Mr Mark I’Anson (in the Chair), the Vice-Chancellor, Dr Peter... Professor Alan Boddy, Mr Neil Braithwaite, Professor Vicki Bruce, Mr... NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY

17 June 2013
Mr Mark I’Anson (in the Chair), the Vice-Chancellor, Dr Peter Andras, Dr John Appleby,
Professor Alan Boddy, Mr Neil Braithwaite, Professor Vicki Bruce, Mr Mike Davison, Mr
Colin FitzPatrick, Professor Deborah Henderson, Mrs Jacqui Henderson, Mr Robert Hull,
Mr Jeff McIntosh, Mrs Heidi Mottram, Ms Laura Perry (President, Students’ Union), Mr
Simon Pleydell, Mrs Kate Priestley, Professor Ella Ritchie and Mr Paul Walker.
In attendance: Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Professor Chris Day, Professor Charles Harvey,
and Professor Tony Stevenson (Pro-Vice-Chancellors), Dr John Hogan (Registrar),
Mr Richard Dale (Executive Director of Finance), Mrs Veryan Johnston (Executive
Director of Human Resources) and Mrs Lizzie Taylor (Executive Officer
Mr Peter Johnson, Mrs Kate Priestley, Ms Rachael Thornton (Education Officer),
Professor Steve Homans and Professor Nick Wright.
Ms Eve Berwin, Mr Jonathan Glass, Mr Stephen Lightley and Mr Calum Mackenzie attended the
meeting as observers.
Mrs Lesley Braiden (Acting Academic Registrar and Director of Marketing and Student Recruitment)
attended for Minute 116.
The members of Council concerned were not present for Minutes 122 and 123.
No declarations of interest were received.
The Chair welcomed Ms Eve Berwin, Mr Jonathan Glass, Mr Stephen Lightley and Mr Calum
Mackenzie to the meeting as observers.
The Chair thanked Mr Colin FitzPatrick, Mr Peter Johnson, Ms Laura Perry, Mrs Kate Priestley,
and Ms Rachael Thornton for their contribution to the work of Council and wished them every
success in the future.
The Minutes of the meeting of Council and the notes from the joint meeting of Council
and Senate held on 29 April 2013 were approved as a correct record and signed.
Noted that the Chair of Council had asked Professor Nick Wright, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research
and Innovation, to provide details of the follow up process from the joint meeting of Council and
Council 17 June 2013
Senate. Professor Wright had confirmed that a number of sessions focussed on the key themes
raised during the joint meeting would be arranged following completion of the REF submission in
November. Council members would be invited to participate in these sessions. The purpose of the
sessions will be to determine the key principles of the future strategy which will be prepared for
Spring 2014.
Received an oral report from the Executive Director of Human Resources on current health and
safety issues affecting the University.
Noted that:
The Health and Safety Executive Biological Agents Unit had visited the University on 4
June to inspect the Containment Level 3 Suite located in the Medical School. The visit had
gone well and the inspectors had commented upon the robust management arrangements
that are in place. They had, however, noted that there was a lack of systematic risk
assessment of possible emergency scenarios and would be recommending that this be
It was confirmed that a letter had been received from the HSE detailing their
recommendations but no fee was to be charged. The Containment Level 3 Suite is not
currently in use as there is no such activity ongoing at the present time.
Considered a report from Mrs Veryan Johnston, Executive Director of Human Resources, on
behalf of Executive Board.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document C. Copy filed in the Minute Book]
Noted that:
The data in the Annual Safety Report displayed a reduction in accident rates and an
improvement in Newcastle’s position relative to Russell Group universities.
The high number of incidents in the slips, trips and falls (STF) category had previously been
identified as an area of concern and specific actions have been taken to address this. A
working group was established in 2011 and a number of awareness raising activities were
undertaken. At the end of 2012 the number of reported STF incidents had been reduced by
24% against a 2011 baseline. It is clear that weather conditions are a key contributing
factor in this area. Action plans are in place to continue to raise awareness.
Regarding the control of Legionella, a working group has been established to oversee the
improvement and implementation of policy and procedures across the campus in addition to
existing Estate Support Service arrangements.
In terms of RIDDOR incidents, the University is applying a stricter filter to ensure it reports
incidents in the correct category.
