The Book

Mr. Carr
CP English 12: Period _________
7 March 2016
The Book
Summarize the main ideas of the book. See pages 152-179 (184-218) for help.
 The world now consists of three superstates: _________________, ________________
and_____________________ who are always at war in some combination of twoagainst-one.
 The economic purpose of this ongoing war is that it is a war for ____________________
represented by thickly populated disputed areas between their borders.
 The war also uses up ___________________ and leaves little for _________________.
 This is an important condition to maintain, because an all-around increase in
________________ would threaten the _________________ of the society.
 The masses would become __________________, begin to think as ________________,
and ___________________ the government (which is termed “oligarchical
o oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small
number of people.
 The Party aims to conquer the entire _______________, and to extinguish the possibility
of _________________ thought.
 The citizens must continue to hate __________________ in order to ______________
the war, so no contact with _____________________ is allowed.
 There are _______________ groups in society: the ______________ Party, about _____
percent of the population; the _______________ Party, 13%; and the ______________,
85%. The aims of the three groups are irreconcilable (so different from each other that they
are incompatible).
 To maintain the oligarchy, in which _______________ and ________________ are
concentrated in the hands of a tiny ___________________, it is important that the
masses never realize they are _____________________.
 Intelligent proles are quickly ____________________ so they will not cause trouble, and
the remainder are ______________________ and stupefied by ______________.
 The ___________ Party members have even less ________________ than the proles.
They are executive _______________ of the Inner Party, and are taught crimestop early
in life, i.e. they are supposed to be _________________ by any thought or idea which
could lead to heresy (a controversial or novel change to a system of beliefs).
 ____________think and blackwhite are other important skills of the ________________
Directions: Use the t-chart to compare the members of the Outer Party with the proles.
Consider, percentage of the population, education, living condition, work, how they are
controlled by the Inner Party etc. With your group, try to come up with at least five for each.
Outer Party
Pyramid: Draw a pyramid divided into three proportional sections, labeling each section with Big
Brother, Inner Party, Outer Party, and proletariat. With the exception of Big Brother, include population
Writing: Respond to the following using at least 3 sentences.
 In your opinion, were Winston and Julia foolish for getting involved with one another? If you
were Winston or Julia, would it have been worth it to you to have what they had, even though it
will probably end in death for them?