Notes of the first meeting of the new Participatory Budgeting Advisory Group
are attached. Community Committee are asked for guidance re:
Timing and venue/s of PB event/s
Bringing the Neighbourhood Environmental Improvements scheme within
Content of the list of possible schemes
Closing date for the list
Presentation of schemes
Points arising from the planning meeting on 23rd October 2007
Mick Walbank (N.Manager)
Kay Fairhurst (C.D. Worker)
Lesley Bates (Admin Officer)
Mario McDonnell (Local Resident)
Jim Collins
(Local Resident)
Venue/s & Time/s - It was agreed to hold the next event in May 2008 after local
elections had taken place. Rather than have a one-off event as last year the
possibility of having several (maybe 3 or 4) throughout the area was discussed.
This would work similar to having polling stations we would set up, maybe where
a captive audience already exists, and collect votes which would then be counted
on an ongoing basis with the final result announced at the end of the day at the
last venue. People would be asked / encouraged to attend the final count to see
which schemes were prioritised. The group can work on a couple of options for
venues and times, including spreading the voting over two days.
Recommendation: hold voting in a number of venues throughout 1 or 2
Budgets -There may be more money to add to the £100,000 from Highways for
next year’s event. Mick suggested that the £50K Neighbourhood Environmental
Improvements (NEI) budget could possibly be added. It could also be topped up
with CC money.
The two funding pots would need e.g., colour coding to differentiate between the
Recommendation: explore possibility of including the NEI budget in the PB
process. Ask Community Committee to consider contributing an amount
from devolved budget.
Publicity – The usual method of contacting people via e-mails, meetings,
Community Committee, word of mouth being the most effective publicity,
therefore the process should be publicised at all appropriate times and places. It
was suggested that PCSO’s could be asked to deliver the publicity material to a
wider section of the community than last year; press releases issued; Salford
Community Radio; Salford website and; contacting funding recipients.
The Duchy project is now offering a service whereby the young people design
leaflets etc for a fee. It is being looked at as a social enterprise involving the
young people. The design of the publicity could therefore be given to the group
to do depending on the cost.
Action: Lesley to take last year’s publicity to the next meeting
Closing Date, etc for Schemes - It was agreed that information should be
distributed earlier than thislast year. A close off date for schemes to be submitted
would be February / march 2008. It was agreed an upper limit of £100k would be
the cut off point for schemes.
Recommendation: the list of schemes be closed at the end of February
2008. When cost estimates received, remove any schemes estimated to
cost more than the budget.
Mick to ask CC if old schemes should stay on the list for next
Presentation – It was agreed this should follow the same format as last year.
Recommendation: presentation of schemes to follow the same format as
last year
Scoring – Scoring could range from 0 -10 as apposed to 1 -10 as last year. This
caused some confusion with participants therefore it would be necessary to look
at how we explain the scoring process more effectively.
Recommendation: make minor changes to scoring system
Filming - The group agreed that, if possible we should use students on media
courses at schools and colleges to make a video of the event/s and maybe
Evaluation- This would be discussed further at the next meeting. Can everyone
please consider the questions which you feel relevant for the evaluation.
Eligibility To Vote- It was suggested we would take whoever wishes to vote but
look to se if this resulted in an organised block vote from any areas / groups.
Recommendation: put no limit on who can vote.
Refreshments – Tea / coffee would be served at the last venue for the final vote
and count. Depending on the venue we may ask the people to provide the
refreshments for a small fee.
20th November
2 pm
Cleveland House.