Comment on food security beyond 2012

Comment on food security beyond 2012
Thanks for giving opportunity to discuss such a vital issue that world is facing even today.
Individuals of different ethnic and racial backgrounds often work different jobs, earn different
incomes, hold different levels of wealth, and live in different neighborhoods. Men and women are
clearly concentrated in different kinds of jobs and their earnings, a large number of people have no
job to do, and their likelihood of living in poverty differs. More generally, there are large and
growing differences in the social circumstances of the rich and poor, the educated and uneducated,
and one’s socioeconomic status is clearly affected by one’s race, ethnicity, gender and social class,
cultural and religious blind faith. This is the situation; the whole world is facing even today, despite,
end of poverty and hunger being the first millennium development goal.
The basic challenge is that a large number of people have no opportunity towards achieving food
and nutrition security where as some people are wasting foods, as they possess the same much
more than their need.
The remedy lies in foolproof and strong management and organizational framework. Having
association with a number of International Organizations and working in a backward area I feel, for
example, that countries like India which is one of the four biggest economy of the world in terms of
GDP, is facing the problem of population explosion, keeping its substantive population unemployed,
hungry, unhealthy, uneducated, victim of religious and cultural blind faith.
The political leaders are note taking strong corrective measures keeping eye on vote bank to
continue in power.
So time has come when U.N.O should be vested with top management and policy making status.
The following policy should be centrally decided:
a. Universalize Primary Education giving moral weight for making honest and conscious
citizen across the world.
b. Centralize assessment for the need for different categories of man power.
c. Educate and train them accordingly.
d. Optimize the population according to need at global level
This will make a way for global justice and equity if central authority is given teeth by framing
international law for the same and helping and directing the member countries. This will help the
regional politician to convince their voters the development agenda globally decided cannot be
altered locally. This will help, in long run, to solve problem of food and nutrition. Besides,
temporary measures like zero loss or waste of food, technology to grow maximum food production
should be adopted.