Manual handling statistics suggest that the incident rate is continuing on a downward
trajectory. There were no reported manual handling accidents involving non-staff during
2012 and this development was investigated further to determine whether this was in fact
the case. It has been determined that more appropriate categorisation of incidents has
contributed to a decline in reported incidents in this category.
Council 17 June 2013
There is a dangerous interface on Queen Victoria Road between the areas which the
University is responsible for and those maintained by the City Council. It was requested
that the University should use its influence to put pressure on the Council to improve the
environment in this area to reduce accidents.
It was noted that there was a lower rate of incidents in quarter 3 which could be attributed to
the summer holidays. It was suggested that the incident rates for the other quarters should
be compared to determine whether there are any other notable trends.
Leadership and management are important when taking action to bring about a reduction in
accident rates. Managers should ensure that health and safety considerations are regularly
discussed at team meetings.
Section 3.1 of the report notes that the University is still considering some
recommendations which were made by the HSE following a biosafety audit of units in the
Faculty of Medical Sciences. It was noted that following discussion further detailed
explanation has been provided by the HSE which will assist with implementation.
10. The University was advised to maintain its focus on near misses as this would help to
reduce overall accident rates.
Council Effectiveness Questionnaire
Members of Council were advised that the Council Effectiveness Questionnaire would soon
be circulated. The format would be shorter than those used in previous years and would
ask members to focus on areas where arrangements could be improved. All members
were asked to complete the questionnaire.
Council Representation on Senate
The current Council representative on Senate, Mr Robert Hull, had informed the Chair that
he wished to step down from this role at the end of the current academic year. A volunteer
to take on this role was invited from amongst the lay membership of Council.
Received the Vice-Chancellor’s report. Highlights of this report are discussed below.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document D. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Received a report on deaths recently announced by the University.
Resolved that Council record its deep regret and sympathy for the relatives
Reputation and Rankings
The Vice-Chancellor’s business paper made reference to the U-Multirank initiative in which
the University was participating. It was noted that this initiative had been launched by the
European Union and, for this reason it was proving to be controversial as it was seen to be
government backed. The University has agreed to continue its involvement on a limited
Council 17 June 2013
Socially Responsible Investment Policy
The Socially Responsible Investment Policy, which was first approved by Council in 2011,
has been invoked for the first time following receipt of a motion from the Students’ Union
Council. The outcome of the process has been brought to Council as a matter of policy.
The Students’ Union should be commended for the research and commitment shown in
pursuing this motion. Executive Board was presented with a comprehensive case and a
collegial presentation. The Students’ Union President and the student who proposed the
motion were invited to attend a meeting of Executive Board to discuss it further.
In their consideration of the motion, Executive Board had decided to apply two tests, the
first being the reciprocity test, which required it to consider whether it would be willing to
take money from the company in which disinvestment had been recommended. Executive
Board confirmed that it had previously taken money from the two companies concerned and
it would be likely to continue to do so, which could be seen to undermine its position if it
decided to disinvest. Secondly, the University conducts research into sustainability and it
was considered that it could use its research as a mean of influencing the companies and
encouraging improvements within their industries.
Following extensive discussion, Executive Board had decided against recommending
disinvestment in the two companies concerned.
It was proposed that the University could be more proactive in terms of determining which
companies it actively sought investment from and pursue only those which supported and
demonstrated ethical principles.
The Students’ Union had welcomed the recommendation from Executive Board that it use
its influence at board meetings to bring about improvements in the ethical position of the
companies in which the University holds investments however it did not support the
decision not to disinvest.
Queen’s Birthday Honours List
The following graduates of the University were congratulated on the honours which they
had received in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list:
Professor Eric Thomas, Vice-Chancellor of Bristol University, received a
Knighthood for services to higher education;
Professor Nigel Shadbolt, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of
Southampton, received a Knighthood for services to science and engineering;
Professor Anne Johnson, Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at
University College London received a Damehood for services to the study of
infectious diseases;
Mr Rowan Atkinson, actor, received a CBE for services to drama and charity.
