Using the SD card on the Wunderboard ECE152


Using the SD card on the




What is a file system?

How can I open files?

How do I read and write from files?

What about 'error codes'?

Coding example

What is a file system?

Memory is just a long list of locations

File systems organize memory

File systems are created based on the memory uint8_t initializeFAT(FATFS* fs)

How can I open files?

Files are opened for reading or writing

Files can be created, overwritten, or appended to f_open(&log, "/log.txt", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS)

How do I write to files?

You write data as bytes

When writing, tell the function how many bytes

 f_write (FIL*, const void*, UINT, UINT*)

FIL - File 'handle' const void* - data to be written

UINT - number of bytes to write

UINT* - number of bytes written

What about 'error codes'?

switch (err)

{ case ERR_FMOUNT: sendStringUART("ERROR: Could not mount SD\r\n"); break; case ERR_NODISK: sendStringUART("ERROR: No SDC/MMC present\r\n"); break; case ERR_NOINIT: sendStringUART("ERROR: Unable to initialize FAT.\r\n"); break;


Coding example

Things to Remember

Always double check the error codes

When in doubt, ask questions.
