SALFORD CITY COUNCIL 21 September 2011



21 st September 2011

Meeting commenced:

Meeting adjourned:

Meeting reconvened:

Meeting adjourned:

Meeting reconvened:

Meeting ended

9. 30 am.

11.10 am

11. 30 am

1.30 pm

2.30 pm

3.45 pm

PRESENT: Councillor E Burgoyne (Mayor) - in the Chair.

Councillors Antrobus, Balkind, Boshell, Bramer-Kelly, Brocklehurst,

V. Burgoyne, Cheetham, Clague, Clarkson, Coen, Collinson, Compton,

Connor, Dawson, Dirir, Dobbs, Drake, Ferguson, K Garrido, R Garrido,

Heywood, Hinds, Hudson, Humphreys, Hunt, Jones, Kean, King,

Lancaster, Lea, Lindley, Loveday, Mashiter, Merry, Mold, Morris,

J. Mullen, M. Mullen, Murphy, O’Neill, Ord, Owen, Potter, Rochford, B.

Ryan, P. Ryan, L Turner, N Turner, Warner, G. Wilson and R. Wilson.


Councillor Merry led the Council in paying tribute to the late Councillor Cullen.

Condolences were expressed to his family and friends. Councillors Hinds, L Turner and

Owen also added their own tributes.

The Chief Executive paid tribute on behalf of the staff.


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Houlton, Jolley,

McIntyre, Pennington, Stone, Tope, and Warmisham.


There were no interests declared.


David G Allum – Lancaster House had submitted a question for consideration by the

Council. Full details are attached as an appendix to these minutes.


RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the meeting held on the 20 approved as a correct record. th July 2011, were



Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011



Residents of Walkden

South in respect of

Burgess Farm


Councillor Lindley





Councillor Morris reported that Salford’s GCSE results had continued to improve year on year with the City’s average number of pupils achieving five or more A* to C grades now reaching 87%. The proportion of pupils achieving five A* to C grades including

English and Mathematics had increased by a further two percentage points bringing the average for the City to 52%, meeting the Local Authority target.

She reported that provisionally Salford ranked 2 nd amongst its “statistical neighbours” in terms of the overall percentage of young people achieving 5 or more A* - C grades at


Councillor Morris continued by highlighting St Patricks RC High, which had maintained its record of achieving 100% for 5 or more A* to C grades. St Ambrose Barlow RC High and The Swinton High School where 99% of their pupils had achieved 5 or more good grades.

She also informed the members that the results for Salford’s Looked After Children had improved, with 33% achieving 5 A* to C grades.

Councillor Morris indicated that she was also very proud to share the excellent A Level results from across the City, highlighting the fact that four students from Salford City

College had gained places at Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

She congratulated the staff, parents, governors and stakeholders for their collective work in realising these very positive outcomes for the young people of Salford.

Councillor Collinson wished to thank Councillor Morris for her statement and added the conservative group’s congratulations to all those involved in securing this year on year improvement.

She continued by highlighting the positive result that had come from the recently completed Peer Review and stated that the conservative group would continue to monitor, support and challenge the safeguarding of children and young people across the City.



Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011

Councillor Merry commented on why this success had been achieved, he welcomed the cross party support to continue the improvements made in safeguarding and added his congratulations to all those involved.

Councillor K Garrido also added her congratulations to the teachers, children and staff on their achievements.


Members of the Council were asked to note the receipt of the proposals of the

Boundary Commission for England (BCE) in respect of the Salford City Parliamentary

Constituency Boundaries and will approve any submission it may wish to make at the

Council meeting to be held on the 16 th November 2011.

Councillor Merry proposed that the following resolution be considered, which was seconded by Councillor Owen:-

That this Council (1) Opposes the initial proposals of the Boundary Commission for

England as detailed in the 2013 Parliamentary Boundary review as it relates to the City of Salford. (2) Agrees that a City with the history and heritage of Salford should maintain its current level of representation in the House of Commons with two parliamentary constituencies within the City’s boundaries.

