Chapter 6 Study Guide Due the day of the test

Chapter 6 Study Guide
Due the day of the test
1. What did Alexander Hamilton support?
2. Assimilation
3. The power of judicial review allows federal courts to decide what?
4. Interest
5. What occurred during the War of l812?
6. Reservation
7. How did the Jeffersonian Republicans feel about the Constitution?
8. Battle of Tippecanoe
9. The Louisiana Purchase is significant because it did what?
10. Depression
11. What are the provisions of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?
12. Jay’s Treaty
13. How was the Embargo of 1807 viewed in the colonies?
14. Missouri Compromise
15. What contraversial law did Adams support as President?
16. Treaty of Greenville
17. Tecumseh led the protest to the Treaty of Fort Wayne in which Native Americans where what?
18. loose construction
19. One effect of the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts was what?
20. embargo
21. Why did the United States declared war on Great Britain?
22. Neutral
23. What did the election of 1800 represent?
24. Missouri Compromise
25. During the War of 1812, the British invaded the United States and did what to the Capital?
26. strict construction
27. The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions were passed in order to do what?
28. Marbury v. Madison
29. In 1819, the United States suffered a financial crisis when the banks did what?
30. Tariff
31. Why is John Marshall remembered?
32. judicial review
33. Why did the Northern states object to admitting Missouri as a slave state?
34. Alien and Sedition Acts
35. What was Gabriel Prosser’s rebellion?
36. tariff
37. According to the Missouri Compromise, slavery would be allowed where?
38. Nullification
39. What was a goal of the Lewis & Clark expedition?
40. Battle of New Orleans
41. Agenda
42. The winner of the presidential election of 1800 was whom?
43. XYZ affair
44. Bureaucracy
45. Why was Jefferson not automatically named President after he won the popular vote in 1800?
46. impressments
47. Lewis and Clark expedition
48. In Marbury v. Madison, Justice John Marshall increased the power of what branches?
49. political party
50. Louisiana Purchase
51. What was a major accomplishment of the Jefferson administration?
52. Treaty of Ghent
53. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
54. What was a result of the Treaty of Greenville in 1795?
55. How did the Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans differ in their opinion of how the
Constitution should be interpreted?
56. What problems did the federal government face as a result of westward expansion in the late
1700s and early 1800s?