Publications for Robert Macneil 2016

Publications for Robert Macneil
Publications for Robert Macneil
MacNeil, R. (2016). Death and Environmental
Taxes: Why Market Environmentalism Fails in
Liberal Market Economies. Global
Environmental Politics, 16(1), 21-37. <a
>[More Information]</a>
MacNeil, R., Paterson, M. (2016). This changes
everything? Canadian climate policy and the
2015 election. Environmental Politics, 25(3),
553-557. <a
1140280">[More Information]</a>
MacNeil, R. (2014). Canadian environmental
policy under Conservative majority rule.
Environmental Politics, 23(1), 174-178. <a
854968">[More Information]</a>
MacNeil, R. (2014). Climate Policy, Energy
Technologies, and the American Developmental
State. In Neil E. Harrison and John Mikler
(Eds.), Climate Innovation: Liberal Capitalism
and Climate Change, (pp. 45-71). Houndmills,
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
MacNeil, R. (2014). The Decline of Canadian
Environmental Regulation: Neoliberalism and
the Staples Bias. Studies in Political Economy: a
socialist review, 93(Spring), 79-104.
MacNeil, R. (2013). Alternative climate policy
pathways in the US. Climate Policy, 13(2),
259-276. <a
714964">[More Information]</a>
MacNeil, R. (2013). Canadian Climate Policy as
Organized Crime: The Rise of
Resource-Neoliberalism. International Studies
Association Conference 2014, USA:
International Studies Association.
MacNeil, R. (2013). Seeding an Energy
Technology Revolution in the United States:
Re-conceptualising the Nature of Innovation in
'Liberal-Market Economies'. New Political
Economy, 18(1), 64-88. <a
658362">[More Information]</a>
MacNeil, R. (2013). The Political Innovation of
Renewable Energy: Towards an Understanding
of State-led Creative Destruction. International
Studies Association Conference 2014, USA:
International Studies Association.
MacNeil, R., Paterson, M. (2012). Neoliberal
climate policy: from market fetishism to the
developmental state. Environmental Politics,
21(2), 230-247. <a
651900">[More Information]</a>
MacNeil, R. (2012). Seeding an Energy
Technology Revolution in the United States:
Re-Conceptualizing the Nature of Innovation in
'Liberal Market Economies'. 53rd Annual
Convention of the International Studies
Association, San Diego, United States of
America: International Studies Association.
MacNeil, R. (2012). The Case of the United
States: Outlier or Archetype of the Neoliberal
Development model? Book Project Workshop.
53rd Annual Convention of the International
Studies Association, San Diego, United States of
America: International Studies Association.
MacNeil, R. (2011). Economic Thought and US
Climate Change Policy. Environment and
Planning C: Government and Policy, 29(5).
MacNeil, R. (2011). Greenhouse Governance:
Addressing Climate Change in America. Journal
of Environmental Policy and Planning, 13(4),
447-449. <a
625789">[More Information]</a>
MacNeil, R., Paterson, M. (2011). Neoliberal
Climate Policy: From Market Fetishism to
Developmental State. Western Political Science
Association Annual Meeting 2011, San Antonio,
Texas, USA.
MacNeil, R. (2011). Varieties of Neoliberalisms,
Varieties of Approaches. 8th Annual Political
Science Graduate Student Research Conference,
Berkley, California, USA.
MacNeil, R. (2010). Redefining Public and
Private in the Response to Climate Change. 51st
International Studies Association Annual
Convention ISA 2010, United States:
International Studies Association.
MacNeil, R. (2010). Socializing Crisis in an Era
of State Retrenchment: The Case of Climate
Policy. 4th Annual Great Lakes Conference in
Political Economy, Ottawa, Canada.
MacNeil, R. (2009). It's Not the Heat, It's the
Hubris: American Climate Policy and the Green
Backlash. 16th Annual Conference of the York
Centre for International and Security Studies,
Toronto, Canada.
MacNeil, R. (2009). State and Capital Responses
Publications for Robert Macneil
to Climate Crisis: An Introduction to the
Eco-Industrial Complex. 50th International
Studies Association Annual Conference ISA
2009, United States: International Studies
MacNeil, R. (2008). And What if there was No
Environmental State? Critical Reflections on
Capitalism's Second Contradiction. Conference
on Openness and Sustainability 2008,
Helsingborg, Sweden.