Processor Opportunities Jeremy Sugerman Kayvon Fatahalian

Processor Opportunities
Jeremy Sugerman
Kayvon Fatahalian
 Background
 Introduction and Overview
 Phase One / “The First Paper”
 Evolved from the GPU, Cell, and x86 ray tracing
work with Tim (Foley).
 Grew out of the FLASHG talk Jeremy gave in
February 2006 and Kayvon’s experiences with
 Daniel, Mike, and Jeremy pursued related short
term manifestations in our I3D 2007 paper.
GPU K-D Tree Ray Tracing
 k-D construction really hard. Especially lazy.
 Ray – k-D Tree intersection painful
- Entirely data dependent control flow and
access patterns
- With SSE packets, extremely CPU efficient
 Local shading runs great on GPUs, though
– Highly coherent data access (textures)
– Highly coherent execution (materials)
 Insult to injury: Rasterization dominates tracing
eye rays
“Fixing” the GPU
 Ray segments are a lot like fragments
– Add frame buffer (x,y) and weight
– Otherwise independent, but highly coherent
 But: Rays can generate more rays
 What if:
– Fragments could create fragments?
– “Shading” and “Intersecting” fragments could both be
runnable at once?
 But:
– SIMD still inefficient and (lazy) k-D build still hard
Moving to the Present…
Applications are FLOP Hungry
 “Important” workloads want lots of FLOPS
– Video processing, Rendering
– Physics / Game “Physics”
– Computational Biology, Finance
– Even OS compositing managers!
 All can soak vastly more compute than current
CPUs deliver
 All can utilize thread or data parallelism.
Compute-Maximizing Processors
 Or “throughput oriented”
 Packed with ALUs / FPUs
 Trade single-thread ILP for higher level
 Offer an order of magnitude potential
performance boost
 Available in many flavours: SIMD, Massively
threaded, Hordes of tiny cores, …
Compute-Maximizing Processors
 Generally offered as off-board “accelerators”
 Performance is only achieved when utilization
stays high. Which is hard.
 Mapping / porting algorithms is a labour
intensive and complex effort.
 This is intrinsic. Within any given area / power /
transistor budget, an order of magnitude
advantage over CPU performance comes at a
 If it didn’t, the CPU designers would steal it.
Real Applications are Complicated
 Complete applications have aspects both well
suited to and pathological for computemaximizing processors.
 Often co-mingled.
 Porting is often primarily disentangling into large
enough chunks to be worth offloading.
 Difficulty in partitioning and cost of transfer
disqualifies some likely seeming applications.
Enter Multi-Core
 Single threaded CPU scaling is very hard.
 Multi-core and multi-threaded cores are already
– 2-, 4-way x86es, 9-way Cell, 16+ way* GPU
 Multi-core allows heterogeneous cores per chip
– Qualitatively “easier” acceptance than multiple
single core packages.
– Qualitatively “better” than an accelerator
Heterogeneous Multi-Core
 Balance the mix of conventional and compute
cores based upon target market.
– Area / Power budget can be maximized for
e.g. Consumer / Laptop versus Server
 Always worth having at least one throughput
core per chip.
– Order of magnitude advantage when it works
– Video processing and window system effects
– A small compute core is not a huge trade off.
Heterogeneous Multi-Core
 Three significant advantages:
– (Obvious) Inter-core communication and
coordination become lighter weight.
– (Subtle) Compute-maximizing cores become
ubiquitous CPU elements and thus create a
unified architectural model predicated on their
availability. Not just a CPU plus accelerator!
– The CPU-Compute interconnect and software
interface have a single owner and can thus be
extended in key ways.
Changing the Rules
 AMD (+ ATI) already rumbling about “Fusion”
 Just gluing a CPU to a GPU misses out, though.
– (Still CPU + Accelerator, with a fat pipe)
 A few changes break the most onerous flexibility
limitations AND ease the CPU – Compute
communication and scheduling model.
– Without being impractical (i.e. dropping down
to CPU level performance)
Changing the Rules
 Work queues / Write buffers as first class items
 Simple, but useful building block already
pervasive for coordination / scheduling in
parallel apps.
 Plus: Unified address space, simple
Queue / Buffer Details
 Conventional or Compute threads can enqueue
for queues associated with any core.
