Document 15702739

Name __________________________________
Date ________
Period _____
Bellringers Term 1 Week 5
Focus: Clauses (Independent and dependent)
Monday, September 7th—Labor Day; no school, you lucky duckies!
Tuesday, September 8th
Independent Clause
An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a
complete thought.
Example 1 (The subject and verb are underlined.)
I enjoy sitting by the fireplace and reading.
Example 2 (The subject and verb are underlined.)
Waiting to have my car’s oil changed is boring.
Underline the subject and circle the verb.
1. She wants to travel the world and see wonderful sights.
2. Our planets revolve around the sun.
3. The professor always comes to class fully prepared.
4. Hurricanes strengthen over warm waters.
Review from last week- Place parentheses around the prepositional phrase. Locate the
independent clause by underlining the subject and circling the verb.
5. The book on the table in the English classroom is Barbara's book.
Wednesday, September 9th
Dependent Clause
1. A dependent clause is a group of words that does not express a complete thought.
Example 1 (The dependent clause is underlined.)
When the president arrives, take a picture.
Example 2 (The dependent clause is underlined.)
I will have to walk because I can’t wait for the bus.
Underline the dependent clause.
1. He jumped in front of the bus as if he knew what was going to happen.
2. He can do better than his sister can
3. If you work on Sundays, do your homework on Saturday.
4. Until the sun sets, you may play outside.
5. Enjoy the weather while flowers continue to bloom.
Thursday, September 10th
1. On the lines provided, add independent clauses to the following dependent clauses.
Example: after we left the pizza parlor
We went to a movie after we left the pizza parlor.
a. when I graduate from high school_________________________________________________
b. whose sweater was lost__________________________________________________________
2. On the lines provided, add dependent clauses to the following independent clauses.
Example: Ask her for that book. When you call Jane, ask her for that book.
a. We won first place.________________________________________________________
b. I will never forget you.____________________________________________________
Friday, September 11th
1. Compose 2 examples of independent clauses (identify the subject and the verb).
a. ___________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. Compose 2 examples of dependent clauses.
Now, it is time for you to look and see if you can find examples of these phrases in the passages
we have read so far this school year. Refer to your student packets.
Example of an independent clause_____________________________________________________________
Passage ___________________________________________
Example of a dependent clause______________________________________________________________
Passage __________________________________________