Archival Summary Report: Departmental Learning Outcomes Assessment

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Archival Summary Report: Departmental Learning Outcomes Assessment
(Please complete this form for each academic PROGRAM that is assessed.)
Program: Psychology Major____ Department: _Psychological Sciences Division: _Behavioral Sciences_
Department contact: _______Chehalis Strapp__________________ Date: ___September 28, 2015______
1. What learning outcome(s) was assessed? We assessed all 3 departmental learning outcomes
Learning Outcomes
1. Explain and/or apply principles, skills, values, or ethics of psychology.
2. Apply appropriate research methods to critically analyze human behavior.
3. Identify and demonstrate knowledge of sociocultural and international diversity.
2. Where did you get the data for assessment? (e.g., employer survey, embedded assessment, capstone
or thesis project, class presentation)
Outcome 1. Explain and/or apply principles, skills, values, or ethics of psychology data included 1) Student selfreport data assessed each spring term with our annual senior survey; 2) Off site evaluation came from practicum
supervisors who work directly with psychology majors through applied experiences.
Outcome 2 Apply appropriate research methods to critically analyze human behavior data included 1 Student selfreport data includes responses assessed each spring term with our annual senior survey; 2) Off site evaluation came
from practicum supervisors who work directly with psychology majors through applied experiences. 3) Final project
posters for a sample of psychology majors completing Psy 468 Advanced Research Methods were evaluated using a
rubric designed to assess students’ inquiry and analysis skills.
Outcome 3 Identify and demonstrate knowledge of sociocultural and international diversity data included 1) Student
self-report data assessed each spring term with our annual senior survey; 2) Off site evaluation came from practicum
supervisors who work directly with psychology majors through applied experiences.
3. What were the findings of the assessment? What did faculty learn about student learning from
reviewing the data?
We learned that student self report data (senior survey data) for Outcomes 1-3 has been consistent across
the past 5 years. In reporting the % of respondents indicating a great extent or very great extent for each
item, we see that psychology majors perceive their experiences in the major as having a great impact on
their development of behaviors that map to learning outcomes.
For off site supervisors, we learned that psychology majors are rated highly on many of the behaviors
that map to our learning outcomes. Overwhelmingly practicum supervisors perceive our students as
working well with others, demonstrating high levels of verbal communication and listening skills;
professionalism; and interacting effectively with diverse populations. Areas that received lower ratings
included written communication skills and knowledge of the sites population. This could suggest areas
for improvement in our students, however, in reflecting on this assessment, we do not know if
(Rev. 2/2014)
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
supervisors were rating our students relative to new employees, other volunteers because we did not
provide a standard for comparison (i.e., we did not say to rate our students as they would a new
employee; or a volunteer).
From our rubric developed to assess outcome 2, we observed that changes could be made to the project
directions as well as to the rubric that could lead to higher scores the next time these items are assessed.
Given the small sample size assessed with this draft of the rubric, we hope to made adjustments and then
use again in the coming year.
4. What changes, if any, will faculty make to curriculum as a result of assessment?
As noted above, the suggestions provided by practicum supervisors can be incorporated into curriculum
changes for the practicum course. Additionally, this may suggest that additional efforts be made to help
students develop written communication skills. From our assessment of Psy 468 students through the poster
rubric, changes can be made to the Psy 468 course project guidelines, and to the rubric to see if changes in
future assessments.
(Rev. 2/2014)