Competition policy reforms in Australia 18 February 2014 Matt Crooke, Minister-Counsellor (Economic)

Competition policy reforms in
18 February 2014
Matt Crooke, Minister-Counsellor (Economic)
Australian High Commission, New Delhi
• National Competition Policy
– origins
– key components
– securing and maintaining support
– outcomes and lessons for India
• Australia’s ‘Root and branch review’ of
• Federation with three levels of government
• Two types of government agencies at the
Commonwealth level
– Government departments and independent
History to NCP – 70s and 80s
• Trade Practices Act introduced in 1974
• Australian economy was heavily regulated:
– Fixed exchange rate/regulated financial sector
– Trade barriers/tariff protected industries
– Government ownership of utilities
– Substantial price, product and wage regulation
• In the early 1980s, large scale reforms removed
many of these restrictions
– Created pressure on many industries to adapt
History to NCP – 90s
• By the early 1990s, Australia recognised a need
for further microeconomic reform.
• Australia’s international competitiveness was
lagging, and many sectors were highly inefficient;
this was patently due to weak market forces at
• In 1992, an independent inquiry into the matter
was launched – known as the Hilmer Inquiry.
History to NCP – 90s cont.
• The Hilmer Report recommended sweeping changes
to Australia’s competition framework.
– Acting on the Report, Australia’s Federal and state
governments agreed to the National Competition
Policy Reform package in 1995.
• The overarching vision was to create national
• This has further evolved into a guiding vision of
creating a ‘seamless national economy’.
National Competition Policy
• Agreed by all levels of government in 1995
• Reforms include:
– Review of legislation that restricts competition
– Universal application of pro-competitive
legislation, particularly the TPA
– Reforms of public monopolies (transport,
electricity, gas and water)
– Implementation of competitive neutrality to
government businesses
– Third party access to significant infrastructure
Legislation review
• Guiding Principle:
– Legislation should not restrict competition unless
it can be demonstrated that:
 the benefits of the restriction to the community as a
whole outweigh the costs; and
 the objectives of the legislation can only be achieved by
restricting competition.
Reforms to public monopolies
• Key principles for restructuring public
monopolies include:
– Separation of regulatory and commercial functions;
– Separation of natural monopoly and potentially
competitive activities; and
– Separation of potentially competitive activities into a
number of smaller, independent business units
• In addition, assets were privatised where
government ownership was no longer
Reforms to public monopolies –
competitive neutrality
• A distinguishing feature of Australia’s reforms
to public monopolies is the inclusion of
competitive neutrality.
– The Hilmer Review recommended that all levels of
government agree that government businesses
should not enjoy any net competitive advantage
by virtue of their public ownership.
Third-Party Access Regimes
• The point of Third-Party Access Regulation is to promote
the economically efficient operation of, use of, and
investment in infrastructure facilities with natural
monopoly characteristics.
• This can help to promote effective competition in
upstream and downstream markets.
– It is often economically inefficient to duplicate such
– ‘Standard’ market power provisions were seen as
insufficient to deal with natural monopolies.
Implementing the NCP
• National Competition Council undertook
implementation assessments
• Competition payments were made to the
States based on those assessments
Securing support
• National Competition Policy agreement was a
significant achievement
• Initial support achieved by drawing on
evidence of potential gains
Maintaining Support
• Challenges of misinformation and vested
– Seek to overcome by transparency and assistance
on case-by-case basis.
• Broad nature of program
– Those who lose from one reform, gain from
• Public interest
– Any reform is in the community’s interest
Public interest test
Environmental considerations
Social welfare and equity considerations
Occupational health and safety
Economic and regional development
Interests of consumers
Competitiveness of Australian businesses
Efficient allocation of resources
Outcomes of NCP
• 2005 Productivity Commission Review of
National Competition Policy
– Significant net economic benefit of the reforms
• Lessons from NCP inform current and future
competition and deregulation reform agenda.
• Principles from NCP manifest in current
policies, including current productivityenhancing reforms.
Competition Policy Review
• The Government’s root and branch review of
competition laws and policy will commence in
early 2014.
• The review is intended to identify long-term
improvements that can be made to the
regulatory and policy framework to improve
the productivity of the Australian economy.
Possible lessons
• Continue to build the case and be ready for
opportunities – well-devised microeconomic reform
improves peoples lives for the better
• Independent, vibrant public institutions that support
reform and are as sector-neutral as possible –
towards a vision of well-functioning national markets
• Allow forward-leaning jurisdictions to drive process
and consider fiscal incentives in support of national
reform outcomes
Competition policy reforms in
18 February 2014
Matt Crooke, Minister-Counsellor (Economic)
Australian High Commission, New Delhi