Publications for Simon Tormey 2015

Publications for Simon Tormey
Publications for Simon Tormey
Tormey, S. (2012). Anti-capitalism. In George
Ritzer (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia
of Globalization, (pp. 69-71). UK:
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Ordonez, V., Feenstra, R., Tormey, S. (2015).
Citizens against Austerity: a Comparative
Reflection on Plataforma de Afectados por la
Hipoteca (PAH) and Bundnis Zwangsraumung
Verhindern (BZV). Araucaria, 17(34), 133-154.
34.07">[More Information]</a>
Tormey, S. (2015). Democracy will never be the
same again: 21st Century Protest and the
Transformation of Politics. Recerca: revista de
pensament i analisi, 17, 107-128. <a
.6">[More Information]</a>
Tormey, S. (2015). Reconstituting Realism:
Feasibility, Utopia and
Epistemological Imperfection. Contemporary
Political Theory, 14(3), 276-313. <a
ore Information]</a>
Tormey, S., Feenstra, R. (2015). Reinventing the
political party in Spain: the case of 15M and the
Spanish mobilisations. Policy Studies, 36(6),
590-606. <a
1073243">[More Information]</a>
Tormey, S. (2015). The End of Representative
Politics. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Tormey, S. (2014). Between Modernism and
Postmodernism: Castoriadis and the Politics of
Heterodox Marxism. In Vrasidas Karalis (Eds.),
Cornelius Castoriadis and Radical Democracy,
(pp. 177-195). Leiden: Brill.
Moffitt, B., Tormey, S. (2014). Rethinking
Populism: Politics, Mediatisation and Political
Style. Political Studies, 62(2), 381-397. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Tormey, S. (2014). The Contemporary Crisis of
Representative Democracy. Democratic Theory,
1(2), 104-112. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Tormey, S. (2013). Anti-Capitalism: A Beginners
Guide [revised edition]. London, UK: Oneworld.
Tormey, S. (2012). Anarchy. In George Ritzer
(Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of
Globalization, (pp. 60-62). UK: Wiley-Blackwell
Robinson, A., Tormey, S. (2012). Beyond the
state: Anthropology and
'actually-existing-anarchism'. Critique of
Anthropology, 32(2), 143-157. <a
779">[More Information]</a>
Tormey, S. (2012). Discourse theories and
post-structuralism. In Rodney Smith, Ariadne
Vromen, Ian Cook (Eds.), Contemporary Politics
in Australia: Theories, Practices and Issues, (pp.
46-55). Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge
University Press.
Tormey, S. (2012). Occupy Wall Street: From
Representation to Post-Representation. Journal
of Critical Globalisation Studies, (5), 132-137.
Tormey, S. (2012). Resistance movements. In
George Ritzer (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell
Encyclopedia of Globalization, (pp. 1801-1805).
UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Robinson, A., Tormey, S. (2011). Resisting
'global justice': disrupting the colonial
emancipatory logic of the West. In A.Banai, M.
Ronzoni, C. Schemmel (Eds.), Social Justice,
Global Dynamics: Theoretical and empirical
perspectives, (pp. 61-74). London, United
Kingdom: Routledge imprint of Taylor &
Tormey, S. (2010). Ernesto Laclau (1934-) and
Chantal Mouffe (1943-). In Jon Simons (Eds.),
From Agamben to Zizek: Contemporary Critical
Theorists, (pp. 144-160). Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press.
Tormey, S. (2010). Global Justice Movement.
In Nigel Young (Eds.), The Oxford International
Encyclopaedia of Peace, (pp. 269-273). Oxford,
United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Robinson, A., Tormey, S. (2010). Living in
Smooth Space: Deleuze, Postcolonialism and the
Subaltern. In Simone Bignall, Paul Patton
(Eds.), Deleuze and the Postcolonial, (pp.
20-40). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Robinson, A., Tormey, S. (2009). Is 'Another
World' Possible? Laclau, Mouffe and Social
Movements. In Adrian Little and Moya Lloyd
(Eds.), The Politics of Radical Democracy, (pp.
133-157). Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh
University Press.
Publications for Simon Tormey
Tormey, S. (2009). Not in my Name:
Representation and its Discontents. Arts: the
Proceedings of the Sydney University Arts
Association, 31, 92-107.
Robinson, A., Tormey, S. (2009). Resisting
''Global Justice'': disrupting the colonial
''emancipatory'' logic of the West. Third World
Quarterly, 30(8), 1395-1409. <a
1836">[More Information]</a>
Tormey, S. (2009). Simon Tormey interviews
Gerald Cohen. Contemporary Political Theory, ,
351-362. <a
re Information]</a>
Tormey, S., Robinson, A. (2009). Utopias
without transcendence? Post-left anarchy,
immediacy and utopian energy. In Hayden,
Patrick; el-Ojeili, Chamsy (Eds.), Globalization
and Utopia: Critical Essays, (pp. 156-175).
London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Robinson, A., Tormey, S. (2007). Beyond
Representation? A Rejoinder. Parliamentary
Affairs: a journal of representative politics,
60(1), 127-137. <a
e Information]</a>
Tormey, S. (2007). Consumption, resistance and
everyday life: ruptures and continuities. Journal
of Consumer Policy: consumer issues in law,
economics and behavioral sciences, 30, 263-280.
