Honey Bee News August

Honey Bee News August
Dear Families:
It has been an amazing summer at the Children's Nature Academy; running in sprinklers, exploring the
Priory grounds, expressing ourselves through dance and music and looking forward to new days filled with
projects and activities. Our nature studies have proven to be successful and it is wonderful to see the transfer
of knowledge as the children are now even comparing trees to toads :) The pictures at the bottom of the page
represent one of our spontaneous studies as we noticed what great shadows we saw one day on the
playground. Throughout the upcoming month you can practice our "backyard detective" skills by noticing the
world around you. We will be focusing on animals in our backyard for the next month so we hope to see the
little creatures that enhance our natural environment.
Health and Fitness: Many of you have heard my analogy of "working with three and four year olds" is often
like a perpetual game of telephone. Consequently, our favorite outdoor game lately is "Duck, Duck, Moose."
Playing games with children is a great way to be active and build critical attitudes about fitness. Why not start
up your own game of "Duck, Duck, Moose" at your next family picnic or check out the following website to get
a variety of ideas for outdoor games. http://kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_center/staying_fit/fitness_4_5.html#
Thank you for the donations of pails and fabric. I appreciate these items as they enhance learning for all. We
have often heard that one persons junk may be another's treasure. This month we are looking for the
following treasures.
plastic jars of all sizes
trays and baskets
old jewelry
vinyl table cloths to use on the playground to identify stations
throw pillows
I am also looking for someone with sewing skills that could make pillows covers for us to use on pillows for an
outdoor soft space. I have the material and it should not be a complicated project. See me if you would be
willing to stitch up some magic for our playspace.
Finally, as we prepare for a new school year please make sure that all contracts and other paper work have
been turned in to the office. We are closed the last Friday before Labor Day for a teacher in-service and work
day. All cubbies should be cleaned out on your last day of attendance for that week so that we can transition
to new classrooms and/or make sure that everything is ready for a new beginning.
Miss Lisa
Guess Who or What