Topic 2.3-2.6 Key Terms

Topic 2.3-2.6 Key Terms
1. Conquistador – Spanish explorers who claimed lands in the Americas for Spain in the 1500s
and 1600s.
2. Immunity – natural protection, resistance
3. Viceroy – representative who ruled one of Spain’s provinces in the Americas in the king’s
4. Pilgrims – English Protestants who rejected the Church of England
5. Colony – territory settled and ruled by people from another land
6. compact – an agreement among people
7. French and Indian War – war between Britain and France in the Americas that happened
from 1754 to 1763; it was part of a global war called the Seven Years’ War.
8. Treaty of Paris – peace of 1763 that ended the Seven Years’ War and resulted in British
dominance of the Americas.
9. Triangular trade – colonial trade routes among Europe and its colonies, the West Indies, and
Africa in which goods were exchanged for slaves.
10. Columbian Exchange – the global exchange of goods, ideas, plants and animals, and disease
that began with Columbus ‘exploration of the Americas.
11. Inflation – economic cycle that involves a rapid rise in prices linked to a sharp increase in the
amount of money available.
12. Capitalism – economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and
operated for a profit.
13. Entrepreneur – person who assumes financial risk in hope of making a profit.