Ch 9 Study Guide Innovations that caused the market revolution

Ch 9 Study Guide
Characteristics of Lafayette’s 1824 visit to the United States
Innovations that caused the market revolution
Innovations for commerce in 1st half of 19th century
Robert Fulton
Erie Canal
America’s First commercial railroad
Characteristics of American railroad system in 1st ½ of 19th century
Location of states that entered the Union in the 6 years following the War of 1812
Characteristics of western settlement
Contributions to the American acquisition of Florida from Spain
First industry to be shaped by the large factory system
Eli Whitney’s cotton gin, significance
Most important export from US by mid 19th century
Ways South was affected by westward movement
Ways market revolution changed western farming
Samuel Slater
Ways market revolution affected lives of artisans
First large scale American factory built in Massachusetts
Conditions that encouraged building of factories in 1840s
“American system of manufactures”
Ways market revolution changed the way Americans conceived of time
Characteristics of women who worked at the Lowell mills
Conditions at Lowell textile mills
Where the majority immigrants that entered the US between 1840 and 1860 were from
“German triangle”
Nativist beliefs
This increased the visibility and power of the Catholic Church in America in the mid 19th century
Characteristics of corporations
Gibbons v. Ogden
Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge
Responses to market revolution
John O’ Sullivan’s description of “manifest destiny”
Transcendentalist movement
Ralph Waldo Emerson, freedom
1st ½ of 19th century definition of individualism
Henry David Thoreau
Descriptions of the Second Great Awakening
Largest religious denomination in the US in the 1840s
John Jacob Astor
Official seals of New Jersey and Arkansas, identification of freedom
Richard Allen
Free blacks in the 1st ½ of the 19th century
Cult of domesticity
Role of white middle-class women in antebellum America
1829 book by Lydia Maria Child
Description of working conditions at Lowell
Noah Webster’s American Dictionary
Orestes Brownson, “The Laboring Classes”
Reason for New York’s commercial ascent
Place where American industrialization first took off
Concern regarding the effects of the market revolution
Significant trends in American thought during the market revolution
Key differences between traditional artisan production and the new factory system
Market economy characteristics
Effects of Embargo of 1807
1790 1st successful factory
Reason for Chicago’s growth between 1830 and 1860
“Slave coffles … became a common sight.” Define “coffles”
Early New England textile mills labor workers
Commonwealth v. Hunt
Women’s changing role in the context of the expansive and dynamic growth of the market economy
“Democracy in America”
This destroyed Henry David Thoreau’s commune with nature
Two states whose combined cotton cultivation showed the biggest increase between 1820 and 1840