Sexuality Name:_________________________ Please read the two articles entitled, “Pornography Addiction Can Lead...

Please read the two articles entitled, “Pornography Addiction Can Lead to Violence Against Women”
and “Pornography Is Not Addictive and Does Not Lead to Violence Against Women”, and answer the
following questions.
1. What experience have you personally had with pornography or the effect of it on others around you?
(Optional question)
2. What arguments does each article use to support their position? How do they support their
Pornography Addiction Can Lead to Violence Against Women
Pornography Is Not Addictive and Does Not Lead to Violence Against Women
3. What questions would you ask yourself in response to statements made in these articles?
4. What is the difference between art and pornography?
Please note this class may present images of erotic art, nudity and pornography. If you do not feel
comfortable observing this, you may email me your completed response before (not after) class.
5. From a Sociological point of view, it is interesting to note that I feel the need to give the above
exception, but would not feel the need to do so if we were considering murder, and dead bodies which
are shown on nationwide prime time news broadcasts. These same broadcasts cannot show even one
female breast, but can show both male breasts on the news. Please explain these feelings and FCC
regulations from a Sociological viewpoint, using Sociological terms we have previously used.