Document 15962215

ESSAY – chapter - 6
1.) Please explain the plan Alex Hamilton had proposed in order to start
then United States Treasury, and include the deal involving the capital?
Answer to include information relating to : collecting debt, creating a bank,
taxing, and locating a place for the capital.
2.) What were Jay’s Treaty, the XYZ affair, and Alien/Sedition Acts,a
and how did they affect the Adam’s Presidency?
Jay’s treaty – who went, purpose of trip, what was the outcome
XYZ Affair – include the reason , the bribe, and the loan.
Alien/ Sedition Acts3.) What was the interesting result regarding the Election of 1800 &
what was the outcome.
Answer needs to include: who tied, how the tie was broken, and
what is the 12th amendment
4) How did the United States purchase the Louisiana Territory?
Answer needs to include: who Jefferson sent over, why napoleon
sold, and the sale price
5.) Why did James Madison and his fellow War Hawks call for war
with Great Britain.
Answer needs to include: Indian problems, impressment, and
shipping disruptions to our trade/economy
6.) Why did Aaron Burr challenge Alexander Hamilton to a duel?
Answer to include: Burr’s party switch, Hamiltons support against
Burr, and the political postion Burr was seeking
7.) Who was Victorious at the Battle of New Orleans, and why was
this the least important battle of the war?
Answer to include: Andrew Jackson,& Treaty of Ghent,
8.) The Missouri Compromise was a congressional plan that dealt
with slavery in the new territories, explain all the aspects of the
compromise that made it appealing to both northern &
southern politicians.
Answer to include: 1820 agreement , 36degree – 30 minute line of
latitude, Maine & Missouri