Professor Selwyn Michael Griffin, Consultant Surgeon and Professor of
Gastrointestinal Surgery, The Royal Victoria Infirmary, received an OBE for
services to health;
Miss Barbara Slider, Head of School and Deputy Headteacher, Shiremoor
Primary School, Newcastle upon Tyne, received an MBE for services to
Mr Derek Talbot, former badminton champion, received an MBE for services to
Council 17 June 2013
People and Planet Green League
The University has recently been informed that it has received a 1st class award in the
Green League published by People and Planet, an organisation which monitors
environmental performance across the sector. The University was ranked in 15th place
out of 134 institutions, a rise of 9 places since 2012.
Government Spending Review
Further concerns were expressed about the potential outcome of the forthcoming
government spending review to be announced on 26 June. For example, it has been
suggested that the government may be considering transferring the funding for medical
education from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) to the
Department for Health.
Student Attendance Monitoring
Representatives from the University met recently with Derek Knight from the Home
Office to discuss student attendance monitoring. Prior to its abolition, the UKBA had
operated a devolved regional policy for its interactions with universities which had
resulted in inconsistent application of student attendance monitoring arrangements. It
was considered that the University’s regional office applied a stricter interpretation of the
rules than offices elsewhere in the country. The University has received reassurance
from Mr Knight that the routine systems that is has in place are sufficient to meet the
Home Office requirements.
Widening Participation
Recent media reports have criticised a number of leading universities on their
performance in terms of widening participation (WP). It was noted that, in the case of
Newcastle University, its location presents a significant challenge for WP recruitment.
The University exceeds its benchmark for recruitment from the north east region but
national benchmarks prove more difficult to meet since many students from WP
backgrounds choose to study at universities close to their home. The effort the
University puts into its WP activities was acknowledged by Professor Les Ebdon,
Director of Fair Access to Higher Education, during a recent visit. It was agreed that the
University should remain committed to its WP activities and be prepared to defend its
Received the Strategic Risk Register Summary.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document E. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Noted that:
The recruitment of staff in preparation for the Research Excellence Framework remains a
key area of focus for the University.
Cyber security is a risk for all UK institutions and is a difficult area to address. Other
universities have increased their investment in this area.
Good relationships with local police and security agencies are important when dealing with
state-sponsored cybercrime.
Council 17 June 2013
Received the summary KPI report from Professor Tony Stevenson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor
Planning and Resources, on behalf of Executive Board.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document F. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Noted that there had been no changes to the KPIs since they were last reported to Council.
Received a PowerPoint presentation and the University Learning, Teaching and Student
Experience Committee Report to Senate and Council (including the Learning, Teaching and
Student Experience KPIs) from Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning
and Teaching, on behalf of Executive Board.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document G. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
[Copy of the slides filed in the Minute Book.]
Noted that:
Students are increasingly using league tables to assist with their decision making when
determining their university choices. The 2012 NSS results placed the University 14th
nationally and results from the postgraduate student surveys show that the University
exceeded the Russell Group and sector averages for both taught and research students.
However, it is clear that merely to maintain this position the University must continually
improve its performance.
Performance in terms of satisfaction varies across the University. The message is
continually conveyed to staff that everyone is involved in the student experience and there
is a need for a sustained effort to continue to improve performance in this area.
The University has come to the end of the first year of implementation of the Newcastle
‘offer’ and it will continue to work on developing this whilst also considering the offer for
postgraduate students.
Achieving true parity of esteem between teaching and research activity remains a challenge
and there is further work to be done. It is important to recognise and reward excellent
teaching to increase visibility and encourage parity of esteem. Improving the systems for
the collection of student feedback will help to determine where good standards of teaching
are being achieved.
Submission rates for postgraduate students continue to improve each year however there is
a disparity in terms of the rate of submission for funded students and those who are selffunded which needs to be addressed.
The demand for facilities continues to increase. During the most recent exam period the
library was operating at capacity. Responding to the IT requirements and expectations of
students, who are ‘digital natives’, and staff, many of whom are ‘digital immigrants’, remains
a challenge. There is a need to enhance digital literacy across the University.
Graduates of the University succeed in achieving good employability outcomes which is
considered to be a significant achievement in the current economic climate. Employability
rates are also a key consideration for potential applicants and it is therefore essential for the
University to maintain and continue to improve its position.
Council 17 June 2013
Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs are a relatively recent development and the
University has yet to decide whether this is a market in which it should become involved.
