Cart Room Helpful Hints

Cart Room Helpful Hints
2.5 Gallon Cambros = Small Cambros
5 Gallon Cambros = Large Cambros
Brown/Gray/Tan/Black Cambros = Coffee,
Hot Water, and Hot Chocolate*
Blue Cambros = Iced Water*
Orange & Purple Cambros = Juice, Lemonade*
Risers go under EVERY cambro we send out
EXCEPT for no frill or pick-up orders.
All cambros require a label (next to ice maker or in label box).
If there is no label or cambro is for a no frill or pick-up order,
make one with label maker in the office.
All cambros require a black drip tray with a napkin in it.
They are in the green container underneath the coffee grinder.
All chafers are in the cart room. If a chafer is needed for an outdoor event,
look for one with a simple wire base (don’t use nice ones!)
Chafers require a stand, an insert, a hotel pan, and a lid.
Cooks usually provide pan in advance.
Ask cook what size/number of chafers are needed.
ALWAYS put hot water in the chafer insert BEFORE
placing lit sternos underneath. Place lid on top
to keep the water hot until food is added.
*If there is not a cambro of a certain color, then it is okay to use another
color. Just label it!