:Encouragement :

組員與分工:姚亭伶(翻譯+演員 Donna)
簡文炫(翻譯+演員 Paul)
李采芸(文書+演員 Shelly)
孫哲霖(翻譯+演員 Rick)
Narrator: ACE Supplies, a supplier of quality pens and pencils, has had a tough year,
and investors are not happy. The company’s CEO, Paul Bradford, sees the
coming back-to-school season as their only hope. Today, Paul Bradford is
meeting with the company’s marketing director, Donna Benson.
Narrator: ACE Supplies,供應品質優良的鋼筆和鉛筆,正處於艱困的一年,導致
出資者都不愉快。這家公司的執行長,Paul Bradford,他明白開學季是
他們唯一的希望。今天,Paul Bradford 與公司的銷售主管 Donna Benson
Paul: I didn’t become CEO of this company to see us miss our targets.
Paul: 我成為公司的執行長並不是要來看我們公司錯過目標。
Paul: Donna, these charts from the finance department are not encouraging.
Paul: Donna,這些來自財政管理部門的報表並不樂觀。
Donna: I know. We’re falling far short of our revenue projections.
Paul: That’s right. And take a look at this chart. It shows our fourth-quarter results
compared to last year’s.
Paul: 沒錯,並且看著這些圖表。它顯示我們第四季結果與去年的比較。
Donna: that isn’t good. Revenues are down--down nearly twenty percent compared to
last year.
Donna: 這並不好。收支與去年相比較下滑了將近百分之二十。
Paul: I’m afraid so. And it gets worse. This chart shows investors’ expectations.
Paul: 是的。甚至變得更糟糕。這張圖顯示了投資者的期望。
Donna: They expect a ten percent increase. We’ll never be able to make that.
Paul: Have some faith! Where there’s a will, there’s a way, right?
Paul:有信心點! 有志者事竟成,對吧?
Donna: With back-to-school season around the corner we might be able to drum up
more orders. But, there just wouldn’t be enough time to get supplies in,
processed, and shipped.
Paul: Don’t worry about logistics; focus on selling. You’ve come through for me in
the past. Don’t let me down.
Donna: Your pep talk’s encouraging, but it’s simply impossible at this stage of the ball
game. We’ll have to take the hit this quarter and make it up next quarter.
Donna: 你的話很鼓舞人,但就現在情況來看已經不可能了。我們這一季度虧損
Paul: I hate to burst your bubble, but if we don’t make it happen this quarter, you and
I may not be around for the next one.
Paul: 我很不想讓你的美夢破滅,不過如果我們這一季度沒法完成目標,你跟我
Donna: Well, since you put it that way, I’ll try my best.
Paul: Don’t just try; make it happen!
Thinking outside the box(另類思考)
Narrator: Later, Donna meets with Shelly Franks, the sales manager.
Narrator:之後,Donna 與銷售經理 Shelly 會面。
Donna: Shelly, this is our new sales quota for the month.
Donna: Shelly,這是我們這個月新的銷售指標。
Shelly: You can’t be serious. We can’t make that many sales. You know we’ve been
facing incredibly stiff competition recently.
Donna: Shelly, true brilliance is finding ways to reach difficult goals.
Donna: Shelly,真正有才能的人是尋找方法來達成困難的目標。
Shelly: What about impossible goals?
Shelly: 難以應付的目標怎麼樣?
Donna: The greater the achievement, the greater the reward – not to mention your
Donna: 非凡的成就,龐大的利益—何況你的獎金
Shelly: I could use a big bonus as much as the next guy, but how can we increase our
sales by that much?
Shelly: 我跟任何人一樣能使用一筆獎金,但是我們要如何增加如此多的銷售?
Donna: Well, let’s think outside the box. What can we offer that no one could refuse?
Shelly: Well, back-to-school time. We could… we could undercut our competition,
start selling in other regions, hire another sales rep firm…
Donna: Now you’re on to something. Now get out there and make it happen!
Shelly: (Determined) Perhaps I can find a way. Yes, I am going to move mountains.
Donna: (Thinking) I am good.
Donna: (思考)我不錯
Employee rewards(員工獎勵)
Narrator: It's nearly the end of the quarter. Donna meets with Shelly and members of
her team to reward them for meeting their sales quota.
Narrator: 差不多是一季的末端。Donna 跟 Shelly 與她的團隊成員舉行會議,以
Donna: Congratulation!We got the final order we needed to meet our target.
Donna:恭喜! 我們得到了達到業績的最後一筆訂單。
Rick: Sure, but now comes the hard part.
Rick: 當然,但現在輪到最困難的部份。
Donna: What's wrong? We're sure to get nice bonuses for meeting our quarterly sales
Rick: True, but we don't have the staff to get everything packed and shipped. The
building is bursting at the seams with product.
Rick: 沒錯,但我們沒有人員包裝和運送所有東西。大樓已被產品塞滿了。
Shelly: Then we have to rally to get everyone's complete support. We'll have to work
overtime tonight and this weekend.
Shelly: 我們從今晚起,這個週末必須加班。然後我們必須團結且得到每個人完
Rick: The staff certainly isn't going to like that!It isn't fair that we work so hard just
so the shareholders can get rich.
Rick: 工作人員一定是不喜歡!讓這些股東能致富,對辛苦工作的我們是不公平
Shelly: The Company has always cared about all of us. You have to admit that it's a
good place to work and we're well rewarded when we go above and beyond
the call of duty.
Shelly: 公司總是關心我們所有人。你不得不承認這是一個好的工作場所,當提
Donna: If we meet shareholder's expectations, ACE Supplies will be strong and our
jobs will be secure.
Donna:如果我們滿足股東的期望,ACE Supplies 將會強大,並且我們的工作將會
Shelly: And we'll receive a quarterly bonus if quotas are met.
Rick: That's what we want -- to feel that we are benefiting from our hard work.
Rick: 這是我們想要的,覺得我們是由努力工作中獲利。
Shelly: Yeah? Well, the board has recently approved an employee Stock-purchase plan.
This will be your company.
Shelly: 是嗎?那麼,董事會最近批准一些員工購買股票的計畫。這將是你的公司。
Rick: Now you're talking my language. Let's get to work!
Rick: 現在你終於懂我的意思。讓我們開始工作!