4-H Meeting Checklist

4-H Meeting Checklist
1. Did you discover one new idea?
2. Did you get to speak to the group during any part of a meeting?
3. Did you get to do anything with another person or persons during the meetings?
4. Did you have time to talk and play with your friends?
5. Did you feel good about yourself during the meetings?
6. Did you understand what took place during the business part of the meetings?
7. Were you involved in planning a meeting?
8. Did you learn anything you will practice at home?
9. Do you like to come to 4-H meetings?
10. Would you describe your meetings as: (circle one)
Dull Boring
11. Is there anything else you want to say?
June, 2009
[New logo June 2015]
The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
University of New Hampshire, U.S. Department of Agriculture and N.H. counties cooperating.