Sharp Quad Improvements
Downtown Campus Infrastructive Upgrades
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Addition
Bennett Johnston Lab Renovation
Dr. Francis M. Taylor Laboratory
Residential College III at Zimple Quad
Tulane University Green Building Design and Construction Policies & Guidelines
Over the past ten years Tulane has enacted a set of policies and practices for environmentally responsible design and
construction. Early efforts have been followed by more specific and consistent university practices and project
requirements. Three years ago the university established a LEED silver standard as a minimum for its major
building projects.
Objectives: Tulane University would like to formalize its commitment, policies and practices for sustainable design
and building. In doing so the following objectives can be realized as part of every building project:
 Substantially reducing energy use and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions.
 Providing a healthier, more comfortable and productive environment for building occupants.
 Ensuring that the design and construction of Tulane buildings are informed by best practices for reducing
the overall environmental impact of buildings throughout their life cycle.
 Providing educational and research opportunities in green building design, construction and operation to
the Tulane community.
Dinwiddie’s received two credits toward gold.
We moved from B to AColonel LeBlanc of TUPD spoke concerning parking update.
 Sold 1790 parking permits (6% decrease), decrease mostly due to residential students
Available parking spaces down from 2125 to 1980 spaces because of closing of Monk
Simon construction.
 Engineering Road lost 17 spaces but Loyola has supplied the 17 in their garage, 50 % are
being used.
 Addressing motorcycle issues
 Bikes now need to be registered, however, we are holding off on tickets until there are
adequate bike racks.
 Racks can be donated--$1700
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6. Social Issues
No Meeting
VI. SAC Sub-Committees
1. Election Committee
Not until May
2. Electronic Technology and Information
Addition of Button on website for concerns.
3. Staff Appreciation
Food ideas, cannot compete with stadium offerings. In the process of putting together a
budget, checking into band ideas. Trying to get tickets for giveaway. Another possibility is
attendance of Saints players. Last year we had 600 tickets for the baseball game, trying to get
at least same amount. Marisa helping with health assessments. Children fingerprinting and
Polaroid pictures for identification purposes done by a qualified police officer. Free lead
screening for children. Date and time: March 19, 2011, 10-2; 300 people; specific job
assignments. Bigger than last year.
4. Staff Issues
No Meeting.
5. Health and Wellness
Healthy eating seminars planned for November and December. Biggest Loser ends this
week. 4 member teams that totaled 300 participants.
We plan on participating in the American Heart Walk, November 20, 10 a.m. Tulane
Wellness has a team but needs more team members.
February, 2011 a new program begins, “Know your Numbers”.
Health Fair goal is to add more booths and giving $25.00 incentives for Tulane/United
Health members. Incentive to be awarded by attending the fair or your own physician.
Plans for group activities programs and better health could include $500-$525 cash
Taxed or non- Taxed? IRS regulations will be the deciding factor.
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Community Service
Christmas toy drive, $215 cash donation but only one toy, more need to be
made aware of the drive.
Good Samaritans will be sending a check.
Big Boxes for toys will be placed around campus.
Sending email to Tulane Staff as a reminder but cannot be sent to Faculty
December 4, last day.
Wrapping Party TBA
Books, approximately 2,000 donated and will be distributed to different organizations where
they are needed.
VIII. Old Business
Smoking on Campus issue brought up at Town Hall Meeting on how to enforce, as this is the
problem, the 25 foot from door restriction
New Business
Signage for visiting parents and students. Suggestion was to make them more like Disney
World, a “You Are Here” example.
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, December 9, 2010
at the LBC room 201-Race Conference Room, 3:30. Guest Speaker will be Anne Banos
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Cantero
Recording Secretary