Falck 1 Alecia Falck Denvy Saxowsky

Falck 1
Alecia Falck
Denvy Saxowsky
ED 270
June 2, 2015
Final Project
Grade Level: 1st Grade
Content Area: Math
Title of Unit: Adding and Subtracting
Learning Goal: The students will have a better understanding of adding and
subtracting along with adding and subtracting within story problems.
Technology Standards:
1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
3. Model digital age work and learning
Technologies Integrated:
1. Notepad
2. IMovie
3. Apps (Submarine Math Lite, Math 1-2, Math Drills)
4. Word
5. Socrative
First, I will be using a smart board with the application of notepad. My
second resource will be the IPad to have the students make their own video story
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problems, on the application IMovie, to show in front of the class for more practice
and working on their new skills. My third resource will again be the IPad. I will have
the students use this resource again for fun game applications I have chosen to help
build their math skills. For my fourth resource, I will be using the doc cam to be able
to put the students work on their story problems and worksheets I had made them
previously on the program Word. Lastly, I will be using in the Internet. I will use the
website Socrative, which is a site where I can set up a quiz for the students at the
end of the unit to test their knowledge and understanding.
Unit Outline:
1. I will first use the smart board to introduce the lesson and basics of adding
and subtracting. I will write rules and tricks on the smart board along with
basic examples for the kids to write in their own notes for reference. I am
able to do this under the application notepad within the smart board. I will
then get the students more involved by writing multiple problems for the
students to then come up and answer for themselves. This will allow for us to
discuss how the student got the answer while getting the students to pay
more attention and stay involved.
2. Once the students have got a basic understanding of how to add and subtract
I will show them a few story problem examples, and then allow them to make
some story problems of their own. To make it more exciting and intriguing to
students I will have them use the IMovie , which is within the IPad, to group
up and make story problems in a quick video to show in front of the class.
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Once these videos are ready to share the rest of the class will watch the video
and see if they can solve the story math problem. This not only works on the
math skills of solving, but also has each student also think of a real problem
to make. This gives them a well-rounded knowledge of adding and
3. I will also be giving worksheets both with simple math problems and story
problems to keep them working on their skills. I will have previously already
made these worksheets for them through the program Word. This way I can
make the story problems more relative to our classroom. Once they have
completed these worksheets I will choose students to come up and show
their work on the projector, so as a class we can discuss the process and if
the answer is right or wrong.
4. Once the students are done with their worksheet, I will allow them time to
use the iPads to play on a few math app games I have carefully chosen. These
applications being; Submarine Math Lite, Math 1-2, and Math Drills. Each one
of these are not only fun, but will have the kids still be developing their
adding and subtracting skills. This is a great reward for the students after
they get their work done, but little do they know they are still practicing
5. Lastly, at the end of the unit I will make a quick multiple choice, short
answer, and true/false quiz on Socrative. This is a way for me as the teacher
to see where all my students are with all the new information we learned. I
will get feedback right away to let me know if I need to revisit some material
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of if we are able to move on to the next unit. I can also use the feedback I got
to show the students, their families, and my boss of their progress
throughout the class. This will show the parents they are progressing, and it
will give the students confidence that they are doing well. I can then give a
progress report to my boss/ principal to show that we are right on track and
progressing the way we need to.