U L MGT 3031D

MGT 3031D
Managing Responsibly in a Global Environment
Group Project
Spring 2009
Presentation 45 marks
Due March 31, April 2, or April 7
Report 50 marks
Due April 16
Evaluation (group and self) 5 marks
Due April 16
For the purposes of this assignment, Vodafone is undergoing a re-evaluation of its re-use
/ recycle program of the old phones to ensure the program is the best solution in line with
their goals and meeting the expectations of the stakeholders to the best of their ability.
Vodafone is trying to determine if it should only re-use, or only recycle the old phones, or
if the current program offering both services is the best choice, or if they should take a
different direction entirely. They have hired a consulting firm to research the perspectives
of eight stakeholders carefully because they have been brought to their attention. And
they want the consulting firm to provide a final report indicating their recommendation
on the appropriate course of action. The consulting firm has divided their employees into
eight groups, each group has been assigned one of the eight stakeholders identified by
Vodafone to research. It is the responsibility of each group to speak on behalf of that
particular stakeholder in a presentation to the rest of the company. Once all the
employees in the consultant company have heard each of the eight perspectives on the
issue, they will provide a written report summarizing their recommendation to Vodafone.
The eight stakeholders are:
 Customers
 Global Cool Foundation UK
 Suppliers
 Fonebak
 Employees
 Shareholders
 Environment
 Solar Aid/Lower-Income Countries
The presentation must be from the perspective of the stakeholder your group is
The presentation should be 20 min. in length plus a 3 min Q&A period following
the presentation.
The presentation must include a description of the issue highlighting the stake
your stakeholder has from their perspective. This description must go well beyond
what is explained in the case.
A minimum of 5 sources must be cited not including the textbook (although you
will find the textbook helpful and should make use of it in this project).
Wikipedia.com is not an acceptable source.
The presentation must include the pros and cons of the current program to this
Vodafone’s economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities to your
stakeholder must be included in the presentation.
The presentation must also include:
o The location of your stakeholder in a position / importance matrix and
why your group chose that position.
o The location of your stakeholder in a diagnostic typology and why your
group chose that position.
o The location of your stakeholder in a stakeholder typology and why your
group chose that position.
o The location of your stakeholder in a typology of influence strategy and
why your group chose that position.
Based on the information above, relevant information in the textbook and the
references your group cited, the presentation must include the expectations of
your stakeholder and what course of action they would like Vodafone to take.
Powerpoint slides or summary of presentation must be handed in (email or
hardcopy) by 4pm the day before presenting, including citations of the references.
One report must be handed in per group.
The report should be a maximum of 7 pages double space, size 12 font, 1 inch
Identify where Vodafone is positioned in Carroll’s pyramid. Identify Vodafone’s
type of Corporate Sustainability. Explain briefly how that affects your
It should include a list of stakeholders as complete as possible (in other words,
more than eight).
The report must also include figures of the following:
o The location of the 8 stakeholders in a position / importance matrix and
why they are in that position.
o The location of the 8 stakeholders in a diagnostic typology and why they
are in that position.
o The location of the 8 stakeholders in a stakeholder typology and why they
are in that position.
o The location of the 8 stakeholders in a typology of influence strategy and
why they are in that position.
Based on the information above, relevant information in the textbook, and the
references your group cited in the presentation, provide a recommendation to
Vodafone (not from your stakeholder’s perspective but as to what is best for
Vodafone considering their goals) as to whether they should only recycle, only reuse, continue with the recycle/re-use program, or develop a different program