Curriculum Committee Minutes of March 4, 2008

Curriculum Committee
Minutes of March 4, 2008
Members present: William Bartlett, James Carabetta, Corinne Ebbs, Donald Ferris, Liam
Harte, Chris Hirtle, Brian Hubbard, Stan Jackson, David Laing, John Ohotnicky, Diane
Prusank, Richard Rees, Stephen Smith, Kathryn Sullivan, Mary Allen Watson.
After reaching a quorum, Carabetta called the meeting to order at 3:55 PM.
The minutes of the November 28, 2007 meeting were accepted.
New Curriculum Proposal Assignments were distributed to all Committee members.
The All-College Committee asked Curriculum to make every effort to return
completed course action requests to them in a timely fashion so the changes can be
reflected in the next College Bulletin.
Carabetta noted that the Committee’s two new student members will be Monet
Crudup and Jenny Deverna.
Subcommittee A reported on the following items:
07-78 GARP 02xx Climate Change. New course. Core inclusion – Allied Science.
Approved with addition of prerequisites – GARP 0102 or Permission of
Instructor. Course description edited to read:
“An examination of our climate system, including the physics of the
greenhouse effect and mechanisms/forcings, both natural and human, of
climate change. The second part of the course focuses on climate change
observed in the past, today, and in the future, including methods of past
climate reconstruction and future climate prediction. The third part of the
course extends our discussion beyond the scientific basis and into
questions of impacts, vulnerabilities, and possible adaptation/mitigation
strategies. Prerequisites: GARP0102 or permission of instructor.”
07-77 GARP 02xx Urban Housing. New course. Core inclusion – US Diversity. After
concerns were raised about the exact content of the course – particularly, did it
indeed mean to focus exclusively on “Urban” housing, or rather did it also cover
housing programs and policies in suburban or even rural areas – the request
remains in Subcommittee and the Chair will contact the proponent for
clarification of course title.
07-79 Change in program requirements. General Science Major – Chemistry and
General Science Concentrations. Added GNSC 0239 Current Topics in Science
(1 credit) to both concentrations. Approved by full committee and returned to
Subcommittee B reported on the following items:
07-41 POLS 01xx. Political Ideas. New course. Approved by full committee and
returned to ACC.
Course description edited to read:
“Identifies and examines some of… Uses the works of classical…
Emphasizes critical reading…”
07-42 POLS 0323. Selected Topics in Political Science. Change in course description.
Prerequisite: POLS 0101 to be added to the end of the description. Approved by
full committee and returned to ACC.
07-43 Change in Program Title and Description. American Politics Concentration. New
description found in CAR 08-11. Approved by full committee and returned to
07-44 POLS 0306. Political Change in the United States. Change in course description.
Approved by full committee and returned to ACC.
07-45 POLS 0307. Presidency and Congress: Political Dynamics. Change in course
description and title. Approved by full committee and returned to ACC.
07-46 POLS 0321. American Public Policy. Change in course description, title and
prerequisite. Remove the “or equivalent” from prerequisites. Remove hyphen in
word “policy making” in description. Add “Prerequisites: POLS 0101 or POLS
0103.” to new description. Approved by full committee and returned to ACC.
07-47 Change in Program Title and Description. Law Concentration. New description
found in CAR 08-11. Approved by full committee and returned to ACC.
07-48 POLS 02xx. The U.S. Supreme Court. New course. Approved by full committee
and returned to ACC.
Course description edited to read:
“Examines the institution of the Supreme Court…”
07-49 POLS 0309. Civil Liberties. Change in course description. Approved by full
committee and returned to ACC.
Course description edited to read:
“Examines the origin and development… the free (not fee) exercise of
religion… government censorship, and rights – controversies arising… ”
07-50 POLS 02xx. Administrative Law. Change in course description and level.
Approved by full committee and returned to ACC.
07-51 POLS 02xx. Constitutional Law. Change in course description and level. Course
description should include the POLS 02xx. Also, make President and Judiciary
lower case. Approved by full committee and returned to ACC.
07-52 Change in Program Title and Description. International Studies Concentration.
New description found in CAR 08-11. Approved by full committee and returned
to ACC.
07-53 POLS 0210. Comparative European Government. Change in course description.
Approved by full committee and returned to ACC.
07-54 POLS 02xx. The Politics of Developing Countries. Change in course description,
title, and level. Remains in Subcommittee. Chair will ask proponent to rework the
course description.
07-55 POLS 0209. International Relations. Change in course description. Edited
description to read “Examination of sovereignty – a key concept…” Approved by
full committee and returned to ACC.
07-52 Change in Program Title and Description. Political Studies Concentration. New
description found in CAR 08-11. Approved by full committee and returned to
07-57 POLS 02xx. American Political Thought. New course. Course description should
include the POLS 02xx. Approved by full committee and returned to ACC.
07-58 POLS 03xx. Politics and “The Family”. New course. Note, the course title should
have the phrase The Family in quotation marks. Approved by full committee and
returned to ACC.
07-59 POLS 0301. Classical Political Thought. Change in course description and title.
Approved by full committee and returned to ACC.
07-60 POLS 0302. Modern Political Thought. Change in course description and title.
Description should read: “The course focuses on the theoretical ideas and
questions…” Approved by full committee and returned to ACC.
07-61 POLS 03xx. Feminist Political Thought. New course. Course description should
include the POLS 03xx and start as: “Introduces students to the history…”
Description should also include: Prerequisites: WSTP 0101 or POLS 0101 or
permission of instructor. Approved by full committee and returned to ACC.
07-62 Change in Program Title and Description. Public Administration Concentration.
New description found in CAR 08-11. Approved by full committee and returned
to ACC.
07-63 POLS 0318. Public Management Skills. Change in course description. Course
description should include: POLS 0318. Approved by full committee and returned
to ACC.
07-64 POLS 0320. Politics of Budget Making. Change in course description and title.
Course title is changed from “Politics of Budget-Making” to Politics of Budget
Making”, and course description is changed to include: POLS 0320 and start with
“Explores who gets what from government…” Approved by full committee and
returned to ACC.
07-65 POLS 0205. Metropolitan Politics. Change in course description and title. Course
description should include: POLS 0205. Approved by full committee and returned
to ACC.
07-66 POLS 0204. Introduction to Public Administration. Change in course description.
Course description should include: POLS 0204 and start with: “Examines the
practice, as well as the theory, of…” Approved by full committee and returned to
07-67 POLS 02xx. Women and Politics. New course. Approved by full committee and
returned to ACC.
Course description edited to read:
“A course in women AND politics, which includes, but is broader than,
women IN politics. It is generally offered in election years, and identifies,
examines, and tracks selected candidates for election to all levels of
government. The course assesses government treatment of issues and
interest and importance to women; the voting patterns of women in the
electorate; voting patterns of the general electorate, as well as in
legislative bodies; and how societal culture shapes government action.”
08-11 Change in program requirements. Political Science Concentrations. Approved by
full committee and returned to ACC.
The following changes were made to the Interdisciplinary International
Studies Option:
ECON 0303 – Economics of Development
HIST 0277 – Latin America Since 1800
CRJU 0335 – Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
MCOM 0306 – International Communications
LSPA 0315 – Speaking and Writing Spanish: Advanced
No new business was brought forth and the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathie Sullivan
Department of Economics and Management