In moving the resolution, Councillor Merry referred to the proposed changes; stating that Salford was the only area within Greater Manchester that was being ‘dismembered’ and that Salford’s direct voice in parliament would be “limited”. He also referred to the difficulties that would be apparent during the election in regard to the security of the ballot boxes and the increased workload of the Returning Officer.

He drew the attention of the Member’s to the petition that had been organised and asked that they sign this in order to indicate their opposition to these proposals. He was of the opinion that the issue could be addressed whilst still respecting local authority boundaries and could come forward with a proposal to that effect.

Councillor K Garrido moved an amendment, which was seconded by Councillor L

Turner, to the proposed resolution as follows;-

(3) Agrees to the urgent setting up of a joint meeting between all political parties on the Council to investigate common areas of agreement for the Council’s submission to the Boundary Commission.

Councillor Lancaster stated that he was more than happy to discuss the mapping process and commented on the urgency of writing a response and making representations to the Boundary Commission. He indicated that a sound case would be needed that should include input from many other organisations including the dioceses.



Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011

Councillor R Garrido clarified the timescales that were involved in the process.

Councillor Merry reminded members that although every effort would be made, during discussions to reach a consensus, as the majority group on the Council the final submission to the Boundary Commission would be decided by his political group.

Councillor Owen commented that the way forward on this issue should be a general consensus between all parties.

The Mayor put the amendment to Council and on a show of hands the amendment was carried.

RESOLVED: That this Council (1) Opposes the initial proposals of the Boundary

Commission for England as detailed in the 2013 Parliamentary Boundary review as it relates to the City of Salford.

(2) Agrees that a City with the history and heritage of Salford should maintain its current level of representation in the House of Commons with two parliamentary constituencies within the City’s boundaries.

(3) Agrees to the urgent setting up of a joint meeting between all political parties on the

Council to investigate common areas of agreement for the Council’s submission to the

Boundary Commission.


This item had been withdrawn from the agenda.

29. NOTICE OF MOTION - Councillor Murphy and Councillor Lancaster

Councillor Murphy moved and Councillor Lancaster seconded a Notice of Motion in respect of the late Councillor L Hough as follows: - This Council recognises the work done on the founding of Salford Quays by the former Council Leader, the late Councillor

Leslie Hough.

An amendment to the Notice of Motion asking Members to consider the addition of following; - “and urge the Cabinet to investigate the proposal of erecting a plaque to commemorate the vision he had for the regeneration of the Quays

” was proposed by

Councillor V Burgoyne and seconded by Councillor King.

In moving the Notice of Motion, Councillor Murphy reminded Members of the work that the late Councillor Hough had begun in respect of the re-generation of the Quays.

In seconding the motion Councillor Lancaster highlighted the many changes that had taken place within the Quays including The Lowry, The Imperial War Museum, the



Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011 building of new homes, MediaCity and over 700 businesses having located there.

Following contributions from the following Councillors; - Balkind, Connor, R Garrido,

Jones, Turner and Owen, the Mayor put the amendment to Council and by a show of hands the amendment was carried.

RESOLVED: THAT This Council recognises the work done on the founding of Salford

Quays by the former Council Leader, the late Councillor Leslie Hough and urges the

Cabinet to investigate the proposal of erecting a plaque to commemorate the vision he had for the regeneration of the Quays

30. NOTICE OF MOTION - Councillor Lancaster and Councillor Ferguson

Councillor Lancaster moved and Councillor Ferguson seconded a Notice of Motion as follows;-

This Council;- (a) Congratulates Greater Manchester Police Service, Council

Services, Fire Service, other statutory partners, local businesses & voluntary organisations for their brave and effective response to the recent appalling disturbances in Greater Manchester.

(b) Believes that a crucial aspect of the Police response was its ability to deploy a critical mass of police numbers to respond to the behaviour of the looters.

(c) Expresses its concerns that further reductions in police numbers increases the risk of being able to respond in a similar manner in future.

(d) Calls on the Government to review its proposals to cut police resources in the light of the challenges posed by recent disturbances.