A special interest group to review and update the Learning, Teaching and Student
Experience strategy is to be established and members of Council will be invited to
participate in this.
10. At the University/Students’ Union Partnership Committee meeting which took place on the
morning of 17 June it was noted that the Students’ Union was actively engaged in activities
which complement the University’s Learning, Teaching and Student Experience activity. A
number of reciprocal arrangement and shared initiatives are in place which are designed to
enhance the student experience.
Received a PowerPoint presentation and the Student Recruitment Strategy from Professor
Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching and Mrs Lesley Braiden,
Acting Academic Registrar and Director of Marketing and Student Recruitment, on behalf of
Executive Board.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document H. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
[Copy of the slides filed in the Minute Book.]
Minute classified as ‘Commercial in Confidence’.
Received an update on the Digital Campus Programme and, for approval, the IT Strategy from
Professor Tony Stevenson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Planning and Resources, on behalf of
Executive Board.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document J. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Noted that:
The report provides an update on the first full year of the Digital Campus programme. The
strategy presented is the result of extensive consultation across the University and continues
to be work in process. The strategy is intended to be aspirational and an implementation plan
is to be developed.
It was noted that an E-learning strategy is to be developed separately and will be presented to
Council as part of the Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy during the next
academic year.
Resolved that the IT Strategy be approved.
Received a report from the meeting of Finance Committee, held on 5 June 2013.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document K. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Minute classified as ‘Commercial in Confidence’.
Considered a report from Mr Richard Dale, Executive Director of Finance, on behalf of
Executive Board.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document L. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Council 17 June 2013
Minute classified as ‘Commercial in Confidence’.
Considered a report from Mr Richard Dale, Executive Director of Finance, on behalf of
Executive Board.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document M. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Noted that:
1. It was considered helpful for Council to receive details of the University’s balance sheet. The
University holds a large amount of cash in its bank accounts which other businesses would
seek to leverage in some way. The Executive Director of Finance is to prepare a report on
this for a future meeting of Council.
2. As the University is intending to grow its activity in future years, both in terms of student
numbers and the courses it offers, it will be necessary to consider the implications for
facilities to ensure that appropriate investment is made to sustain future growth plans.
Resolved that Council approve the five year financial forecast to be submitted to HEFCE.
Received a report from the meeting of Audit Committee held on the 25 April 2013.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document N. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Council recorded its thanks to Mr Colin FitzPatrick for his work as a member and Chair of Audit
Committee over the past nine years.
Considered a report from Nominations Committee.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document O. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Noted that:
1. It was important for Nominations Committee to be mindful of the gender balance when
identifying new members of Council. It is possible that funding agencies, through initiatives
such as Athena SWAN, could take the gender composition of institution’s governing body
into consideration when considering its future awards.
2. It was suggested that Nominations Committee should take the gender balance of its own
membership into consideration. It was noted that Nominations Committee would continue to
identify and appoint individuals to committees on the basis of merit.
Resolved that:
The following be re-appointed as members of Council from 1 August 2013 until 31
July 2016 of the year shown:
Mr Neil Braithwaite
Mr Mike Davison
Mr Simon Pleydell
Mr Paul Walker
Council 17 June 2013
Professor Chris Rodgers be re-appointed as Chairman of the Microbiological Hazards
and Genetic Modification Safety Advisory Sub-Committee from 1 August 2013 to 31
July 2016.
Council noted the remaining items in the report.
Considered a recommendation from the Chair of Council that Mr Simon Pleydell and Mr Paul
Walker be appointed as members of Nominations Committee from 1 August 2013 to 31 July
Resolved that the above recommendation be approved.
Received a report from the meeting of Remuneration Committee, held on 13 May 2013.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document P. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Minute classified as ‘Commercial in Confidence’.
Considered a report from Professor Tony Stevenson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Planning and
Resources, on behalf of Executive Board.
[Circulated with the agenda as Document Q. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Minute classified as ‘Commercial in Confidence’.
Received a report from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching on the current position
regarding undergraduate and postgraduate applications for 2013, on behalf of Executive Board.
[Circulated as Document R. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Noted that:
The recruitment position for 2013-14 remains positive with an increase of 40% in the number
of acceptances of ABB+ offers. This suggests that the University’s strategy to make as many
ABB+ offers as possible is producing the desired result.
