COSUMNES RIVER COLLEGE Cultural Competence and Equity Committee

Cultural Competence and Equity
October 23, 2008
3:00 PM
1. Welcome and Introductions: Members present included Kathy McLain, Kim Harrell, Winnie
LaNier, Emmanuel Sigauke, Kathryn Mayo, Rich Shintaku, Christina Alvarado, Shaylah Garcia,
Allah-mi Allen, BJ Snowden, and Ken Cooper.
2. The showing of the second video in the Diversity: Crossing the Lines series was deferred to the
next meeting.
3. Old Business
Winnie updated the committee about the Free Night at the Theatre – ASG has distributed over
230 tickets to students so we are hoping for good attendance at the show this evening.
Update on the Book Sale – The Committee affirmed the quality of the photo and thanked Kathryn
and the models! Kathy distributed a sign-up sheet for the upcoming book sale. Various issues
related to the flyer were discussed. Flyer should reference all groups that are helping with the
sale. Possible groups include the CC and E committee, the Patrons, The Muslim Students
Association and the Filipino club. Costs were set at $1.00 for hardback books, puzzles, games,
videos and DVDs. Paperbacks will cost $.50. Prices will be decreased later in the day, although
some committee members thought that this was not equitable. Since this type of price reduction
is a common practice at yard sales, we decided that we would maintain this practice. The need
to better meet the needs of evening students in future book sales was also raised. The
committee will need to address this in their planning for next year. The flyer should also advertise
that we will offer a free paperback for shoppers who provide verification of having voted.
The committee discussed the new version of the Committee Charge that reflected our discussion
at the last meeting and incorporated bullets in response to LRCCD Board Policies related to our
committee. Further edits (see the attached) were suggested. After these edits Ken Cooper made
a recommendation that we approve the attached edited charge. The motion was seconded by
Christina. The committee voted unanimously to approve the new charge. The new draft appears
on the next page and will be sent forward by Winnie to the Academic Senate. The committee
also recommended that Kathy forward several recommended changes to R-5111 to Jan Sherry.
These changes include the following:
R-5111 Recommended Change
4.1 The members of the equity committee shall:
4.1.1 be familiar with pertinent state and federal regulations;
4.1.2 understand and encourage commitment to equal opportunity and assist in recruitment efforts;
4.1.3 review and advise on the District's staff equity plan;
4.1.4 identify college/district problems relating to equal opportunity and communicate them to the College
President/Chancellor along with solutions;
4.1.5 be available to serve as equity representatives on serve as member of screening and interviewing
4.1.6 assist in the development of in-service programs for advancing the understanding of equal
opportunity goals.
P-5111 Recommended Change:
2.0 Staff Equity
2.1 Each College shall establish a Staff Equity Committee.
2.2 The Staff Equity Committee shall be headed by work with the Equity Officer and shall consist of staff
trained in equal opportunity, equity issues and diversity.
4. New Business
Kathy shared an opportunity the College has to participate in a Diversity Learning Environments
study being conducted by the UCLA Higher Education Research Institute. Sylvia Hurtado is the
PI for the project. Kathy outlined the goals and responsibilities involved in the project. The
committee voted unanimously to support the project assuming that faculty participation will be
voluntary should the project impact on class time. More details about the project follow the CC
and E Committee charge.
CC&E Committee
The Cultural Competence and Equity Committee will assist with the implementation
of policies and the development and implementation of practices that support
cultural engagement to assure excellence, effectiveness and equity in teaching,
learning, organizational effectiveness and college and community relations.
Areas of responsibility
Provide leadership for the development and implementation of the Cultural
Competence Strategic Plan
Review and make recommendations concerning sexual harassment and
equity training materials and processes Provide support for the
development of sexual harassment and equity training materials and
Review and evaluate all current policies and practices with respect to the
matriculation of students, treatment of students and staff, employment of
instructional and non-instructional personnel and recommend necessary
changes to ensure these policies and practices reflect the principles of
cultural competence and are in compliance with appropriate policies and
regulations. Make recommendations that enhance college processes and
practices with respect to the systemic inclusion of cultural competence in all
aspects of the College.
Assist in all levels of the hiring process to ensure compliance with District
Policies Work with the Equity Officer to periodically review the hiring
processes with regard to equity, inclusion and the infusion of cultural
competence. Identify college/district issues relating to equal opportunity and
communicate them to the College President along with solutions.
Assist with in-service training professional development with an emphasis on
human relations and other areas that lead to enhanced cultural competence
at the College
Fulfill committee obligations to the college goals and objectives as outlined in
the various planning documents
Work with the Equity Officer to periodically review and advise on the
District’s staff equity plan.
The CC and E committee will review and approve funding proposals for
cultural events/activities offered on campus that support the goals of the
Equity Plan and the Cultural Competence Strategic Plan. The Cultural
Competence and Equity committee will also, when appropriate, partner with
the event organizing committee to plan and offer activities as part of the
event. The Cultural Competence and Equity committee will also review the
reports from recipients to assess the effectiveness of the event/activity with
respect to the achievement of the stated outcomes. In addition, the
executive secretary of the Cultural Competence and Equity committee will
provide administrative support with regard to the event.
Committee Membership
Faculty Membership: The committee shall be composed of two faculty from
each area/unit. including the EOPS coordinator and the Student Life
Administrative Membership: The committee shall include the Equity
Officer plus two other administrators designated by the Management Council
in consultation with the College President. The College President shall select
the Executive Secretary from the administrative appointees.
Classified Membership: Three members designated by the Classified
Senate, in consultation with the College President
Student Membership: Two Three members designated by the Associated
Student Government, in consultation with the College President