(e) Particularly asks the Government to look again at the distribution of the reductions as those forces facing the biggest costs for recent events are those facing the biggest reductions of both resources & police posts

In moving the Notice of Motion, Councillor Lancaster stated that he had endeavoured to deliver the above in such a way that it would gain the support of Members from across the political parties. He stated that, in his opinion, it was important to consider how we would deal with this event in the future, learn from mistakes made and ask that the government look again at their figures for the reduction of police posts and savings.

Councillor R Garrido moved an amendment to the Notice of Motion that asked Members not to include paragraphs c, d and e.

He congratulated the members of the services involved and the people of Salford for their reactions in response to the recent riots.



Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011

Councillor L Turner seconded the proposed amendment stating that the paragraphs c, d and e did not add to the case for Salford.

Various Councillors including Owen, Ferguson, Lindley, K Garrido, Morris, Merry,

Collinson and R Garrido contributed to the debate that followed.

In accordance with Standing Order 2.11, 5 Members of the Council stood and requested that a named vote be taken in respect of the amendment.

The Members voted as follows;-












J Mullen

M Mullen





Against the amendment






V. Burgoyne












For the amendment


Bramer -Kelly





K Garrido

R Garrido


L Turner

N Turner


The Mayor


Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011


B Ryan

P Ryan


G Wilson

R Wilson

38 10 1

The Mayor subsequently declared that the amendment had fallen.

Councillor K Garrido placed on record her recognition and thanks to the Police, Fire and

Ambulance service staff who had responded so magnificently during and after the riots and also to the Officers, members of public and colleagues for their actions. Councillors

Bramer-Kelly and Clarkson echoed these praises.

Councillors Merry, V Burgoyne, Jones, Owen, Loveday and Connor all commented with regard to effects on the police service as a consequence of the proposed cuts and the safety of communities.

In closing the debate on the motion, Councillor Lancaster expressed his gratitude to the public services, Council staff and members of the public for their response to the riots and re-iterated the request for the government to re-examine their figures with regard to the proposed cuts to the police budget.

The substantive motion was put before the Members and by a show of hands the Mayor declared the Notice of Motion carried.

RESOLVED: THAT This Council;- (a) Congratulates Greater Manchester Police

Service, Council Services, Fire Service, other statutory partners, local businesses & voluntary organisations for their brave and effective response to the recent appalling disturbances in Greater Manchester.

(b) Believes that a crucial aspect of the Police response was its ability to deploy a critical mass of police numbers to respond to the behaviour of the looters.

(c) Expresses its concerns that further reductions in police numbers increases the risk of being able to respond in a similar manner in future.

(d) Calls on the Government to review its proposals to cut police resources in the light of the challenges posed by recent disturbances.

(e) Particularly asks the Government to look again at the distribution of the reductions as those forces facing the biggest costs for recent events are those facing the biggest reductions of both resources & police posts



Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011


(a) Councillor Merry, Leader of the Council

The following questions were asked;-

Councillor Balkind asked with regard to sending congratulations to Lancashire County

Cricket Club on their recent success in winning the County Championship.

Councillor Compton enquired as to the recent change in name to the Salford City


Councillor K Garrido asked when a referendum would be called in respect of an elected

Mayor for the City.

She also requested sight of the funding arrangements for the Salford City Stadium as discussed at the Council meeting in July.

In reply to Councillor Compton, Councillor Merry stated that the stadium remained a community stadium despite the name change and that as future sponsorship deals were agreed, the name may well change again.

In reply to Councillor K Garrido he stated that she would receive the financial outturn as requested.

With regard to the referendum, Councillor Merry confirmed that a petition had been received and validated. He expressed his concerns that a non-resident of Salford could seek to call a referendum which would cost approx £200, 000. He stated that it was likely that the ballot for this issue would take place in 2012.

