
Standard G – Policy Compliance
Incentive for Compliance- Chapters will comply with Rowan University’s Greek Handbook Guidelines.
Each chapter will receive 80 points, and 40 points will be deducted for each major violation,
including but not limited to Hazing, Alcohol, and New Member Policy Violations. 10 points
will be deducted for all other violations. (Note: The total maximum deductions for violations
is 80)
A chapter with ANY major violation(s), as determined through the IGC or the University
discipline process, will automatically be considered ineligible for gold or silver level status.
Documentation Needed: Copies of administrative sanction letters or disciplinary decisions.
Chapter Code of Conduct- The chapter has a written a Code of Conduct. The code must be
signed by all members each semester.
Documentation Needed: Copy of the Code of Conduct with attachments of the signed