Fewer core offers have been made compared with the same point in the previous year but the
University is confident that all the core places will be filled.
A-level results will be released to students on 15 August and the University expects to have a
good understanding of its position in terms of the number of recruited students by the
beginning of the following week.
Council were informed of the forthcoming visit days on 28/29 June and were advised that they
were welcome to attend.
Received a report on the University’s sports activities from Professor Charles Harvey, Pro-ViceChancellor Humanities and Social Sciences, prepared in response to a request made by Council at
its meeting on 10 December 2012.
Council 17 June 2013
[Circulated as Document S. Copy filed in the Minute Book.]
Noted that:
The University has achieved considerable success in terms of its sporting performance in
recent years. The University has a well-established Athletics Union and coaching structure
in place. The University recorded its best ever result in the British Universities and College
Sport (BUCS) rankings in 2011-12, achieving 10th position.
There are high levels of participation in sport across the University which continue to
increase. When the extension to the sports hall is completed, the University will be able to
considerably improve its offer to students.
The University’s strategy for continuing to improve its performance includes ensuring that it
recruits the best athletes and that it develops the coaching infrastructure. Plans need to be
made for the loss of 4 rugby and 6 soccer pitches from Close House Country Club which
will occur in 16 years’ time.
The Students’ Union and the Centre for Physical Recreation and Sport (CPRS) continue to
work together to determine how the offer to students can be improved. The sports
provision is fundamental for the student experience for some students and the Students’
Union welcomes the sports hall expansion and the proposed conversion of pitches to multiuse. There is considered to be room for improvement in the delivery model.
It was proposed that a broader paper should be prepared about the sports offering and
facilities across the city of Newcastle as a whole as this could assist the University’s
student recruitment activities.
The budget for the CPRS is kept in line with that of the general funds. The number of
students joining the Sports Centre has increased which has made a significant contribution
to the CPRS budget. The cost of participation in sport can be a barrier for some students.
The most recent version of the University’s access agreement includes the offer of reduced
membership rates for students in receipt of a bursary.
It was proposed that any new plans for sports facilities should seek to provide benefits for
the local community whilst also making financial sense for the University.
It was proposed that a further report should be prepared which sets out the future vision for
the University’s sporting activity, to give a holistic view. It was considered that a more
structured approach was required which considered the whole of the University’s provision
and facilities and the actions which are needed to enable the University to achieve its
Resolved that Professor Harvey be asked to prepare a further report on the University’s
sports provision and facilities for submission to a future meeting of Council.
The Chair’s circular of routine business was sent to members on 31 May 2013.
Approved business:
There were no items for approval.
Items for information:
Council 17 June 2013
Final report from the Reputation and Rankings Special Interest Group
(ii) Report on the launch year of the University’s third Societal Challenge Theme:
Social Renewal
(iii) Reported Business
The Vice-Chancellor on behalf of Senate and the Chair of Council acting on behalf of Council
have approved the following Head of Academic Unit and Dean re-appointments, as
recommended by the Faculty Appointment Boards:
Head of the School of Psychology
Professor Vicki Bruce is re-appointed as Head of the School of Psychology for a further
two years until 31 July 2015.
Director of the Institute for Neuroscience
Professor Colin Ingram is re-appointed as Director of the Institute for Neuroscience, for
a further year until 31 July 2014.
Head of the School of Biology
Dr Heather Finlayson is re-appointed as Head of the School of Biology for a further year
until 31 July 2014.
Dean of Postgraduate Studies
Professor Neill Marshall is re-appointed as Dean of Postgraduate Studies in the Faculty
of Humanities and Social Sciences for a further two years until 31 July 2015.
Head of the School of Modern Languages
Dr Elizabeth Andersen is re-appointed as Head of the School of Modern Languages for
a further year until 31 July 2014.
Head of the School of History, Classics & Archaeology
Professor Tim Kirk is re-appointed as Head of the School of History, Classics &
Archaeology for a further year until 31 July 2014.
(vii) Head of the School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape
Professor John Pendlebury is re-appointed as Head of the School of Architecture,
Planning & Landscape for a further three years until 31 July 2016.