499C0065 應英三乙 張家瑋
‧ LEVEL: grade10~12
‧ TEST TIME: 10 minutes
‧ITEMS: 10
‧PURPOSE: The purpose of the vocabulary test is to know if students are
familiar with new words which are used highly frequently in our daily
( ) 1. A: I’ve got an _______headache.
B: Seems to me you need a good rest.
(A) absorb(B) awful (C) actual (D) absent
( ) 2. Daniel made a profit from _______ in the stock market.
(A) settling (B) shaking (C) investing (D) investigating
( ) 3. Not knowing what the sales representative was trying to do, the
lady looked _______.
(A) prepared (B) bored (C) delighted (D) confused
( ) 4. Tom is_______ but easy to get along with.
(A) worried (B) serious (C) automatic (D) adequate
( ) 5. Doctor, I feel very _______ and sick.
(A) pleased (B) tiny (C) tight (D)dizzy
( ) 6. Computers are used in many other areas today.
(A) discourage (B) assistants (C) situations (D) tensions
( ) 7. The restaurant has superb business because it serves delicious and
healthy food.
(A) works(B) provides (C) forwards (D) strikes
( ) 8.She seemed to be out of her mind when we saw her. She yelling at
her little baby.
(A) calling (B) shivering (C) swallowing (D) shouting
( ) 9. Telling me that he had to take a train home in ten minutes, he
vanished into the street.
(A) disappeared (B) disappointed (C) deserved (D) ignored
( ) 10. Taking a one-week vacation in Paris is indeed an unforgettable
(A) a possible (B) a miserable (C) a capable (D) a memorable
This vocabulary test is not really hard; students can choose the correct
answer immediately. Although there is only 10 questions, I still separate
into two parts. One is giving the blank; the other is giving the similar
words. In my opinion, I think it’s also a good way to learn. Not only
know the single word but also when see the word students can connect
another word which has the same meaning.