COLLEGE OF EDUCATION SENATE MEETING Minutes December 7, 2012, 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Attendance:

December 7, 2012, 9 a.m.-11 a.m.
Donna Wiseman, Kevin Dunbar, Wayne Slater, Valerie Foster, Jing Lin, Noah
Drezner, Kathleen Travers, Olivia Saracho, Paul Gold, Ellen Fabian, Natasha
Cabrera, Eileen Kramer.
Guest: April Patty
1. Dean’s Report
a. COE graduate enrollment numbers are down 15%
i. Concern about the masters programs; Donna thinks that some of
the decline might have to do with changes in the state regarding
how teachers can receive salary increases without needing a
masters. Also more school districts are no longer paying for
ii. Donna will analyze the numbers more and give us a report at the
next Senate meeting.
iii. What role does the need to fully fund PhD students play in this
iv. What role does the push for fulltime PhD students play in this
v. Does this decrease take into account the Graduate Schools
Rightsizing program?
b. C minus issue. The College of Education does not want to allow Cgrades as acceptable undergraduate teacher education grades for
individual courses. The University is pushing back on us and saying that
we must accept them.
c. Charter School.
i. Will open in the fall with 200 students (goal 700 students)
ii. The University is pulling back on its partnership
iii. Donna will remain on the Board of the charter school and the
main contact on campus for the charter school
iv. Issues of concern by the community
1. Location – too much traffic, so the school will be moved to an old Catholic school
2. When charter schools are oversubscribed, MD law requires
a lottery. Since it has to be open to all Prince Georges
County, it is then possible that people in the local
community would be locked out
a. Donna working with PG County Executive Baker to
change the law on the state level so that community
access would be guaranteed
i. This looks like an uphill battle
3. The only thing that the University has to do is work with the
“middle college” program.
4. The charter school is for Grades 6-12
5. Collaboration is still with Connection Academy owned by
Pearson’s Publishing Company
2. Space in Cole (Donna and April)
a. Much of space in Cole is controlled by the departments and is to support
funded projects
b. There is a real difference in the quality of space. Some departments
have funded renovations, while others have not.
c. There needs to be some consideration to reorganizing space that is no
longer used
d. The space is not used as effectively or efficiently as possible
e. We should consider new policies regarding space
f. Create a taskforce on space. Possible members based on who have
space: Kevin Dunbar (chair), Will ask: Rebecca Silverman, Jeff McSwan,
i. The charge: To improve on the efficient use of the space, look at
equity issues, and make recommendations for needed
improvements, making sure that all the space is consistent with
security and safety requirements. Review old policies on research
1. Need to clean up space as well
2. Vote: unanimous
College of Education Plan of Organization
a. Using the new Plan of Organization we did not achieve quorum. Using
the old, we did. The University Senate wrote to us that the current Plan
of Organization which was already approved by the University Senate
and the President guide our college. No need for another vote.
b. We are going to seek new amendments to the PoO next semester, seek
Senate approval, then send to ERG at University Senate for approval,
and then final College Assembly vote.
i. There are already a number of things to do.
Vote of HDQM Plan of Organization Revision (Natasha)
a. Changes were made to allow for votes of staff and non-tenure stream
faculty as requested by last year’s Senate
b. Vote: unanimous
Possible Items for College Assembly (8 Feb 2013)
a. We have invited the new Provost (working with her assistant)
b. Report from the Graduate and Undergraduate student governments
c. Memorial Resolution
Plan of the Awards Committee
a. The committee has been formed: Ellen Fabian (chair), Jade Wexler,
Eileen Kramer, Steve Mobley, Olivia Saracho, Laura Stapleton
b. Deadline April 8, 2013
c. Award Ceremony: May 10, 2013
Faculty Development Committee (chair: Marvin Titus)
a. Trying to find a time to meet
b. Every department has two representatives on the committee. They
serve for two years.
Meeting adjourned at 10:20am.