Various Councillors spoke in relation to this matter with reference being made to the following;-

The cost of holding the referendum

 Previous decision of the Council to adopt the ‘strong leadership’ model

Misleading information

Clean and fair campaign

Committee structure

Councillor K Garrido emphasised the fact that her party had not given any support to the petition but because over 8000 people had signed the petition, the monies had to be found to fund the democratic process. She informed Members that the Conservative party would be supporting the referendum in favour of an elected mayor.

Councillor Merry proposed that the signatures on the petition be written to, so that they were informed of what had happened to the petition. He then re-iterated his concerns that a resident from outside the City was able to influence the structure of Salford’s



Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011 decision making powers.

With regard to the success of Lancashire County Cricket Club, Councillor Merry stated that a letter of congratulations would be sent on behalf of the Council.

(b) Councillor Lancaster, Deputy Leader

No questions asked or comments made.

(c) Councillor Hinds, Finance and Support Services.

Councillor Cheetham asked if the budget setting process for 2012/13 would include considering the freezing of pay increments.

Councillor Hinds responded by stating that every avenue for the saving of monies would be explored.

The following comments were then made;-

Councillor K Garrido expressed her concern with regard to the increase in unsupported borrowing that had occurred since July.

Councillor Hinds responded by explaining that the unsupported borrowing had been set out in the Capital Programme, that had been agreed at the budget setting meeting in

March, and that this was being maintained.

(d) Councillor Murphy - Environment

No questions asked or comments made.

(e) Councillor Antrobus, Planning

Councillor Lindley raised the issue of planning decision making process and a short discussion followed in respect of this matter. Councillors Turner, K. Garrido, Kean and

Lea all commented on the same issue.

In reply Councillor Antrobus stated that the agenda timings for the planning panel meetings were a matter for review by the panel itself.



Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011

Councillor Antrobus clarified the details in regard to the planning application in question.

He continued by highlighting the forthcoming changes that the new National Planning

Policy would have on planning applications in the near future.

(f) Councillor Connor, Housing

Councillor Collinson asked Councillor Connor if he could guarantee that none of the service users at Lancaster House would become homeless.

Councillor Connor replied that he had answered this particular question earlier in the meeting but re-iterated that he was not aware that anyone currently residing at

Lancaster House had been given a notice to quit.

The following comments were made;-

Councillor Owen commented that the owners of Lancaster House could maybe have been informed of the change in policy at an earlier stage.

Councillor Connor assured Members that officers had been in contact with the owners of Lancaster House and contract discussions had taken place. He confirmed that

Positive Life Styles would continue to receive significant amounts of money via the

Housing Benefit system and that by following the National Guidelines for Good Practice the priority issues for the residents would be addressed.

(g) Councillor Morris , Children's Services

Councillor Collinson asked for the figures in relation to the success of young people taking vocational subjects and how many young people in the City were continuing into

Further Education.

Councillor Collinson also asked a question in relation to the numbers of primary school places and what was being done to avoid a repeat of the situation that had occurred this year.

In reply Councillor Morris stated that she would obtain the figures requested in relation to vocational subjects and Further Education.

With regard to the increase in demand for Primary school places, Councillor Morris explained that the increased migration was one of the many factors that had influenced this and that a working party had now been established to determine what needed to be done in order to ensure sufficient places within the education system.

No comments were made.



Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011

Councillor Ferguson in the absence of Councillor Warmisham, Adult Social (h)

Services and Health

Councillor Dawson enquired as to what activities Salford were organising for Older

Peoples Day which takes place at the beginning of October.

Councillor Bramer-Kelly enquired as to an update to the situation with regard to care homes owned by Southern Cross and if figures were available, how many would be closed and how many would be taken over by a different management company.

In reply Councillor Ferguson stated that further updates would be issued but work was currently ongoing to ensure a smooth handover process as Southern Cross gave up ownership of the homes.

As far as Older Peoples Day, on the 1 st October was concerned, Councillor Ferguson stated that there were lots of different events taking place to encourage older people to stay active and healthy including free swimming for the over 60’s which had been provided by the PCT partnership.

No comments were made.

