October 30 Dear Mr. Smith,

October 30
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am writing in response to your advertisement , placed on October 20th
on your Web site . Your company , HON HAI , was offering an entry-level
position as a systems engineer. I believe I am qualified for this job.
I just graduated this july , with a bachelor’s in Southern Taiwan University
of Technology . As you can see from my grades , I took my studies
seriously .
I am enclosing my resume and professional biography with this cover
letter . Please note that I have detailed my certificates as well as
education . I process the right skills to do this job . Furthermore, I am
ready to start and open to learn new things .
Should HON HAI find my qualifications meet its requirements , you can
reach me at either 0988-315-255 or q50603@yahoo.com.tw.
Sincerely ,
Professional biography