 Dequeue / Dispatch mechanisms vary by core
– HW Dispatched for a GPU-like compute core
– TBD (Likely SW) for thin multi-threaded cores
– SW Dispatched on CPU cores
 Queues can be entirely application defined or
reflect hardware resource needs of entries.
CPU+GPU hybrid
What should change?
 Accelerator model of computing
– Today: work created by CPU, in batches
– Batch processing not a prerequisite for
efficient coherent execution
 Paper 1: GPU threads create new GPU threads
(fragments generate fragments)
What should change?
 GPU threads to create new GPU threads
 GPU threads to create new CPU work (paper 2)
 Efficiently run data parallel algorithms on a GPU where
per-element processing goes through unpredictable:
– Number of stages
– Spends unpredictable about of time in stage
– May dynamically create new data elements
– Processing is still coherent, but unpredictably so
(have to dynamically find coherence to run fast)
 Model GPU as collection of work queues
 Applications consist of many small tasks
– Task is either running or in a queue
– Software enqueue = create new task
– Hardware decides when to dequeue and start
running task
 All the work in a queue is in similar “stage”
 GPUs today have similar queuing mechanisms
 They are implicit/fixed function (invisible)
GPU as a giant scheduler
cmd buffer
data buffer
1-to-(0 or X)
(X static)
Off-chip buffers
stream out
data buffer
GPU as a giant scheduler
“Hardware scheduler”
Processing cores
command queue
vertex queue
Off-chip buffers
geometry queue
fragment queue
memory queues
On-chip queues
GPU as a giant scheduler
 Rasterizer (+ input cmd processor) is a domain
specific work scheduler
Millions of work items/frame
On-chip queues of work
Thousands of HW threads active at once
CPU threads (via DirectX commands), GS programs,
fixed function logic generate work
– Pipeline describes dependencies
 What is the work here?
– Vertices
– Geometric primitives
– Fragments
Well defined resource
requirements for each
GPU Delta
 Allow application to define queues
– Just like other GPU state management
– No longer hard-wired into chip
 Make enqueue visible to software
– Make it a “shader” instruction
 Preserve “shader”execution
– Wide SIMD execution
– Stackless lightweight threads
– Isolation
Research Challenges
 Make create queue & enqueue operation feasible in HW
– Constrained global operations
 Key challenge: scheduling work in all the queues
without domain specific knowledge
– Keep queue lengths small to fit on chip
 What is a good scheduling algorithm?
– Define metrics
 What information does scheduler need?
Role of queues
 Recall GPU has queues for commands, vertices,
fragments, etc.
– Well-defined processing/resource
requirements associated with queues
 Now: Software associates properties with
queues during queue instantiation
– Aka. Queues are typed
Role of queues
 Associate execution properties with queues
during queue instantiation
– Simple: 1 kernel per queue
– Tasks using no more than X regs
– Tasks that do not perform gathers
– Tasks that do not create new tasks
– Future: Tasks to execute on CPU
Role of queues
 Denote coherence groupings (where HW finds
coherent work)
 Describe dependencies: connecting kernels
 Enqueue= async. add new work into system
 Enqueue & terminate:
– Point where coherence groupings change
– Point where resource/environment changes
Design space
Queue setup commands / enqueue instructions
Scheduling algorithm (what are inputs?)
What properties associated with queues
Ordering guarantees
Failure handling (kill or spill when queues full?)
Inter-task synch (or maintain isolation)
Resource cleanup
 GPU shader interpreter (SM4 + extensions)
– “Hello world” = run CPU thread+GPU threads
• GPU threads create other threads
• Identify GPU ISA additions
– GPU raytracer formulation
– May investigate DX10 geometry shader
 Establish what information scheduler needs
 Compare scheduling strategies
Multi-pass rendering
– Compare: scheduling resources
– Compare: bandwidth savings
– On chip state / performance tradeoff
Large monolithic kernel (branching)
Multi-core x86
Three interesting fronts
 Paper 1: GPU micro-architecture
– GPU work creating new GPU work
– Software defined queues
– Generalization of DirectX 10 GS?
 GPU resource management
– Ability to correctly manage/virtualize GPU resources
 CPU/compute-maximized integration
– Compute cores? GPU/Niagara/Larrabee
– compute cores as first-class execution environments (dump the
accelerator model)
– Unified view of work throughout machine
– Any core creates work for other cores