(i) Councillor Boshell

– Service Development/Neighbourhood Management

The following question was asked;-

Councillor K Garrido referred to a particular document that had been issued to chairs and deputies of Community Committees, without councillors having been made aware of its contents.

Councillor Owen enquired as to whether the Community Committees would be briefed on the implications for planning matters of The Localism Bill.

Councillor Boshell replied to Councillor K Garrido that she was currently investigating the issuing of that particular document and would feedback to her once the investigation was completed.

In reply to Councillor Owen, Councillor Boshell replied that work was currently ongoing in regard to the impact of the Localism Bill and once this was complete it would be disseminated to Community Committees.

The following comments were then made;-

Councillor K Garrido expressed her concern with regard to the content of the document in question and to the tendering process that was being proposed.

Councillor Lancaster made Councillor K Garrido aware that this document should not



Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011 have been issued and he was currently raising it with the officers concerned.

Councillor Kean commented on the impact of The Localism Bill and how best to share this information with Community Committees.

In response to Councillor Kean, Councillor Boshell explained that once a paper had been drafted for consideration by Lead Member, discussions would take place with the chairs and deputies of Community Committees in order to determine how best to share this information.

(j) Councillor Mashiter - Environment

The following questions were asked;-

Councillor Bramer-Kelly enquired as to what stage the Environment Agency were at with regard to the waste stacks at Boysnope Wharf.

Councillor Mashiter indicated that he would follow this up.


(a) Transport for Greater Manchester

– Councillor Jones

Councillor K Garrido commented that in the past, written reports had been submitted to

Council by way of an update.

Councillor Jones indicated that he would prepare a report for the next meeting of


(b) Police – Councillor Lancaster

No questions asked nor comments made.

(c) Waste Disposal – Councillor Mashiter

No questions asked nor comments made.

(d) Fire and Rescue –Councillor Dawson

Councillor V Burgoyne, in her capacity as Mayoress, informed Members of the excellent training session they had attended at the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service.



Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011

She wished to pass on her thanks to those concerned for the informative session and also to acknowledge the tremendous service that those officers provide.

Councillors Lindley and Dawson echoed their admiration to the Fire and Rescue officers.

(e) Outside Bodies

– Appropriate Councillors

No questions asked nor comments made.


There were no issues raised


There was no any other business.



Salford City Council

– 21 ST SEPTEMBER 2011

Appendix a

David G Allum – Lancaster House question for consideration by Council.

With only 10 days to go until our home is closed as a result of this councils actions, can I ask what the council plan to do with the remainder of residents here at

Lancaster House who have still not been rehoused and are facing the very real prospect of being out on the streets come the close of play on Friday 30 th


Councillor Connor responded by first thanking Mr Allum for his exemplary behaviour over this issue and then he stated that neither himself, nor the Council had made or taken a decision to close Lancaster House. He explained that Lancaster House is managed by a private company. The decision had been taken to give notice to Positive

Life Styles that t he Council did not intend to renew the contract for the ‘supporting people’ element of the current contract when it was due to expire at the end of

September 2011.

Councillor Connor mentioned that Positive Life Styles would continue to receive income from housing benefit amongst other sources. He continued by giving details of the forthcoming changes to the ways of working in line with nationally agreed guidelines of good practice and the Places of Change model.

Councillor Connor was aware that, at this moment in time, Positive Life Styles had not given notice that they intended to close Lancaster House. He was able to re-assure the tenants that the council housing and option team would be available to provide support, if this were to happen. In the meantime, Lancaster House would remain open, until

Positive Lifestyles inform the Council otherwise, and residents will continue to be supported.

Mr D Allum thanked Councillor Connor for his response. He was of the opinion that as a consequence of the Council withdrawing the funding for the support of the residents it was inevitable that Lancaster House would face closure as it was a ‘supported living facility’. He enquired as to the contractual arrangements of the service given that other services had been granted short extensions to existing contracts.

Councillor Connor replied that he was not in a position to discuss contractual matters but re-iterated that Positive Lifestyles would still continue to receive a significant amount of funding via the housing benefit system.


