Georgia Gwinnett College Litter Campaign Proposal Date: October 26, 2009

Georgia Gwinnett College Litter Campaign Proposal
Date: October 26, 2009
Prepared by: Tanya Aleman, Brooke Buker, John Johnson, Rachel Rau, and Tookie
Stalker (absent 10/21, 10/12)
The Problem
After getting students to understand that there is a problem, we have the issue of making them
believe that their one piece of litter has an impact on their surroundings. The students think that
if its just one piece that it won't have any impact on the environment. Just one cigarette butt can
leak out toxins that are harmful to animals, and that one cigarette butt could lead to the death or
sickness of many animals. If people were made to believe that their little piece of litter did make
a difference in the scheme of things, then our campus would not only be more welcoming but we
could prevent the death of many animals. In addition to the negative impact on the environment,
there is the negative impact that litter will have on the property value of the school. The more
litter there is on school property, then the more devalued the property will be. The more profuse
the litter on campus is, the more likely the school will be looked up poorly.
The Solution
Before a student will act on the problem that they see they must believe that there is a problem
and that they can make a difference. The solution that we propose is for the custodial staff to
collect and survey the amount of litter that is produced on the campus on a daily/weekly/monthly
basis, and put up signs showing the amount of litter that is produced the previous week and the
current week. If these signs were posted it would allow people on campus to see the amount of
litter that is produced so that way they can believe that they are making a difference once they
make the choice to stop littering. By showing people that their little piece of litter makes a
difference in the grand scheme of things, we can make them believe that they can make a
difference and that their little bit hurts. Once the students believe that they can make a difference,
we can start creating games and prizes to continue the incentive to not litter.
The Pitch
The campaign we have in mind is an anti-littering campaign.
Our targeted audience is 18-25 year old college students. We plan to reach the students by
showing weekly results on how the litter on campus has significantly decreased.
We plan to use exceptional advertising produced by the students at GGC and to place these
advertisements throughout campus for students to see on a daily basis.
Our slogan is "Every Litter bit hurts; Every little bit helps". We will use images of purified
water, and natural resources to express our belief in this campaign.
Every week we will keep a tally of how much litter there is on campus, and be able to show the
students our progress on the amount of litter picked up. If students see the benefits of our
campaign in the weekly tally, the results will motivate them. We are building a community
where littering is frowned upon, and students will be accountable to each other. Our method of
getting people to act is by enforcing an accountability program. Once students realize the
problem and are willing to enforce it among their peers, we will then begin making progress on
the volume of litter gathered on a weekly basis.
Below are the reasons we believe this campaign will be a success:
Weekly litter tallies on campus
Students will hold peers accountable
Advertising made by GGC students
Posters of purified water
Signs around campus
If the Anti-littering campaign is launched, the campus of Georgia Gwinnett College will see a
drastic change in the attitudes of the students. Students will have more respect for the campus,
and money will be put to better use.
Activities & Participant Responsibilities
Since we will be implementing a dynamic display of the amount of litter picked up on the
campus, our first activity will be determining who will be providing the data, and how often. The
choices are:
Custodial staff will provide the count
A student club will count the amount of refuse that the custodial staff sets aside as litter
Once the quantity has been ascertained, there are several choices for providing feedback to
students on how their littering (or not) is affecting the campus and other students:
Graphics displayed on the plasma TVs located around campus
Digital Media Group will develop graphics
I-Tech will develop a way to update the displays from a web browser or similar
easily accessible means
Student clubs will update the displays at an interval to be determined
Signs posted in glass cases, and/or on doors at entryways to buildings
Digital Media Group will develop graphics
I-Tech may assist in making the graphics easily updatable for printing
Student clubs will update the displays at an interval to be determined
Tally signs located at driveways to the campus. These are modeled after the "Seat Belt
Usage" signs seen on roadways.
English Group will develop text
English Group will develop trial signs of corrugated plastic
Vinyl graphics will be printed using the school's sign-making equipment
Signs will be updated by student clubs or custodial staff
After a successful trial period, professional signage can be procured
In addition to providing feedback to students on the quantity of litter, features added to the
existing trash and recycle containers will promote their use.
Makeovers for receptacles
Current trash cans blend into the environment too much
Add attractive placards
Clear plastic
Printed on the reverse side for durability
Epoxy to existing trash cans
Outsource work
Snub plates
Add snub plates to existing trash cans
After being snubbed out, butts can be safely disposed of in trash cans
Current recycle bins in classrooms are ambiguous and easily mistaken for trash
Add a vinyl "Recycle triangle"
Developed by Digital Media Group from existing free-use artwork
Printed or plotted in-house at GGC
Furthermore, other promotional materials will be created.
T-shirts & Hoodies
Anti-littering garments
Pro-recycling garments
Attractive artwork to appeal to our target audience
Artwork created by the Digital Media Group
Outsource production
Static signage
Anti-littering signs
Pro-recycling signs
Attractive artwork to appeal to our target audience
Created and produced by the Digital Media Group
Conspicuous locations
Center of the walkway into the B building
Between the rocking tables at the A building
Initial Groundwork
Launching our litter campaign requires the help of many departments on our campus to carry out
our mission. The following are some of the individuals and/or departments whom we hope to
congregate with:
1. Dr. Stas
Preczewski – Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs
2. Partners in Active Learning also known as PALS
o a. Biology 1101
o b. Calculus I – Math 2200
o c. Cognition & Learning – Psych 2100
o d. Digital Media - ITEC 2110
o e. English 1101
o f. Psychopharmacology – Psych 4220
3. Mr. Maurice Blount – Director of Facilities
4. Mr. Rex Smith – Director of Educational Technology & Media Services
5. Student Activities & Leadership Programs Department
6. Institutional Research Department
7. Human Resources Department
8. Student Development Services Department
9. Student Government Association
10. Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful
Upon making contact with the above-mentioned, GGC’s first litter campaign timeline will be
prepared. Afterwards, ENGL 1101 will coordinate the beginning of the campaign.
Student Activities
1. We need to talk to:
Dr. Stas Preczewski – Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs
Partners in Active Learning also known as PALS
o a. Biology 1101
o b. Calculus I – Math 2200
o c. Cognition & Learning – Psych 2100
o d. Digital Media - ITEC 2110
o e. English 1101
o f. Psychopharmacology – Psych 4220
Mr. Maurice Blount – Director of Facilities
Mr. Rex Smith – Director of Educational Technology & Media Services
Student Activities & Leadership Programs Department
Institutional Research Department
Human Resources Department
Student Development Services Department
Student Government Association
Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful
All teaching staff on GGC
Clubs and Organizations:
o Biology Club (Ran by: Angel Liddelow, Anjana Patel, and Dr. Diane Dorsett)
o Habitat for Humanity (Ran by: Elizabeth Moale and Dr. Katherine Wiegand)
o Student Government Association (Ran by: Jonelle Faal and Dr. Thomas Hancock)
o Grizzly Growl Student Newspaper (Founded and ran by: Whitney L. Baugh)
2. We also need to:
Get estimates for signs and then go from there
Get quotes for shirts and go from there
Get supplies for garbage bag count machine & find price out