8-1">[More Information]</a>
Tormey, S. (2006). 'Not in my Name': Deleuze,
Zapatismo and the Critique of Representation.
Parliamentary Affairs: a journal of
representative politics, 59(1), 138-154. <a
e Information]</a>
Tormey, S. (2006). After Gleneagles: Where
next? In David Harvie, Keir Milburn, Ben
Trott, David Watts (Eds.), Shut Them Down! The
Global G8, Gleneagles 2005 and the Movement
of Movements, (pp. 337-349). United States:
Tormey, S., Townsend, J. (2006). Key Thinkers
from Critical Theory to Post-Marxism. UK: Sage
Tormey, S. (2006). The two faces of democracy
in the work of Agnes Heller. In Mihaly Vajda
and Janos Boros (Eds.), Ethics and Heritage:
Essays on the Philosphy of Agnes Heller, (pp.
197-224). Pecs Hungary: Brambauer.
Robinson, A., Tormey, S. (2006). Zizek's Marx:
'Sublime Object' or a 'Plague of Fantasies'?
Historical Materialism: research in critical
Marxist theory, 14(3), 145-174. <a
31806">[More Information]</a>
Robinson, A., Tormey, S. (2005). 'Horizontals',
'Verticals' and the Conflicting Logics of
Transformative Politics. In Patrick Hayden and
Chamsy el-Ojeili (Eds.), Confronting
Globalisation: Humanity, Justice and the
Renewal of Politics after Postmodernism, (pp.
208-226). Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK:
Tormey, S. (2005). A 'Creative Power'?: The
Uses of Deleuze. Contemporary Political
Theory, 4(4), 414-430. <a
0230">[More Information]</a>
Robinson, A., Tormey, S. (2005). A Ticklish
Subject? Zizek and the Future of Left
Radicalism. Thesis Eleven, 80, 94-107. <a
126">[More Information]</a>
Tormey, S. (2005). From Utopian Worlds to
Utopian Spaces: Reflections on the
Contemporary Radical Imaginary and the Social
Forum Process. Ephemera: theory and politics in
organization, 5(2), 394-408.
Tormey, S. (2005). What is Tyranny?
Considering the contested discourse of
Domination in the Twenty-First Century. In
Koivukoski, Toivo & Tabachnick, David E.
(Eds.), Confronting Tyranny: Ancient Lessons
for Global Politics, (pp. 67-79). UK: Rowman &
Littlefield Publishers Inc.
Tormey, S. (2004). Anti-Capitalism: A
Beginner's Guide. UK: Oneworld.
Tormey, S. (2004). Jean-Francois Lyotard
(1924-98). In Jon Simons (Eds.), Contemporary
Critical Theorists: From Lacan to Said, (pp.
152-167). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University
Tormey, S. (2004). The 2003 European Social
Where next for the anti-capitalist
movement? Capital and Class, 84, 149-157.
Robinson, A., Tormey, S. (2003). New Labour's
neoliberal Gleichschaltung:
the case of higher education. The Commoner,
7(Spring/Summer), 1-27.
Publications for Simon Tormey
Tormey, S. (2002). Karl Marx. In Jon Simons
(Eds.), From Kant to Levi-Strauss: The
Background to Contemporary Critical Theory,
(pp. 50-64). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University
Tormey, S. (2002). Ludwig Wittgenstein. In
Jon Simons (Eds.), From Kant to Levi-Strauss:
The Background to Contemporary Critical
Theory, (pp. 197-212). Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press.
Tormey, S. (2001). Agnes Heller: "radical
universalism" after the "grand narrative". In
Lawrence Wilde (Eds.), Marxism's Ethical
Thinkers, (pp. 169-191). United Kingdom:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Tormey, S. (2001). Agnes Heller: Socialism,
Autonomy and the Postmodern. USA:
Manchester University Press.
Tormey, S., Pierson, C. (2001). Politics at the
Edge: The PSA Yearbook 1999. UK: Macmillan
Tormey, S. (2001). Post-Marxism, Democracy
and the Future of
Radical Politics. Democracy and Nature, 7(1),
Tormey, S. (2000). Gesprach mit Agnes Heller I.
Sinn und Form: Beitraege zur Literatur, 52(2),
Tormey, S. (2000). Gesprach mit Agnes Heller
II. Sinn und Form: Beitraege zur Literatur,
52(5), 657-682.
Tormey, S. (2000). Introduction. Politics at the
Edge: The PSA Yearbook 1999, (pp. xii-xix).
UK: Macmillan Press.
Tormey, S. (1999). Interviews with Professor
Agnes Heller (II). Daimon: revista de filosofia,
18, 5-38.
Tormey, S. (1999). Post-Marxism and the Ethics
of Modernity. Radical Philosophy: journal of
socialist feminist philosophy, 94, 29-39.
Tormey, S. (1998). From "rational utopia" to
“will-to-utopia. On the "postmodern" turn in the
recent work of Agnes Heller. Daimon: revista de
filosofia, 17, 133-149.
Tormey, S. (1998). Interviews with Professor
Agnes Heller (I). Daimon: revista de filosofia,
17, 21-50.
Tormey, S. (1998). The vicissitudes of “radical
centrism". Journal of Political Ideologies, 3(2),
Tormey, S. (1995). Making Sense of Tyranny:
Interpretations of Totalitarianism. Manchester:
Manchester University Press.