Class Observation NA4C0010

Class Observation
Teacher’s Name:
Day /Time:
Teaching Methods
吳重緯 NA4C0010
Dido ( A teacher at the cram school where I worked for.)
The teacher designed her own teaching materials according to “Let’s go.”
The students in this class:
1. are in the third to sixth grade.
2. have at least three-years experience in learning English.
The course starts every Monday and Thursday. (6:30 p.m. to 8: 30 p.m.)
The teaching techniques and approaches conducted in this class are:
1. based on student-centered.
2. teaching in both English and Chinese.
1. Warm up (Greeting)
2. Introduce today’s vocabulary by showing them flashcards and asking them
“What is it?”
3. Ask students to repeat after her several times to practice these new words.
4. Teach them “What do you have?” and “I have….”; then give examples by
using flashcards.
5. "接龍” …Let student say “I have ___” and then ask “What do you have?” to
another student one by one until everyone has finished.
6. Teach them “What does he/she have?” by calling a boy and a girl to stand
infront as samples.
7. Practice these sentences several times.
8. Play “peeping game” to check their understanding.
a. Divide students into three groups.
b. Each student from each team must come in front and hold the
flashcard in back of his/her back.
c. Each student from each team must try her/his best to see what is
behind his/her back. The group who win can get rewards.
9. Review today’s vocabulary and sentences again as ending.
1. The warm up is good so that the teacher successfully catches students’
attentions in the beginning of the class.
2. The teacher is kind, so students are not shown that they are afraid of joining
class activities.
3. The atmosphere is good so that students feel ease and are willing to raise their
hands to answer questions
4. The activity “接龍” is suitable for today’s lesson and everyone has the chance
to practice what they have learned in class.
1. The flashcards and posters should be designed more carefully in case they are
fallen during the process of teaching.
2. Game used to practice what have been taught is not only for fun. Therefore,
the game “peeping” cannot totally practice today’s sentences and is less
connected with today’s topic.
3. Although Taiwanese teachers don’t have perfect accents like foreigners do,
teachers, at least, should not make grammar mistakes when explaining and
teaching to students.
(Ex.: I can “got”…. or I have (missing) book. )
After observing this class, I think giving “correct information” to our students is very important.
During the class, the teacher kept saying “I can got……” or “ I divide you guys with three team“to her
As we know, students are easy influenced and immersed by their teacher no matter on speaking,
listening, reading and writing.
In other words, students only know how to absorb what we gave to them
because they don’t have enough abilities to judge which ones are good for them and others are not.
Therefore, as teachers, we should be very careful in case giving them inappropriate information. Besides,
playing games during the class is undoubtedly a good way to increase students’ learning motivation and to
make the contents easy to learn as well. However, we must keep “Do not play games in order to play.” in
mind. That means the game we select should be meaningful, and has to be closely related to our topics.
We should focus on teaching and learning, but not playing. For me, these experiences are very precious
and I will keep them in my mind while teaching.