


Assessment for this unit will be easily accessible and very accurate according to the student’s learning. The learning activities used will allow for many performance and comprehensive assessment strategies. I will begin by stating that I believe the teacher should actually be assessing students at all times, not simply at specified times. Most often the best assessment is done when students are not aware of it taking place with the teacher. The assessments taken should not only include the knowledge the student is gaining or understanding, but their social and emotional skills as they work in groups and individually as well. All these areas must be assessed in order for the teacher to better direct teaching strategies and understand the students.

Prior to this unit taking place I suggest that the teacher become aware of the most background on each student as possible. This will aid in collecting extra content for the unit as well that will connect the students. In many cases, the week begins with a class discussion on the topic given and the teacher will observe first how the class is responding as a whole. Give the students questions, allow for appropriate wait time and observe these answers. After some discussion has taken place, give each table of students a question or topic to discuss within the days objective. The teacher should conference with students at individual tables and find those that might be struggling with the concept or being involved. Have the groups share what they have discussed. Listen for original answers and content understanding. I would primarily use these tasks to find out what your students know and what areas must be explored more in depth.

Journals will be used for the students to record their very own observations, thoughts, and reactions to trips, people, visitors, and projects. The observations will show their attentiveness on walks and at events. The students must be given appropriate time to write and draw in their journals for this to be effective. These journals will be a continuous way of assessment throughout the unit. At the end of the unit, have students write and illustrate what they learned. This will show great progress from the beginning of the four weeks.

As a teacher, conference individually with each student and have them show you their journal on communities. This will provide for quality one on one time for student and teacher. Make any notations needed after each student conference.

Class Book - The “Our Community” book pages students make is a great way to assess their listening to class discussion and instruction. The pages will include a picture and label or sentence. (Some accommodations might be needed here.) Check the progress of these pages often.

Culture pizza will be a take-home assignment that will require the aid of family.

If a student is not able to obtain the needed help from home, teacher should assist-a great way to assess this student. As the students share their culture pizzas, a certain number of questions may be asked to further the sharing. The teacher might make notes about what is shared.

Students are to come up with questions for interviewing the community members that visitor. This could be done individually and then shared with class to open more brainstorming. It would be ideal if each student could share at least one interview question.

A class meeting could also be used as a means of discussion which would be observable for the teacher.

Use of a portfolio is also very helpful. I suggest having a file for each child and having them put everything they do from the unit inside. This serves as a way to see the student’s progress over time also and the quality of work produced.

Culminating Activity/ Project - This unit concludes with a major project for the students to show their knowledge and excitement about the community. The students will brainstorm, plan, practice, and carry out a program for their parents, school, and even the community. This program will share what they learned about valuing everyone in the community from the four weeks of learning activities. Also, the “Our Community” book will be shared during the program as well as the community song, role playing, and representation of our goals as a class to be good citizens to make our community more equal. As the students plan and develop the parts they will take on the teacher will be able to hear and see their knowledge coming together and applied. The students will come up with situations to role play which will show their understanding of inequality, diversity, and culture.
